Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) issued the following statement after the passage of the Republican funding bill (H.R. 1968) in the United States House of Representatives by a vote of 217-to-213.
“The Republicans’ partisan funding bill is a blank check to President Trump and Elon Musk so they can continue stealing from the American people by dismantling critical services that veterans, seniors, and families rely on in order to give even more tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations. I, along with my Democratic colleagues in the House, were ready and willing to support full-year government funding based upon the bipartisan compromise Republicans agreed to before walking away from the negotiating table. President Trump, Mr. Musk, and their followers in the House have once again chosen the interests of the ultrawealthy over middle-class Americans. I was proud to vote against this shameful betrayal.”
Markey, Markey, Markey — how are you still in office?
They are stealing from the American people wow. So, it’s just Trump and Elon doing all this, thanks for letting us know Mark.
I was just reading through Congressman DeSaulnier’s “accomplishments” for his time in office and it’s basically participating in investigations into Exxon and BP, making concussion reporting in high school more rigid and getting some funds for the John Muir house. Given his length of service, he sure hasn’t accomplished much. All talk and no action for his constituents.
His greatest accomplishment is planting his nose so far up Pelosi’s a$$ that his whole face should be brown.
Go take another knee, punk.
I’m sure Markey and the rest of the democrats never read the bill . It’s just more lies and B S from the useless democrat party.
I’m sure that you read the bill.
Such a colossal tool. Nothing but grandstanding.
Didn’t hear him blaberinbg when all the dems voted to keep dudes playing girls sports.
Or how proud he was of all the dems at Trumps speech holding up their little paddles.
I can’t imagine being so irrelevant as to just talk to myself like Marky does. Still clueless that America has killed the woke agenda.
Good riddance to the Democratic Party.
Were you ‘proud’ when you voted against the Laken Riley Act?
Do democrats still favor class warfare, . . .
wonder why?
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”
— H. L. Mencken
“CNN star commentator Van Jones launched into a blistering
diatribe against the Democrat party and says he can see why
its hemorrhaging voters.
Jones, a former Obama adviser let rip on CNN Newsroom Sunday
and couldn’t help but let out a laugh as he ran through his party’s recent struggles.
He warned the ‘Democrats don’t know what to do,’ due to discord
within the party. He then framed the situation ‘as a nightmare’ worsened
by its loss of the House of Representatives to the Republican party.
‘Look, man, we’re screwed,’ ”
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace
alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”
— H. L. Mencken
How can you say this with a straight face when this tactic has literally been written into a number or right-wing, Christian Nationalist planning documents for DECADES. Wowzers.
In other words…..waste, afraid and theft are his policies
Can you name one, just one specific service that has been cut.
Have you forgotten the days when you were a progressive Republican, who was a social liberal/progressive and a fiscal conservative? If you were still that progressive Republican you know good and well that you would’ve voted along with your fellow Republicans. If your fellow Democrats were in the majority and voting on a Continuing Resolution so that a president of your Democratic Party could move forward on their
sHaMeFuL BeTrAyAl 🙄 California is one of the worst states in the country to live in because of shmucks like you
When Biden was in office: “I Was Proud To Vote for This Shameful Betrayal”
Have you forgotten the days when you were a progressive Republican, who was a social liberal/progressive and a fiscal conservative? If you were still that progressive Republican you know good and well that you would’ve voted along with your fellow Republicans. If your fellow Democrats were in the majority and voting on a Continuing Resolution so that a President of your Democratic Party could move forward on their agenda, you know that you would’ve gone along and voted with your party. Your fake outrage at the House Republicans is typical of your behavior at everything the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, House Republicans, Senate Republicans, and President Trump do. When you decided to be a part of “the resistance” to the Trump Administration, to boycott President Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress, you made it clear that you had no desire to work with House Republicans or President Trump, so you shouldn’t be claiming outrage at the House Republicans passing this Continuing Resolution, with the help of one Democrat. You’re outraged at Republicans because they’re acting just like you and your fellow Democrats when they held the House, Senate, and Presidency. Why don’t you decide to do the job you were elected to do, and work with the House majority, Senate majority, and the Trump Administration that the American people voted for.
shut up, Mark. Not as proud as I was to vote against you.
Out of the mouth of a clown cored in by more clowns. Mark the HH bridge is eating for you to do a dive.
Blah, blah, blah…towing the party line. Yawn. Try thinking for yourself one time.
For once I agree with him.
How many times did he vote for the “Agenda,” following the Biden “Masters” orders? That was a Betrayal of the citizens.
This bill wasn’t really about funding the government.
Its aim was to strip Congress of its Constitutional authority over federal spending and hand it to the executive branch. Trump and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency would gain control over spending without needing congressional approval. If this passes, the legislative branch gives up one of its core constitutional powers and we’re even further on our way to all the power of the 3 branches of government being in the hands of a single person.
That NOT what our nation was founded on.
People who say they love our country but support his actions don’t understand the meaning of Democracy, where 3 equally powerful branches of government balance each other out so no one branch controls everything.
A revolution was fought to get away from that system.
Why do so many people want to go back to it, just because the guy isn’t British?
If he can control all spending, how long before all the programs YOU or YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS rely on suddenly have no money and no services to offer?
Already, in red states, republican voters are getting so angry about this that their lawmakers have been advised to stop holding town halls. Maybe we need to take a lesson from them.
It may look great when the government is going after undocumented people, but it’s cutting programs farmers rely on too. Not so great for California, but we may not feel it until the grocery shelves start looking like the egg shelves do now.
You like standing in line to buy bread or fruit and vegetables? Or get there too late to get any at all?
Cool story, bro!
Did you make all that up yourself, or are you just repeating someone else’s lies?
Congress began to cede their powers to the Executive Branch 80 years ago, beginning with the Administrative Procedures Act. Don’t act like this is something new and beginning just now, when this has also occurred under the last 14 presidents. Do you understand that when Congress put bans on pork barrel spending and earmarks in the past, that Congress gave the power to the Executive Branch to decide what federal money should be spent on?
Wait, I thought billionaires didn’t pay any taxes. How are they going to get tax cuts?
Mark says the bill is a blank check to Trump and Musk to steal from Americans by
dismantling services so they can enrich billionaires and corporations, but he failed to
explain how, and I suspect it’s because he doesn’t have a clue how.
The bill, HR 1968, extends programs that are about to expire, programs like Medicaid,
and Medicare. It extends the national flood insurance program, the Dept of Homeland
Security and the Cybersecurity Protection System. There are also some welfare programs
like SNAP that are being protected. The bill authorizes the DEA to place Fentanyl in
Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. There’s more, but I don’t have the time
to list them all. If people would pay attention to real news, and not the fake news,
they will have a better understanding of what’s happening in government.
What I have posted here is from the website.
useless rep, and he is all ours. ugh. I struggle to believe people actually vote for him.
“shameful betrayal”? “stealing from the American people”?
Mark, you’re a LIAR!
I don’t care…. go ahead, have me escorted offline!
Censure me! I want you to!
The number of Democratic clowns in the system is absolutely unbelievable. Trump wins the election and the circus clowns are everywhere. It’s no longer drain the swamp for Trump and his administration, now its drain the circus tents of all the clowns, oh and the media has all their own clowns as well.