Home » California Sues Exxon Over Global Plastics Pollution

California Sues Exxon Over Global Plastics Pollution


California is targeting ExxonMobil’s plastics recycling programs, claiming the oil giant is deliberately deceiving the public into purchasing single-use plastic products that can’t be recycled.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Monday that the state has filed a lawsuit that describes Exxon’s advanced recycling program as a sham.

“For decades, ExxonMobil, one of the most powerful companies in the world, falsely promoted all plastic as recyclable, when in fact the vast majority of plastic products are not and likely cannot be recycled, either technically or economically,” Bonta said in a statement.

The attorney general has two press conferences planned Monday: a virtual appearance at 11 a.m. with Bay Area environmental groups and a 1 p.m. event along the waterfront in Burlingame.


As of late Monday morning, ExxonMobil has not issued a statement or responded to requests for comment about the lawsuit.
The company is the world’s largest producer of polymers used to make single-use plastics, Bonta’s office maintains, and the materials are molded by other companies into single-use plastic.

“Plastics are everywhere, from the deepest parts of our oceans, the highest peaks on earth, and even in our bodies, causing irreversible damage–in ways known and unknown–to our environment and potentially our health,” Bonta said.

A complaint filed in San Francisco County Superior Court alleges ExxonMobil has issued misleading statements for decades and issued “slick marketing promising that recycling would address the ever-increasing amount of plastic waste ExxonMobil produces.”

The lawsuit aims to compel Exxon to end its plastics marketing program, maintaining that it threatens the environment and the public.


Bonta is calling for civil penalties and for Exxon to use its plastics profits to pay into an abatement fund.

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Another Gouging of deep pockets by California.
Another in long line of power trips by democrats running this state.
Essence of the intelligence of democrat politicians running this state,

How about We The People send them a message by
voting them out of office


Wait…the government is admitting that recycling is a scam? What’s next, Will they admit that fluoride in the water is toxic? LED lighting is actually harmful? Electric cars pollute more than gas?

If CA wins this lawsuit, will we be able to sue CA for making us pay for a deposit for plastic products?

It could be argued that the government is complicit as well. Most people took the FDA markings – three concentric arrows on the bottom of the bottle – to mean that the plastic is recyclable. That’s not what it means at all.


Greasy and Team trying to extort $$$ to make up for the Billions in lost revenue from decent companies that are leaving this filthy, crumbling, criminal enterprise State the Democrats have created. Suing one of the Country’s oldest, dependable companies, and pretending self-innocence.

Hey, Greasy… did you know you could practically wipe out Ohio by suing all the “Rubber” companies for converting what used to be nearly all rubber to now using only about 30% or less actual rubber~~the rest is one form of PLASTIC or another (all huge fossil fuel users). Start with the Housewife’s favorite, Rubbermaid. They should call themselves “Indestructable Plastic.Maid …. Then sink the 20+ tire manufacturers in Ohio~~ Goodyear, Goodrich, Michelin, Cooper…….. All those shredded 70% plastic tires strewn all down the highway….

Problem is… Greasy has zero ideas on how to fix ANY of the problems… All he and “his” know how to do is increase their voting base by robbing from the working-man to increase corrupt government expansion and control ~ without one single improvement of the initial problem. He and “his” are just swirling floaters… you know what I mean.


Lets back up here for just a second, did we pay recycling fee when we bought those containers? Are we gonna get that money back ? ? ? . . . Ya me neither.
If problem has been going on for years, when did democrats know it
and where are all those plastic containers ? ? ?
Next question, which higher office, . . . .

MY, My, my, . . . . . . appears he wants to be governor of California.
Hmm, . . . . how to get free TV face time and name recognition ? ? ? ?
Reminds me of moonbeam when he was attorney general . . . .
Seem to recall CoCo county DA had put significant time and resources into building a slam dunk case against a gang that had put credit card skimmers on gas station pumps. If memory serves it was an election year and months before the election moonbeam’s office swoops in taking case away from CoCo county DA, using day glow excuse crimes were committed in other counties also and that made it his case.
Impeccable timing, ya right.
Believe there were many press releases from attorney general’s office that election an numerous fly-by TV photo OPs, in short HOURS of free TV face time along with name recognition.
So another CA attorney general bringing a high profile case against, a big bad company is no surprise. Buying TV advertising can be expensive and a law suit saves money to spend on other things campaign related.
If there was a problem should not, non elected paperclip warriors in charge of overseeing CA recycling have noticed the problem ? ? ? Were the just sitting in their offices waiting for “reports” to come in ? ?
After all, to see how incompetent they are look what California has become.



Another media grab by Bonta and Newscum….. next will be a tax on plastic and then paper bags because Newscum signed legislation making plastic bags illegal in 2026….. why would he make it effective so far out? Campaign contributions maybe?


You cant recycle empty plastic oil bottles no matter who makes them.Exxon must have the most money though,and best lawyers,Ca wastes money on zero outcome,again,to pander.


Yea CA piss off Exxon and see how they react to that and screw you big time.


How did those bottles get to the bottom of the ocean or to the highest peaks? Exxon didn’t put them there. Exxon is being penalized for the behavior of lazy litterbugs.


Question, are other plastics manufacturers being sued
or is it only Exxon ? ? ?
Could it be Exxon is being spanked for contributing
more to republicans than democrat candidates ? ? ?
At least when it comes to members of congress Exxon has
long history of giving much more to republicans . . . . .

Page down a few times until you reach,

Average Contributions to Members of Congress, 1990-2024Rather obvious Exxon did the unspeakable, by
giving more to republicans so democrats have nothing to lose.
Your average short attention span California voter
doesn’t have enough ambition to do research.
Vindictive is raised to an art form by democrats
they’ve had so much practice at it.



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