Home » Consumers Howl After PG&E Announces New Rate Hike

Consumers Howl After PG&E Announces New Rate Hike


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It is all a scam!


The robber baron stockholders demand much at the PG&E casino.


This is what you get when you vote for Newscum 2x & against the recall…. he’s the major supporter of PG&E and appointed the commissioners of the CPUC – the triad of unending rate increases while they make record profits… he says he” “green” but he just moved to Marin from Sacto and now drives the commute ….when will voters learn? Well they didn’t, he’s only being removed because of term limits but he still has the WH has his goal …. somebody help us from “leadership” like is 🙁


Newsom needs to give more climate credits.. The extreme heat is not our fault and we should not be punished for it.


The California Democrat state politicians promised that the customers of PG&E would never have to foot the bill for the monopolies egregiuos disregard for human life because of the fires they caused. And here we are paying for it all. The politicians are absolutely soulless unconscionable liars.


Not only are we paying for the damage they caused, but they are turning a profit on it as well! There is no way a scheme like this can be pulled off without political influence and help from Sacremento. What a corrupt state we live in.

Neighbors and Friends; Look to the sky. In the last 10 years, double+ the lines running on power poles. Every one of those lines are billed to you by your phone, cable, internet, etc and each requires equipment to be plugged in, either full time, or to ‘re-charge’ on a PGE circuit.
I don’t know about your circumstance, but every item/device at my house also has an led light, an led clock, active-charging ~~ some kind of light…ALL using PG&E! My small kitchen, alone, has (had) FOUR clocks on and blinking night and day.
They tell us LED is cheaper than ‘whatever’ but when you have enough of it running 24/7…it’s not cheaper. Plus, about half of the E26 LED bulbs I’ve switched to (to save money~~SMDH) never go completely off…they bleed power 24/7. Even my vacuum cleaner has two 24/7 lights on it !!!!

Remember back when we went room to room and made sure all lights were “switched” off?
Well, now, if you want to survive PG&E, take 3-4 minutes or so, go room to room and UNPLUG EVERHTHING. Plug it in only when you need to use it. Except for the Fridge…and maybe a security alarm—-Every plug you can reach…you do not need to have it on and bleeding power while you sleep.

It’s a nuisance. It doesn’t save much. But it is one way to survive the out-of-control Government collusion with Big Business and get by — on our way into 3rd world status.


I use old style power strips that have on-off switches. It’s easier on the plugs and power cords than unplugging things. One downside is many power strips have a small light that’s on when the thing is in the “on” position. Look for power strips that don’t have a light.
FWIW, the biggest user of power in my home office is the Internet gateway/router. I suspect it’s a combination of the gigabit speed WiFi, the fiber optic transceivers, plus the multi-core fast CPU used to handle routing and the firewall between gigabit speed internal and external links.
I recommend that people buy at least one P3 Kill-a-Watt power monitor. Harbor Freight in Pacheco has them for $28. Also, get some outlet savers or liberators. They are short electrical extension cords, typically about 6 or 9 inches long as devices such as the Kill-a-Watt or many AC adapters will cover up electrical outlets adjacent to the one you are using. I don’t see any outlet saver/liberators on Harbor Freight’s web site but Best Buy has them and I’ve seen them in places such as Walgreens.

Pacific Graft & Execution.

BOHICA ( bend over here it comes again).

My latest bill was over $200- due to the 100+ heat waves. The is new for me this year. For the same period I got the letter from PG&E saying I conserving energy was GREAT. Irony.



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