Home » The Water Cooler – What Was Your Favorite Store/Restaurant During Your Childhood?

The Water Cooler – What Was Your Favorite Store/Restaurant During Your Childhood?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What was your favorite store/restaurant during your childhood?


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The elephant bar


Straw hat pizza


New Mecca Cafe


Concord: 4-Corners Pizza
Walnut Creek: Copper Broiler (where Marriotts is)

Copper Broiler!
Now there is a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
In high school, once in a while we could afford to go for a cheeseburger. They were fairly priced, but we were starving students.
Great parking also, filled with muscle cars…….

Childhood? The counter at Woolworth’s! In just about every city in the Country, and virtually in every city and town I lived in~~and there were several.
Grilled Cheese, potato chips and a fountain Coke= 50 cents!
If I took a ‘pass’ on the local Saturday Matinee, the other half of my dollar bought a big slice of cheesecake.
😋~~~it was a very long time ago.


Any dirt bike or sporting goods shop ….. back then a Mel’s – everything was awesome (more recently Scott’s Seafood, was there the day they opened and ordered take-out their last day – during covid, no inhouse seating)

Cece Oles.


Childhood nothing stands out over another. Teens? Grocery outlet pleasant hill was a treasure trove for amazing cheaper than believable food, like 3 for a dollar full size candy bars and $1.99 high quality frozen chicken tenders. The chinese restaurant Sun Sun Garden just a few doors down was so great too.


I Loved the old Pizzahut in Virginia Hills, they had a great arcade and the deepdish pizza was unreal

Why Beede’s of course … followed by Woolworths and Longs and Top Notch. Anyone who grew up in Concord in the 50s 60s misses all four of these stores.

My favorite restaurant was the Nut Bowl on N. Main in Walnut Creek and its other location in Pleasant Hill, where the Black Angus used to be. Favorite store: Capwells in Walnut Creek where Macys is.

Barneys and Jolly Burger where you could get 4 hamburgers for $1.00

Store – Wigwam. Not located here but up in WA. The jingle “Your dollar buy more at the Wigwam store…Wigwam”
Restaurant – Freddie’s Pizza in Lafayette of course

Donut World, Simons, Thrifty Ice Cream.

The Cafa. Mom and Pop candy store and hamburger joint. It was located on treat and Plumbleigh I think. They had a Juke Box, served beer and sodas, grilled foods. Had a candy counter. Had a gravel parking lot. The owners lived in the back.

Riggs Toy Town in El Monte part of Concord; El Sombrero Mexican restaurant in Pittsburg – think it was on Railroad Avenue, not far from the Santa Fe train station.

Bob’s Big Boy on treat where huckleberry’s now occupies. Or the Old Chuck E Cheese in the willow’s



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