The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it. The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you believe in the death penalty? If so – what method of execution do you think is the most humane?
Talk about it….
An eye for an eye…
You know, that did actually get superseded – Matthew 5:38.
As long as there is indisputable DNA evidence. And a death penalty should be carried out in less than 5 years.
100% don’t care about how humane it is. The murderer certainly didn’t give that a thought as they killed an innocent person
No. But I do believe in “eye for an eye”…
If it were an “eye for an eye” it would be the victim’s family carrying out the sentence.
It is not. It is the People of the State of California and it’s justice under the law.
Our installed officials only choose to enforce the laws they have an interest in.
Newsom, during his initial campaign claimed that he didn’t like the death penalty but would enforce it as a California law. Once elected, without apology, he decided not to.
If he had a financial incentive, he would.
Yes, I do, but our dictator who runs the state took it away because he does not believe in it.
Why does have to be humane?? if it’s a murder where the murderers humane to the victims???
A televised hanging by the neck until dead in the public square. It may not be the most humane, but it sends out a strong message to anybody who’s considering murder.
Firing squad is probably the quickest, and most humane. Three expert sharpshooters
aiming straight at the heart. South Carolina, for example, uses ammunition that is
designed to break apart on impact, insuring maximum damage to the heart. It’s fast
and gets the job done. It’s so fast that the condemned won’t even hear the gunshots.
Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound, and the condemned person will be dead
before the brain can process the sound.
@Dawg – Getting shot in the heart does not kill you instantly. You will be able to see, hear, and feel everything for about 30 seconds. I think the vision fades out first. This is why the doctor waits 15 minutes to half an hour after an execution procedure to then verify and certify that the prisoner is dead.
Hanging and the guillotine may be a second or two faster at killing you but have the added benefit in that you are likely instantly unconscious from the blow.
A heavy caliber bullet to the brain that blows it apart is likely the fastest death. The movie “The Fly” (1958) also shows an effective and fast method of death.
Thanks for your input, but I did not say it kills instantly. I said it’s fast and gets the
job done. Three bullets that are designed to break apart on impact will cause
enough damage to the heart that the blood flow to the brain will stop, resulting in near
instant unconsciousness followed by death. This does not mean that something cannot
go wrong, because not all executions by firing squad are perfect. But in a perfect execution, death can be instantaneous, and the condemned will not hear the gunshots.
The last hanging execution in Martinez accidentally became a decapitation.
That’s when they decided not to do those anymore.
Well, it was fast, and it got the job done.
Yes if there is irrefutable evidence for the convicted….. and for serious crimes of course. As we all know – voters approved the death penalty years ago for Cali and King Newscum again ignored the will of the voters and suppressed using it… and is dismantling prisons .. (San Quentin, etc.)
Yes I do. I don’t believe the appeals process should be last for 25-30 years. The bible says justice should be swift. I’m very disappointed in our governor for setting aside the death penalty overturning the will of the people. I’m still waiting for Richard Allen Davis to die for killing Polly Class 32 years ago. Lethal injection is the most humane method. It’s kinder. When the death penalty is reestablished, I hope we set up an express lane and clear up the back log.
Yes…..I am in favor of the use of Laser Beams much as Goldfinger started to use on James Bond…the humane part is that sometimes you might talk your way out of it , as 007 did….If the Supreme Court rules it “Cruel and Unusual” then we can have one of Musk’s companies develop a Phantom Zone Ray, much as was used on Krypton.
No. Death penalty doesn’t bring back the victims but brings more deaths (the perpetuators).
It guarantees the slayer will not “do it again”
That’s a direct quote from Steely Dan.
Yes especially for murderers, sexual assault criminals and anyone who commits crimes against children.
Do I believe it exists? Sure.
Is it a good idea?
I would check with Jesus first.
If he’s okay with it, who am I to object?