The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Did you know? Certain trees throughout cities in Contra Costa County are “protected,” and require permits to be cut down, even if the tree is on private property.
QUESTION: Do you think any city should be able to tell a homeowner what trees they can and cannot cut down on their own property?
Talk about it….
many years ago, the fine was cheaper than the permit, IF you were caught. Do with that info what you will.
I never knew there was such a restriction. I wonder why.
More unnecessary interference from the government.
If a municipality will not allow you to remove a tree from your own property, they should take all responsibility for any damage, loss of homeowners insurance
Yes and have it trimmed for you
Neighbors found that out with the neighbor’s oak tree towering over their house. Trees come before people I guess as well as common sense.
In all fairness that oak tree was there long before the house.
No! You have to fight like hell to get them down in Walnut Creek, even if it’s a danger to your life. Their excuse is… If we do it for you we will have to do it for everyone. They would rather knit sweaters for the Oaks. Dim, Dem, Dum City Council and it’s not changing anytime soon
But in WC … they’ll clear stands of oaks hundreds of years old to make a buck from developers
I had a neighbor with some trees, nice healthy birch.
He bought a used chainsaw at a garage sale because it was so cheap
got it running
and within a year he had no trees
Then he sold the chainsaw at a garage sale
and I wondered what the hell was that all about
I don’t know, it was alive last year . . . .
My tree, My choice!!
I know this won’t happen but I’d like to see the reverse – cities would require residents approval for cutting down heritage oaks, etc. before clear cutting for developers.