The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you still get door-to-door solicitors? If so – who knocks on your door the most?
Talk about it.
They are pretty rare but it happens.
Yes ……mostly solar sellers and bug exterminators
Yes. And 99% of them are solar-related.
I remember years ago getting those magazine subscription people at my house. I said go away and shut my door.
Only con men selling solar…. and very infrequently.
a couple times a month, we get the solar peddlers. I used to be meh when if I say “Not interested” they ask why. Now, after many years of this, I just stopped myself from responding with some fairly salty language. I just close the door, before the profanity escapes.
On occasion… typically it’s a home improvement company allegedly doing work in the neighborhood and doing “cold knocks” to see if we also need work.
It’s a lie.
But I already have my shpeel scripted to get rid of them.
Small bore target, tight grouping above the doorbell . . . . . . .
just kidding
A few. As others have said, mostly Solar and Pest control. My No Soliciting sign isn’t working. I’m still getting pests.
Yes, some company or companies doing home repairs every once in a while, but mostly solicitors trying to sell solar. I get quite a few phone calls from solar solicitors, too. I have two “NO SOLICITING” signs at my front door, which they just ignore. These solicitors never seem to have the required City of Concord issued permits, either.
Ever since I installed the trap door, rotating knives, and drainage system….no.
After the second restraining order, I don’t even answer the door anymore.
On the advice of counsel.
I haven’t seen the Fuller Brush Man in quite awhile.