Home » The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Experienced A Natural Disaster? (Besides An Earthquake)

The Water Cooler – Have You Ever Experienced A Natural Disaster? (Besides An Earthquake)


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Besides an Earthquake, have you ever experienced a natural disaster? If so – when, where and what was it?

Talk about it….

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Years ago I lived in Portland, Oregon for about a year and a half.
One day, the wind was blowing at 72 MPH and knocked down
the cherry tree that was in the backyard.
That little incident put an end to our homemade cherry pies.


Yes, two times that come to mind. When husband was transfered to North Carolina for the A-6 Lines @ Cherry Point Department of Defense. Alameda Naval Air Station had Closed.

First, hurricane/tropical storm while we lived on the Beach Rental. It was horrible, the winds the sounds we had to evacuate. Then, Hurricane Bertha. I had to fly the childen back to our home in Caifornia and fly back to my husband as our home had been damaged, our home we had for a year near Cherry Point. The flooding was devestating, but he described the sound to me. Why I’m very surprised Asheville has been so devestated by Helene. It’s hard to see watching it now, but we were all safe then thank God and on our Way to Dept of Treasury in Denver. Nothing like these poor souls are experiencing now.

In our U-Haul driving thru Texas we were in a Diner and a Tornado siren went off. Steve said, lets go. We did and we beat it. Very frightening, hail, loudest thunder I’d ever heard.



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