Home » Congressman DeSaulnier Named Top Democrat On House Ethics Committee

Congressman DeSaulnier Named Top Democrat On House Ethics Committee


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) announced that he has been appointed to serve as the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Ethics for the 119th Congress by Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

“I am honored to be named Ranking Member of the House Ethics Committee and grateful to Leader Jeffries for the opportunity to lead this body in our work to increase accountability, transparency, and integrity throughout Congress,” said Congressman DeSaulnier. “As a public servant, I have been shaped by my experience as the son of a superior court judge accused of unethical behavior – which has motivated me to dedicate myself to restoring the public’s trust in Congress. I look forward to bringing this experience and ethos to my leadership on the Committee.”

The House Committee on Ethics is unique among all House committees in that it is a bipartisan committee consisting of 10 Members, five from each of the two national political parties and Chaired by a Member from whichever party is in the majority in the House. The Ethics Committee has three main functions: answering questions and providing ethics training to House Members, officers, and employees; investigating and adjudicating any alleged violations of the House rules or any related statutes by House Members, officers, or employees; and reviewing financial disclosure statements filed by Members, candidates, senior staff, and shared staff. Congressman DeSaulnier has served on the House Ethics Committee since 2023.

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Accountability. Transparency. Integrity.
These are words that describe Doge, not Congress. Yet Mark wants us to resist the very people who are exposing the waste that is so prevalent in DC. Have the politicians adhered to these principles? Not when we are now finding out how badly they have mismanaged their duty to spend our money prudently. Not when we see the proof and hear the testimony about how Biden’s White House demanded the censorship of millions. Not when the government demands that we inject ourselves with unproven vaccines that don’t work as advertised. Not when duly sworn toadies tell us things like “The border is secure” or “Crime is going down, not up” or “Inflation is transitory”. Not when the regime tells us that men can menstruate and things like math and asphalt are racist. The list is endless.
If you want to “dedicate myself to restoring the public’s trust in Congress”, then put your TDS aside and work with the administration instead of just fighting Trump just because he’s Trump.
Nobody is buying what Nancy and Hakeem are selling, Mark. We understand that your promotion in the Ethics Committee is a reward for years of toeing the Dem line and being a reliable mouthpiece for the left.
Accountability, transparency, and integrity go out the window when you sell your soul.


100% True!
It’s so ironic that Mark would be appointed to such a position when he’s fighting the transparency trying to happen right now.
Next they’ll be appointing Nancy Pelosi to be head of the ‘clear thinking’ commission.


Congress and Ethics = Oxymoron


A politician with ethics?
The only reason anyone gets into politics is to feather their nests.
Being a leading party member on a committee only means Mark has done what he’s been told.


Meaningless post. The rumors we have all heard about the what-would-be-considered-unethical activities by the average American from our elected “representatives” that have been hidden makes this particular office absurd. Even events/activities not hidden, everything schiff did as a rep for example, that were completely unethical, with no consequences. I am unaware of any unethical activities by mark, he may be a poor representative, a pelosi soldier, but that in and of itself is not unethical, so we’ll see. Curious why jeffries selected mark and not dullard ocasio-cortez, wasn’t she fighting for that role? I suspect nothing more than the same old same old DOGE is unethical, President Trump is colluding with Russia (right out of the gate, me suspects). Gaetz ain’t there anymore, so they need a new target.


Well, . . . .
this should be entertaining


The majority keeps re-electing this empty suit. I’ve always voted against him. I don’t trust any demo-rats anymore.


Let’s investigate markie to see how rich he got on the government teet.


Anytime a local representative is placed in a leadership position, Republican or Democrat, it is a good thing for our community.


I am with a MDUSD Teacher thumbs up for MDUSD Teacher. My mother is very very highly devoted to education both of my parents had a job with the California Youth Authority before they all got shut down


I would agree with you statement, after it is amended.

Anytime a qualified, honest, person of integrity local representative is placed in a leaderhip position …. A warm body does not make it good for us. A warm body that does nothing of value (see Marky/Newscum/others) can cause harm for our community.


Agreed. I have had the privilege of meeting with DeSaulnier 4 times over the years. I have found him open to disagreement; he will tell you exactly why he votes the way he does.


When presented with facts of the issue and he disagrees, the most I’ve ever heard was “let’s agree to disagree” and REFUSED to give any more details. When pressed further, he REFUSED to respond.

nope – worthless POS. And to put him on any ethics committee is laughable.

….well gag me …. more of Newscum’s cronies patting each other on the back … sad 🙁


Are you sure they meant “ranking”?
Perhaps a misspelling.


I was going to comment, but the Professor sad it so well, there’s nothing I can add.


Thanks for the kind words, Dawg. I just wish the downvoters would grow a pair and explain what they disagree with. I can only assume that they have indefensible positions and/or lack the ability to state their cases clearly.


Friends around the country have told me how fortunate I am to have him represent this area. Now more people will benefit from and know about his practice of reaching across the aisle for the good of our country


have you been sleeping for 10 years?
name anything good for Americans that he’s ever done.


Please cite some examples of such practices.

Linda Inman-Hoffert,
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier is a big nobody in Congress! How is it that your friends from around the country know anything about him?

And I’m sure you can name your friends’ representatives without looking them up, right?

“Reaching across the aisle?”

That has NEVER been DeSaulnier’s mode of operation. NEVER!

So go ahead and list your “friends” who are telling you how “lucky” you are; please also list their political persuasion.

Frankly, I call BS. The only ones praising him are the hard core lefties.

The House Ethics Committee is the one committee that NO House member wants to be on. It’s obvious that Congressman Mark DeSaulnier only accepted this position because it was his only opportunity to be the Minority Ranking Committee Member.


Wow so the man that wanted to close the concord airport so a friend of his could develop it, is going to be leading the ethics committee. Way to go Dems.


He won’t be leading the committee. He’s just the ranking member of the minority.

I was going to say the blind leading the blind but this is the headless leading the headless.


If this is the best theyve got,how embarrasing.They are truly finished but for the shouting.
Bye bye!!!


And how will that help make life better for hard working honest law abiding tax paying responsible citizens?

Now that’s just plain funny. Ha ha and otherwise.

Poll question,
‘Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?’
Disapprove 77%
Approve 17%
How many members have refused to cooperate with Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) investigations?
Will the congressman actively go after members of congress for violating the STOCK ACT?
’78 members of Congress have violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts-of-interest’
What is congressman’s position on prohibiting members of congress from owning stocks?
Would he support a bill such as,
‘Gillibrand, Hawley Introduce Landmark Bill To Ban Stock Trading And Ownership By Congress, Executive Branch Officials And Their Families’
Congressman DeSaulnier, surprise us, hold members of congress accountable.
OR would that have a detrimental consequences when democrat party gets around to handing out money for the reelection campaign.

Interesting that 77% disapprove of Congress’s actions…yet 80 to 90 percent get re-elected.

What this means is that everyone thinks Congress as a whole does a poor job….except for their own legislators.

Until people wake up, we’ll continue to see this.



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