Fire Hazard Severity Zones- Presentation and Public Comment – Join Fire Marshal Chris Bachman for a presentation on the updated Local Responsibility Area maps with an opportunity to provide public comment before the maps are adopted by Contra Costa Fire.
In Person: April 1, 2025, 6-7:00pm, 1025 Escobar St., Martinez
Or join online – Passcode: 993223
The public comment period is open now and available at:
I won’t be able to attend but would like the following addressed by CCC Fire or CalFire….. when an area has recently been cited as a High hazard area, and the eucalyptus and non-native trees causing the rating is owned by the city – what is being done to bring the city into a safety and non-hazard compliance? In the winter when the grounds are saturated – the tall eucalyptus trees fall over and present a safety hazard as well. Other cities and counties in the area are removing even healthy eucalyptus and non-native trees to lessen the hazards – why not CCC? ie, Walnut Creek