My wife and I felt the earthquake here in Martinez and thought it was pretty strong. A friend in Pleasant Hill said he didn’t notice it at all. Go figure…
I BARELY felt it downtown, west side of town. Nobody else in the house felt it. I had to go check USGS to see if I was trippin’!
Aunt Barbara
March 17, 2025 - 8:47 PM 8:47 PM
Quick jolt and a slight shake. Enough to pay attention
Atticus Thraxx
March 17, 2025 - 8:54 PM 8:54 PM
Sorry, that was me. It wasn’t a full blown black hole.
More of a disordered near-singularity.
I couldn’t afford actually infinite density.
And now PG&E is all pissed at me. 🤷 🕳️
Geez Atticus, as far as earthquake poems go, well the first line didn’t even rhyme with anything…. the rest was ok…Kinda Sheldon Cooperish… I had to look up all the words.
Critique this one:
Be calm & don’t shout
Don’t run all about
Just because Earth shakes beneath your feet!
You’re tougher than that
Just because you’re all fat
Does not mean that you’re easy to beat!
Stand steady and swear
Shake a fist in the air
“I ain’t scared of ya stupid earthquake”
And when it lasts longer
And then it gets stronger
You feel your calm starts to break….
But it suddenly stops
Your anxiety drops
Before coming here you heard friends warn ya
They tax all your bucks
Their government sucks
And land shakes & quakes in California!
March 18, 2025 - 5:50 AM 5:50 AM
I live by DVC near Chilpancingo Pkwy and did not feel anything.
Near DVC.
I was standing and didn’t feel it.
Wife was sitting and did feel it.
Ditto, …but I was standing, and Hubby was sitting, … Concord near CNWS.
It made the water cooler jug splash and do a little dance, … LOL!
I felt it in Antioch by black diamond mines. I told my daughter, ” I think I just felt the ground move”.
Now we’re up to seven quakes
My wife and I felt the earthquake here in Martinez and thought it was pretty strong. A friend in Pleasant Hill said he didn’t notice it at all. Go figure…
I BARELY felt it downtown, west side of town. Nobody else in the house felt it. I had to go check USGS to see if I was trippin’!
Quick jolt and a slight shake. Enough to pay attention
Sorry, that was me. It wasn’t a full blown black hole.
More of a disordered near-singularity.
I couldn’t afford actually infinite density.
And now PG&E is all pissed at me. 🤷 🕳️
Someone’s been smoking dope 😝
Geez Atticus, as far as earthquake poems go, well the first line didn’t even rhyme with anything…. the rest was ok…Kinda Sheldon Cooperish… I had to look up all the words.
Critique this one:
Be calm & don’t shout
Don’t run all about
Just because Earth shakes beneath your feet!
You’re tougher than that
Just because you’re all fat
Does not mean that you’re easy to beat!
Stand steady and swear
Shake a fist in the air
“I ain’t scared of ya stupid earthquake”
And when it lasts longer
And then it gets stronger
You feel your calm starts to break….
But it suddenly stops
Your anxiety drops
Before coming here you heard friends warn ya
They tax all your bucks
Their government sucks
And land shakes & quakes in California!
I live by DVC near Chilpancingo Pkwy and did not feel anything.
I felt it in North Concord.