Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Have Any Yearly Traditions? What Are They?

The Water Cooler – Do You Have Any Yearly Traditions? What Are They?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Besides during the holidays, do you have any yearly traditions (going out after the first day of school, going on vacation to a specific spot, etc., etc.)? If so, tell us about them.


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Other than BBQ’d turkey on Thanksgiving and BBQ steaks on Christmas – used to go camping near Bodega Bay / Russian River on a 7,000 acre plot we were part of around Labor Day – till the state declared eminent domain , took it, and said they were developing the property into a park – did they? Nooooooooo …. did we (about 40 families) get the property back? Nooooooo


Don’t ever expect anything but a kick in the butt from the California Costal Commission!

I celebrate my cat’s birthday by giving her a special treat….does that count?
She’s a cat and doesn’t understand what a birthday is, but I do it anyway.


1) volunteer to feed the homeless in December.
2) put drinking water stations where the undocumented immigrants likely to cross at the San Diego border.


I put food out for mice and rats.
We need more mice and rats.


So you’re the one! Everyone is complaining of the massive mouse invasion.

I don’t mind mice, but we already have enough ‘rats!

Beware of violating our federal harboring statutes.


Don’t worry about it. I have volunteered with the border angels and we do water drop all the time.



I try ever year to swear off posting on Claycord. and every year I fail. It’s now a tradition!

Other than April 15

I have four-yearly tradition:
I replace my flag on the 4th of July of an election year.

House Of Prime Rib in SF for Christmas, though next year the decorations in Union Square might be sparse because of all the businesses leaving.

Yep on the House of Prime Rib. They have it all decorated so nice. Also, need to have one of their Hendricks martinis.

Not so much anymore now that my daughter is grown and have her own family. When I married my ex-husband I introduced him and his family the Danish Christmas meal on the 24th. (have described here on Claycord a few times) in my ex- husbands family, they had a tradition of a very nice breakfast Christmas morning, scrambled eggs, bacon, and Danish pastries, so that became a tradition, which I continued after I got divorced and which my daugther now continues. Her and her family often do the Danish Christmas meal, but not very year.
As for myself I have attended The Scandinavian Club’s Christmas dinner at the Norwegian Club’s house in San Francisco, since 1984 I have only missed two, one was because of Covid, and the other I was sick. Visiting the Gold Country in the fall was something I did almost every year with The Scandinavian Club until about 2006 when no one wanted to organize it anymore.



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