Home » The Water Cooler – Should Politicians Be Held Responsible For Their Decisions And/Or Lack Of Decisions Leading Up To Deadly Wildfires?

The Water Cooler – Should Politicians Be Held Responsible For Their Decisions And/Or Lack Of Decisions Leading Up To Deadly Wildfires?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you think politicians should be held responsible (prosecuted) for the decisions they make and/or fail to make leading up to deadly wildfires?


Talk about it….

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If that were the case His Imperial Majesty, Emperor newsom
would already be incarcerated.
‘Gavin Newsom Whining About Trump As Homes Burn Behind Him Perfectly Captures Dem Incompetence’
‘Los Angeles mayor slashed fire budget last year, prioritized homeless population’
‘Prepare to Be Shocked: Los Angeles’ Fire Chief Is a
DEI-Obsessed ‘LGBTQ’ Woman Who Wasted Millions’
‘The Anti-American Agendas of California’s Democrats Catching Up’
What you need to realize, democrats have a supermajority in
state legislature and can pass whatever law they want.
Thing about CA democrat politicians,


In California we absolutely must hold our politicians accountable! Vote them out!
The super majority democrat are really running the state into the ground! Their liberal social and criminal experimentation is goneafar enough and has clearly failed..
It will never admit it though they will only ask for more money and more permission to push it even further hoping it suddenly works out. I think there’s a real mental illness there!


including Governors that call pilots and have them
stop protecting homes and focus on a vineyard


Of course! Novel idea – holding so called “leaders” responsible! We get fired from our jobs if we don’t perform responsibly


Yes. Let’s held the politicians who don’t support climate change initiatives accountable.


You clueless troll.


Humans are going to completely control the fluctuations of weather and weather cycles, that have occurred over the approximately 4 billions years of earth’s existence.
Someone just needs to give up go back to prime time TV and propaganda pushing self serving politicians.

The way to hold them accountable is to vote them out of office. This incompetence, grift, and institutional rot will continue in this state until the voters decide to end it.

We saw the electorate glance in that general direction by passing Prop 36. Now they need to start walking that way, right in to the voting booth to end the one-party rule that is strangling this state.

Gentle reminder:
Voting is rigged!!


They should be held responsible if they were aware of the fire danger and chose not
to do anything about it. When Trump was president, he warned Newsom this would
happen. Trump told him he should clean up the forest of the dry vegetation and divert
the runoff from the rain and snowmelt into the reservoirs. Gavin didn’t listen to him,
Gavin only listens to that little narcissistic voice in his little head, and now the fire dept
doesn’t have enough water to fight the fire.
This should be a wake-up call for the liberals living in the LA area, they are getting
exactly what they voted for. Liberal policies ruin peoples lives.


Yes. Gavin Newsom needs to step down. He is too ignorant to be in charge of California.
We have had enough of his stupid mistakes.!.


It’s spelt N-E-W-S-C-U-M
By the way, where did the nickname originate from, and how long ago? I’m curious.

quite honestly I think the EPA should be held responsible for any fire that is considered wild fire. They are the ones that are hindering the fire safety and precautions procedures we had in place before they became the entity they are. We never had this problem before when we were allowed to do preventative burns and clearings.




Perhaps. But alot of these wildfires are not natural. Instead alot of them are really arson. As soon as the weather forecast high winds, These people to right to work. Some of them are working for the climate change cult. Others are working for entities that want to take the property. Very evil!


Just an observation from over here in Non-California land … Every time I see CA in the news these days it just keeps getting worse … I will stop asking “is this the last stop down for the elevator for CA to finally wake up?” …. It’s almost as if the leadership over the past 30~40 years in CA are all collectively stating “Hold my beer, one more floor down!”
This is very sad. I was born and raised in CA. My parents took my on road trips up and down the entire state when growing up and I got to see some really cool things in CA. I have a lot of great memories growing up in CA. I had to leave because those days were gone and didn’t appear to be coming back anytime soon. Now this. Fires happen, yes .. but they were NEVER like this year after year after year when I was growing up. We had a house that backed up to the open space. It seemed to me that back then you could always see firebreaks in the tall grass and in the surrounding hills near the homes. They used to let the cows graze on those lands to naturally keep the dry grass low. Over the years the cows were removed and the fire breaks were fewer and fewer and seemed about non-existent when I left. I won’t even bother to ask what Newscum has planned (or not planned) for tomorrow … I seem to be tempting him and his cronie buddies to go even lower each time.
Good luck over there in CA. I know there are still many good people there. But dammit you gotta start voting this crap out! Until then, nothing will change …. nothing ….


Two years ago, the LA fire department was donating equipment to Ukraine. American First. Always.


Departments donate old equipment that been used and is mostly worn out, that has been replaced with new better working more reliable equipment.
been there. Done that.


What kind of question is this? Of course they SHOULD be held responsible. This world has really gone backwards if anyone thinks this is questionable


Only if it affects the life of the uberllionaires. If it affects the lives of any average person who can’t afford to buy any politicians’ will then it is all right.
Look at how differently the news coverage about the Palisades Fire is compared to when the Paradise fires happened, not even Jimmy Carter’s funeral has taken the spotlight away from it (despite anyone’s opinion about JC).
Pay attention now at how celebrities and other millionaires are starting to turn against the same politicians they so much support; i,e. Gavin Newscum. And, to how the affected celebrities and other millionaires are going to think differently about liberal policies now that they are being directly affected, though not by much.
Stay tuned.


Absolutely YES!!!



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