The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it. The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think rent control is a good or bad thing?
I think the government should keep their nose out of the business of all law-abiding citizens.
Furthermore, I think discrimination should not be illegal, a landlord should be allowed to rent to whoever they choose.
Decades ago in another state I received notice of a 20% hike in rent. So did all of the other tenants, We were required to give a 30 day notice if we wanted to move elsewhere. This made it difficult to move before the rent hike. I left the area so I don’t know how many other people stayed.
March 24, 2025 - 12:43 PM 12:43 PM
Very bad for both tenants and landlords.
It’s making it very harder for anyone to find a place to rent
Rent control sucks.
Are we capitalists or socialists?
Will a lack of available rentals force people who can only afford to rent (lower income) to move elsewhere?
Is having less low income people living locally a bad thing?
Are we obligated to provide low income housing? Why?
Shouldn’t we let the market decide where people can afford to live?
Why should the owners have to comply with so many regulations, are they forcing people to rent their properties?
March 24, 2025 - 12:58 PM 12:58 PM
Horrible. The beginning of the end for Concord housing. They think they have a slumlord problem now? Just wait until the landlords can’t afford to fix the properties or get market rates. Rental properties will either disappear or be even further neglected.
Either way, I’m selling and investing elsewhere. If the local government can change the economics to merely virtue signal how “caring” they are, then Concord becomes an investment with too much risk. Just as the stock market relies on some level of certainty, and uncertainty drives it down, the same applies to real estate ownership. I’ll convert my rentals into mutual funds and forget about Concord entirely.
March 24, 2025 - 1:17 PM 1:17 PM
Explain to me how rent control will help Meadow Lane and the surrounding neighborhood? Too many cars and people in the housing.
March 24, 2025 - 1:20 PM 1:20 PM
Rules and regulations already exist. What are these local controls trying to solve?
To make officials look like “big heroes” for the stupid people so they can get re-elected or appointed.
March 24, 2025 - 2:38 PM 2:38 PM
Keep government out of our business. Landlords need to make enough to cover their mortgage, taxes and insurance, on top of property maintenance. Government should not control rents. They don’t pay the landlords bills. Maybe stop out of the country investors (I.e, China) from buying rental property would help.
Part of the problem with rent control is that if landlords are only allowed to raise the rent, say, 3 percent a year, tenants are likely to see an automatic 3 percent increase every year, where they may have previously gone years without any. It might not have the outcome renters are hoping for.
March 24, 2025 - 3:26 PM 3:26 PM
I rented out a few houses in this area in nice neighborhoods and applied rent price accordingly higher than most and if prospective renters didn’t like I told them get lost go rent elsewhere and advised rent would go up 10-15% per year and again don’t like that verbage get lost. 2 years went buy and 1 tennent refused to pay increase said he had rights, all his rights got forced out in 30 days and even though he went to the city and a bunch of other institutions to complain about his rights he was still out in 30 days. He got all of his stuff out cuz I told him if he did it it would be going to the dump the next day. Sometimes you just got to stick it in people’s rear they don’t want to cooperate even though they signed a contract.
In my case I applied the 10-20% estimate knowing my homeowners insurance would go up 10-20% the next 2 years and it did 12% first year 19% 2nd year. Gotta cover your butt with rent increases and nobody was gonna yell me I couldn’t raise it up to 20% if need be. Judge took my side and guy was out. Sold the house after and done with rental bulls***.
Fu** rent control!
Dr. Jellyfinger
March 24, 2025 - 5:15 PM 5:15 PM
Rent Control?
What is this… Russia?
Atticus Thraxx
March 24, 2025 - 6:56 PM 6:56 PM
In this scenario am I
the renter or the rentee?
Perspective is everything. $
Jay Roller
March 24, 2025 - 9:50 PM 9:50 PM
It’s anti American!
No Excuses
March 25, 2025 - 12:14 AM 12:14 AM
I think not being able to make change for a $20 without the help of a machine, while making $20 bucks an hour flipping burgers is a crime.
Oh, wait, that wasn’t the question.
I think the City should fix the dang roads and stay out of people’s enterprise business.
If you can’t afford to live in Concord…you need to get a job flipping burgers someplace else.
March 25, 2025 - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
I don’t think there should be rent control. If all the illegals were removed. there would be plenty of inexpensive housing. People would be able to purchase homes.
corporations that make money for shareholders should not be in residential real estate.
March 25, 2025 - 6:14 PM 6:14 PM
Rent Control is good if you want to turn your town into a slum that is simultaneously hard for newcomers to move to. By restricting rents you make it unprofitable to improve or even maintain apartments and you slowly convert your town into a slum AND you make it hard for new people to move in since people don’t want to give up their super cheap rent. Let landlords make a reasonable rate of return and allow them to build more or denser apartments and you’ll get nicer, more affordable housing in the long term at the cost of a little short term pain.
March 26, 2025 - 2:39 PM 2:39 PM
Rent control is just going to drive out those that rent … rental property will be converted to townhomes or torn down to build single family residences
March 27, 2025 - 9:57 AM 9:57 AM
I don’t have to think, I studied economics and rent control has been proven time and time again, to hurt renters and landlords over the long run.
I think the government should keep their nose out of the business of all law-abiding citizens.
Furthermore, I think discrimination should not be illegal, a landlord should be allowed to rent to whoever they choose.
I whole-heartedly agree.
The City Council does not work for the good of the people, the citizens of Concord.
Rent control only proves that fact once again.
Decades ago in another state I received notice of a 20% hike in rent. So did all of the other tenants, We were required to give a 30 day notice if we wanted to move elsewhere. This made it difficult to move before the rent hike. I left the area so I don’t know how many other people stayed.
Very bad for both tenants and landlords.
It’s making it very harder for anyone to find a place to rent
Rent control sucks.
Are we capitalists or socialists?
Will a lack of available rentals force people who can only afford to rent (lower income) to move elsewhere?
Is having less low income people living locally a bad thing?
Are we obligated to provide low income housing? Why?
Shouldn’t we let the market decide where people can afford to live?
Why should the owners have to comply with so many regulations, are they forcing people to rent their properties?
Horrible. The beginning of the end for Concord housing. They think they have a slumlord problem now? Just wait until the landlords can’t afford to fix the properties or get market rates. Rental properties will either disappear or be even further neglected.
Either way, I’m selling and investing elsewhere. If the local government can change the economics to merely virtue signal how “caring” they are, then Concord becomes an investment with too much risk. Just as the stock market relies on some level of certainty, and uncertainty drives it down, the same applies to real estate ownership. I’ll convert my rentals into mutual funds and forget about Concord entirely.
Explain to me how rent control will help Meadow Lane and the surrounding neighborhood? Too many cars and people in the housing.
Rules and regulations already exist. What are these local controls trying to solve?
To make officials look like “big heroes” for the stupid people so they can get re-elected or appointed.
Keep government out of our business. Landlords need to make enough to cover their mortgage, taxes and insurance, on top of property maintenance. Government should not control rents. They don’t pay the landlords bills. Maybe stop out of the country investors (I.e, China) from buying rental property would help.
Part of the problem with rent control is that if landlords are only allowed to raise the rent, say, 3 percent a year, tenants are likely to see an automatic 3 percent increase every year, where they may have previously gone years without any. It might not have the outcome renters are hoping for.
I rented out a few houses in this area in nice neighborhoods and applied rent price accordingly higher than most and if prospective renters didn’t like I told them get lost go rent elsewhere and advised rent would go up 10-15% per year and again don’t like that verbage get lost. 2 years went buy and 1 tennent refused to pay increase said he had rights, all his rights got forced out in 30 days and even though he went to the city and a bunch of other institutions to complain about his rights he was still out in 30 days. He got all of his stuff out cuz I told him if he did it it would be going to the dump the next day. Sometimes you just got to stick it in people’s rear they don’t want to cooperate even though they signed a contract.
In my case I applied the 10-20% estimate knowing my homeowners insurance would go up 10-20% the next 2 years and it did 12% first year 19% 2nd year. Gotta cover your butt with rent increases and nobody was gonna yell me I couldn’t raise it up to 20% if need be. Judge took my side and guy was out. Sold the house after and done with rental bulls***.
Fu** rent control!
Rent Control?
What is this… Russia?
In this scenario am I
the renter or the rentee?
Perspective is everything. $
It’s anti American!
I think not being able to make change for a $20 without the help of a machine, while making $20 bucks an hour flipping burgers is a crime.
Oh, wait, that wasn’t the question.
I think the City should fix the dang roads and stay out of people’s enterprise business.
If you can’t afford to live in Concord…you need to get a job flipping burgers someplace else.
I don’t think there should be rent control. If all the illegals were removed. there would be plenty of inexpensive housing. People would be able to purchase homes.
corporations that make money for shareholders should not be in residential real estate.
Rent Control is good if you want to turn your town into a slum that is simultaneously hard for newcomers to move to. By restricting rents you make it unprofitable to improve or even maintain apartments and you slowly convert your town into a slum AND you make it hard for new people to move in since people don’t want to give up their super cheap rent. Let landlords make a reasonable rate of return and allow them to build more or denser apartments and you’ll get nicer, more affordable housing in the long term at the cost of a little short term pain.
Rent control is just going to drive out those that rent … rental property will be converted to townhomes or torn down to build single family residences
I don’t have to think, I studied economics and rent control has been proven time and time again, to hurt renters and landlords over the long run.