Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – October 11, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – October 11, 2024


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The right-wing message to young men: Lift weights, eat red meat, go to church, read books, make money, build meaningful relationships.
The left-wing message: Your masculinity is toxic and you should be ashamed of who you are.
Now they wonder why Kamala might be struggling to win male voters.


400+ 5th Amendment Pleadings
3500 lawsuits
91 Criminal Charges
26 Sexual Assault Allegations
6 Bankruptcies
5 Draft Deferments
88 Indictments
2 Impeachments
2 Convicted Companies
1 Fake University Shut Down
1 Fake Charity Shut Down
$25 Million Fraud Settlement
$5 Million Sexual Abuse Verdict
$2 Million Fake Charity Abuse Judgment
$93 Million Sexual Abuse Judgements
$400+ Million Fraud Judgment
Convicted of 34 felony counts
Rambles about sharks, car batteries and Hannibal Lector
Elon Musks lap dog
Full on brain dead verbal diarrhea glitches daily
Zero understanding of what tariffs actually do to the economy
Going to jail after the orange blob gets destroyed in November!!!!


“The Democrats want the government to prohibit people from spreading “disinformation” that they don’t like.”
the Aspen Beat, [ liberals you have been warned ]
First Amendment and democrat politicians,
His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom,
Here’s the thing about many democrats, as demonstrated above, they don’t give a rectal portion of a rat about law or Rights, it’s about forcing what they want to happen. In this case it was about threatening Doctors into staying silent about covid and vaccines.
Disregarding First Amendment
‘Gov. Newsom Signs Bill to Censor CA Doctors Accused of ‘Spreading COVID Misinformation’ ‘
“Attorneys say AB 2098 is unconstitutional, violation of 1st Amendment”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/5uv5evuk
February 2023
“A federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction halting the enforcement of Assembly Bill 2098, the patently unconstitutional California law that requires the Medical Board of California to investigate and possibly suspend physicians who say anything about COVID-19 to their patients that departs from the “contemporary scientific consensus.”
The law is being challenged by five California physicians represented by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonprofit civil rights group. They’re suing on the grounds that the law is a violation of their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, which obviously it is.”
20 September 2024
“An American politician infringed free speech because he couldn’t take a joke.
Newsom worked with sponsors of AB 2839 to make it more censorial by stripping out the exception for parody and satire.”
3 October 2024
‘That Was Fast: Federal Judge Humiliates Power-Hungry Gavin Newsom, Slaps Injunction on Anti-Parody Law’
‘John Kerry Derides First Amendment as Major Roadblock to Government Being Able to “Hammer” Dissent “Out of Existence” ‘…
“The referees we used to have to determine what’s a fact and what isn’t a fact, it kind of, you know, been eviscerated to a certain degree…”


Looking at this guy (I could say kid, but that would be ageist) Myles Burks. Making promises newbies to politics do. His strong point is, he lost his father and took over the business. That puts him ahead of Pablo, who lost me with his “diversity.is celebrated” (I am tired of celebrating what used to be defined as mental illness/dysfunction). Edi has not done a horrible job, and he is a nice enough NY guy, but I like to see changes, maybe without an NY attitude built in. Matthew Dashner has provided no info (that I found), all I can tell is that he is in construction (roofing, I would guess). Aside from the meth heads in the intersections, the garbage on the trails, the shuttering businesses, and housing being built crammed on top of each other, Concord is a nice city.

Berkeley and Oakland based political activists are trying to remake Concord into their image and likeness with the full support of some city council members, including Edi Birsan. 

As a result, Concord now has the most severe and punitive rental control ordinance in the state, including single family homes, and Concord city council may soon re-zone dozens of active commercial/retail parcels to high-density apartments. Doctors offices, dentist offices, local restaurants, and valued businesses like Clayton Valley Bowl, In-Shape Fitness, CVS, and others could be bull-dozed in order to build high density housing. 

Edi Birsan and Pablo Benavente are both advocates for these kinds of changes in Concord. Although Pablo’s campaign website offers few specifics, he has the endorsement of all the progressive groups and the powerful Contra Costa DCC, which is out every Saturday campaigning for him.

Myles Burks is the only candidate offering a moderate, common sense alternative. Myles has Concord roots (a graduate of Concord High School!) and is a small business owner who will fight to help Concord always be a city where families can flourish, roads are repaired, our streets are safe, and our local retail and recreational businesses are preserved. 

Myles Burks is the best choice for Concord City Council District 4 this year. Mayor Edi Birsan has become a career politician who is using Concord as nothing but a stepping stone to higher office, we saw this with his failed 2022 run for Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors. He’s already been on the Concord City Council for 12 years, do you want him to have for 4 more years? Pablo Benevente is even more progressive than Mayor Edi Birsan and he’s praising Concord’s Measure V, which doubled and made permanent the 0.5% and temporary Measure Q sales tax increase to a 1.0% and permanent sales tax increase. He’s praising that Concord residents are being gouged out of an extra $30 million a year. Matthew Dashner participated in the candidate forum provided in the link below.
Concord City Council District 4 Candidate Forum
Concord City Council District 2 Candidate Forum



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