Home » Claycord Online Museum – TG&Y in Concord, Walnut Creek

Claycord Online Museum – TG&Y in Concord, Walnut Creek



Here’s an ad from TG&Y in 1975.

TG&Y was located on Clayton Rd. in Concord (TJ Maxx shopping center in the old Beverly’s building), and also in Walnut Creek, in the Ygnacio Plaza Shopping Center.

At its peak, TG&Y had more than 900 stores in 29 states.


If you always wondered what the letters TG&Y stand for, it was named for its three founders: Rawdon Tomlinson, Enoch Gosselin, and Raymond Young.

Always remember, the best buy is at TG&Y.

ABOUT THE CLAYCORD ONLINE MUSEUM: The Claycord Online Museum is made up of historical photos, documents & anything else that has to do with the history of our area.

If you have any old photos or items that you’d like to place in the Claycord Online Museum, just scan or take a photo of them, and send them to the following address: news@claycord.com. It doesn’t matter what it is, even if it’s just an old photo of your house, a scan of an old advertisement or an artifact that you’d like us to see, send it in and we’ll put it online!


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The key question: How are “The Recent wed Wayne Harders” doing today, 46 years later??
Some Claycord reader must know them or know of them.

I was wondering the same thing…..

So that’s where she went !…….. 46 years later and this is how I find out… ?
Oh the humanity!
What other cruel fate awaits me?
And now the epiphany, now…. I see it all…. Harder!….. it was him all the time!
Skulking around behind my back and stole her away from me.
I’ll spend the rest of my life torturing myself over what might have been.
Alas Jellyfinger… you played the hand Lady Luck dealt you…. and you lost!
Goodbye God! I’m going to Bodie… or maybe Vegas.

Funny how companies could provide good value and realize a fair profit selling mostly US-made goods in the past, but they cannot today. What’s changed?

Maybe it’s simply greed.

Look at those prices!
Well, I was very young then and for 2- bucks I could buy a lot!
Now $100 doesn’t even go as far it seems.

That was my 1st hourly job. I met my wife there…celebrated 30 years in August!

Which site? I had some good friends that worked the WC store in 80-82.

Grew up on Wilson near Bailey in th ’70s. My friends and I used to walk up to TG&Y barefoot in the summertime to buy candy and look through the 45’s. Then we’d walk over to Thrifty to play pinball and get a 5 cent ice cream cone. Those were the days.

Payless, TG & Y, and Alpha Beta there in Concord if I remember correctly.

Yes things have certainly changed. Back then, all a woman needed to be happy was a special gift of a poly pants suit.



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