Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Sep.13, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Sep.13, 2024


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Cowellian’s first.
Our dog has had her pill.

of relevance (and probably interest) to nobody, but a fair amount of wine (a whole bottle of TJs ruby port) is leading me to introduce the following topic: I am now unable to count off the days (months/years more appropriate) to my retirement as it has made my wife anxious, since she would retire after me.\, but darn it, except for the age, I am d#%m ready. I know a few of my fellow Claycordians, who I enjoy reading posts from, are, and let me state for the WGA* record, I am jealous as all get out. I have literally been spending the last several months seeing if I could afford to.


The Prodigal Thraxx returns.

Consciousness is probably not a computational process. Maybe. Took me all summer to get there.

My favorite Miles Davis work is titled ‘Willie Nelson’. Your mileage will likely vary: https://youtu.be/3fI8c-E7zrw?si=aphJVd2fXMDB83ro

Sure, there’s probably a buncha ways to skin a cat. But if I catch you, I’m taking one of your thumbs.

Mets, if the season ended today, have a wild card spot. And they beat the scurvy Phillies tonight so I’m grinnin’.

I primarily do substation automation for a living. Got really good at it in maybe the last 10-12 years. I’d prefer to play with puppies and kittens every day after a morning at the range, but no one will pay me for any of that. White privilege my a$$.

9X18 Makarov is a bigger bullet than a 9×18 Parabellum, but the case is shorter. In case that comes up on Jeopardy or something.

I bet I could kick Clint Eastwood’s a$$ now. Probably.

Speaking of old, you guys seen Cher lately? Looks 35 at most. Creeping me out.

Made me spit expensive scotch: https://www.amazon.com/Gagster-Kamala-Harris-Toilet-Paper/dp/B08R6TMHRF

In the interest of equal time/crimes: ah I don’t care. There’s no end to Trump toilet paper sites. Weirdos.

You guys ever listen to a Roger Penrose lecture? It’ll make your brain bleed. Here’s a short blast. Staggers me, the intellect on this cat. https://youtu.be/YnXUuyfPK2A?si=Tfbcveb9diA0s4DO

Haven’t owned anything in the AR platform for probably 18 years. Not bragging, but think of the ammo I’ve saved.

Here’s a tip, when you make a homemade burrito, right before you wrap it up, a thin line of honey right along it’s length. Trust me.

If you were gloves when you shoot, I’ll still be polite and helpful as is required by the shooters code, but I’ll never respect you. Same with recoil pads in your jacket, suck it up buttercup.

I don’t care what anyone says, I love the Olympics, especially when the US kicks butt, which is often. As long as the cheatin-a$$ Russians are tested frequently and ruthlessly as is clearly needed.

When I counted last night I came up with 18 humans in orbit around our planet, a record I think.

Also, as far as we know, Mars is still the only plant in the universe entirely habitated by robots.

Prince od’d in an elevator in his mansion. Makes me sad and laugh at the same time. I may die in an elevator, but I probably won’t own it.

I think it should be mandatory that all billionaires visit the Titanic in a super sketchy submarine. As many times as it takes.

A priest and a rabbi, who are old friends, are talking late at night. The priest says, “Tell me, have you ever eaten ham? Be honest.”
The rabbi looks embarrassed and says, “Well, actually, once, years ago, at university, I got curious about the ham sandwiches that my classmates ate, they looked so good, and I had one. But tell me, old friend, since we’re talking, did you ever, you know, with a girl…?”
The priest looks down and says “Well, before I was ordained, I got curious about it, and I… er .. well, there was this…” He tails off and doesn’t finish. There is a long pause.
Then the rabbi says, “It’s better than ham, isn’t it?”

The speed of light is the only truly useful constant in the universe. Maybe the only constant. No, that’s not true. Low blood sugar.

I haven’t been to Concord in a long time. Did you guys ever fix your roads? How about the CNWS? That hasn’t crossed my mind in forever. But why would it?
I don’t know, I still like Concord. Raised a family there. Can’t be mad at that.


The new way Claycord is difficult to read. All washed out.
Hard to see.
Hard to read as words are cut in the middle if sentence.
Is anyone else having this problem too?


Yea it looks like sh**.



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