The City of Concord’s $61,704 fence that was built in 2011 that surrounds the completely empty property on Galindo between Clayton Road & Concord Boulevard took another hit this week during a vehicle collision. It’s been up for 14 years, and has probably been hit at least once a month since 2011. It’s being “repaired” again today. The City has probably paid another $60K just to repair it in the past 14 years.
Why is there a fence there? It’s a complete waste of money. The people running into should pay to repair it.
But they would need to deduct money from peoples welfare checks to cover it,are you alright with getting less?
Why don’t they just put a big cement wall or something like boulders that can withstand impact. They aren’t learning from the lessons, as it keeps repeating.
Slow Learning Curve from the Government…That’s a surprise…
Nothing wrong with the fence, fix the issue with the traffic which is making the problem.
Legendary fence plans of 2016.
It’s the 21st century spirit poles