Home » The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report

The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report



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  • 5400 Clayton Rd. Trespass: Injure Property; Possess Controlled Substance; Possess Unlawful Paraphernalia. A 25-year-old transient male was arrested after being contacted by officers. He was transported to Martinez Detention Facility for booking. (09/26/24 – 2206 hrs.)
  • 5400 Clayton Rd. Warrant. A 24-year-old Antioch male was arrested after being stopped for Vehicle Code violations. He was transported to Martinez Detention Facility for booking. (09/26/24 – 2359 hrs.)


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How many times was the male transient arrested for same in Claycord? Many I’m sure 🙁

In order for ‘the system’ to focus attention on actions of an individual, crime usually has to rise the the level of Felony. The democrats running this state began all this back in 2011 with passage of AB-109. Which sent many convicted felons back to counties they came from. Super majority democrats in state legislature decided to FORCE prison overcrowding down onto all 58 counties. First ones on busses back to county were high cost inmates with chronic medical conditions requiring expensive care. Next were inmates with handicaps.
One little thing they slipped into AB-109, prior to the law any felony sentence over a year and a day wes served in state prison, that is no longer the case. There are convicted felons with multi year sentences incarcerated in county jails.
As usual their knee jerk law bore fruit, democrats panicked when county jails had to release high numbers of convicted misdemeanor criminals after they served mere fractions of their sentences. Some times only hours between sentencing and release. Prop 47 with it’s deceptive title has made it very difficult for Police to charge a Felony. $950 theft limit, making possession of drugs for personal use only a misdemeanor.
We are living in the results of shallow thinking democrat politicians who, repeatedly try to fix a previous not thought out knee jerk move with yet another band aid knee jerk fix.
Aren’t citizens of California fed up being experimented on by incompetent democrat politicians using taxpayer dollars to do it ? ? ? ?
Want crime to go down and safety of your children to improve ? ? ?




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