Home » DeSaulnier Announces $166 Million For Contra Costa Transportation Authority

DeSaulnier Announces $166 Million For Contra Costa Transportation Authority


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) will receive over $166 million in funding that he says will help to improve safety, reduce congestion, and reduce air pollution along the I-680 corridor through Contra Costa County. This funding was made possible through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

“As a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and longtime champion for policies that would reduce commute times, cut harmful pollution, and improve our quality of life, I was proud to advocate for this funding and am delighted it has been granted and will begin making a difference in the lives of Bay Area and California residents,” said Congressman Mark DeSaulnier. “I am thankful to CCTA and DOT for their partnership in working to improve transportation across our region.”

This funding will go to two projects in Contra Costa County to complete the northbound I-680 express lane gap from SR-24 to SR-242 and convert the existing northbound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane from SR-242 to north of Arthur Road into an express lane, construct a braided ramp system between North Main Street and Treat Boulevard interchanges in Walnut Creek to address an existing bottleneck caused by weaving at this location, and implement Coordinated Adaptive Ramp Metering for a 19-mile segment of NB I-680.

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Good job in securing these funds, Congressman DeSaulnier! You won’t get much (if any) appreciation in this forum, but many of us in your district appreciate your good work. Our entire region will benefit from this.

Also kudos to the Biden/Harris administration. These funds wouldn’t be possible if not for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, one of the greatest achievements of the current administration.


You must have really low standards for you to think that this is one of the greatest achievements of this administration!

Personally I think how they have further divided this country, drove prices through the stratosphere, lied to cover up a feeble old man, all rank higher in their achievements.


The greatest achievement of the Biden/Harris administration is restoring the United States’ standing among world leaders after it was severely diminished by the incompetent Trump foreign policy. Emblematic is the NATO coalition that Biden/Harris were able to coalesce upon the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Right wing propaganda channels (Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc.) ignore, obfuscate and lie about this fact. Awaiting regurgitation of their talking points. One, two, three…Go!



Thank you for the laugh!

I travel regularly and work with people all over the world. Trump is brash, but Biden/harris are a bigger laughing stock and have failed this county.

Outsiders to the United Statws ask how we let a mumbling bumbling fool lead this country and how anyone can afford to live here while we pay for every other countries issues.


It’s the growth of the ‘I want the government to be my mommy’ population members, and the dumbing down of the country.


OK. I think I get it now. You are putting us on and it’s an attempt by you to create comedy.
’Bidens’ greatest achievement’ That’s hilarious!


Speaking of Trump’s foreign policy, I remember when
North Korea was launching missiles over Japan, and
after talking with Kim Jong-un, they stopped. I also
remember when ISIS was chopping off the heads
of Americans, and it was Trump that destroyed the
ISIS caliphate. Towards the end of his term in office,
Trump was also negotiating peace in the Middle East.
Not bad for an incompetent foreign policy.
What’s Biden’s foreign policy? Let’s give $ billions to
Iran and Ukraine to fight never ending wars.


The government doesn’t even have the ability competently run a sidewalk lemonade stand.
Their track record speaks for itself, and some.
You’ve been duped again, Concord Guy.


He doesnt care,he only knows what he’s been told to think”orange man bad,ignore everything else”

Noting all of the Republican members of congress who voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill, then take credit for it when Infrastructure Law projects in their districts are rolled out.


It’s the government spending money they don’t have, plain and simple.


See Mark spend, spend Mark spend


We taxpayers are paying for this! It’s our money! But, I guess we should be happy that at least it’s coming back in our direction this time.


Thank you, sir.


In the first place there should be hov lanes around here, they deny others use that paid for the lanes through taxes for everybody to use…. Second – I’m sure he didn’t do a thing in getting the funding, just wanting to get his name involved for publicity


Edit – Should not be hov lanes


So basically this is to make more toll lanes and thus restrict traffic even further, it will not make traffic any better but worse. Typical Desaulnier.


So express lanes? The kind you have to pay to use? Or HOV/carpool lanes? Those really only help the rich. Some new bottlenecks fixed OK, but since our national debt is now $35 TRILLION dollars we’ll never be able to pay that off we’ll default on the debt and then what? Issue a new currency? One that is completely devalued? I’m fairly old so I won’t be as impacted but more kids and grandkids are screwed. So are yours.


I don’t know about you, but me thinks that making mass transit (County Connection) run more often and being able to connect to other transit agencies would help. I don’t think the express bus to San Ramon is still a thing.We need to start modeling our public transportation system after European countries. No shenanigans are allowed in any European public transportation systems.


100%. The express bus to San Ramon is still a thing, but it’s less frequent now (as are most CCCTA services) & only run during peak weekday travel periods.

Seems excessive.


Guantanamo Mark, Guantanamo!


someone tell him Calif is broke..kay?


These are federal funds, that bring more money and jobs to California. I particularly appreciate the work done by Contra Costa Transportation Authority to bring these federal funds here. Also, the new autonomous shuttles (particularly the one in Martinez) is a super cool idea. I can now take the shuttle from my work to downtown for lunch, love it!


someone tell him Calif is broke..kay?

$166,000,000 for 19 miles of road in CCC. How many other county transportation entities also got north of $160,000,000 from this bill? You know, 10 additional counties would be $16 billion. This keeps going up and you start talking real money. Unfortunately for we producers/taxpayers, the bill that provided such largesse was for $1.2 trillion (that is $1,200,000,000,000, so many zeros it no longer is relatable). Good thing this country does not have significant debt.

FWIW, seems the state gets about $44.5 billion from this. Lotta money getting spread around this state, and I bet a very small percentage might actually go toward infrastructure. Many happy insiders getting access to this monopoly money.


Well now, it is an election year.

They’ll burn through that money like Kamala goes through staff.
And when it’s gone, they’ll have zero ability to tell us how or where it was spent.



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