Home » DAILY UPDATE: 1,468 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (223 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 18 More Than Yesterday (1,207 Recovered)

DAILY UPDATE: 1,468 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (223 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 18 More Than Yesterday (1,207 Recovered)


Contra Costa is now reporting 1,468 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the county, which is 18 more than yesterday.

1,207 people in Contra Costa County with COVID-19 have fully recovered.

There have been 38 coronavirus-related deaths in Contra Costa.


Currently, the county has 223 active cases of COVID-19.

Below is a city-by-city breakdown of coronavirus cases for Contra Costa County:


RELATED STORY FROM SUNDAY: 1,450 Confirmed Cases Of Coronavirus (217 Active Cases) In Contra Costa County – 24 More Than Yesterday (1,196 Recovered)


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Fearless prediction: these confirmed cases will go through the roof due to all of these protest. Instead of gathering people should really think about others. Of course this me first society will continue to self destruct. Here’s an idea post on social media, write your congress representatives, put up a sign on your structure or lawn, shout your ideas anywhere. Stop spreading covd and use your brains!

@ Jackofall……..

The homeless never practiced any protective measures and they are fine even though they are malnourished and “at risk.”

I think you have a better chance of getting killed by walking down the street in Oakland than you do from the mother of all viruses.

Let’s focus on the real problems and quit making new ones.

I agree. I think the message has been registered. The Minneapolis response is still too slow, and they need to get better and quicker at that. But pretty soon, this response from the public needs to move to new venues and CONTINUE. Note: I wish those demonstrators with guns a few weeks ago would have listened to this kind of request.

The current thinking on transmission is is that it needs 15 or more minutes of close and sustained contact with a contagious person in an indoor environment. Your chances of getting infected are close to zero when outdoors or when there is incidental contact when indoors.

Keep in mind that at present about one in every 3000 people in the county is contagious. A chance meeting with someone is unlikely to result in transmission. Even if you have an indoor party of 300 people the odds are still well in your favor that it will not result in an outbreak.

If there are spikes in the numbers it’ll be from “protesters” carpooling to the areas they are targeting. I suspect few of them are from Contra Costa county and so the spikes will be recorded elsewhere.

OMG Jack we’re all gonna die !

@ Jackofalltrades – honestly feel that this fear train has been ridden into the ground and it’s off the next flavor…I am betting that there will not be a spike in new cases and I hope that I am right, we certainly would not want a spike.

38 deaths out of what, a million in the county? Of those 38, 90% are from nursing homes… and I’m supposed to worry about this?

1,468 confirmed cases (CCC) with 38 deaths = 2.59% death rate.


You’re calculation is “sort of” right; “of those who became infected with the COVID virus, only 2.59% died”. Of all if CoCo County, only .02% of residents died from COVID. SO WHY DID THEY LOCK DOWN ALL 1,200,000 OF US? LET ME OUT!!!



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