Home » Contra Costa County Offering Healthcare To Undocumented Who Are Ineligible For Medi-Cal, Covered California

Contra Costa County Offering Healthcare To Undocumented Who Are Ineligible For Medi-Cal, Covered California


By Tony Hicks –

Contra Costa Health announced Thursday it is offering affordable health care coverage to undocumented and uninsured county residents who don’t qualify for Medi-Cal or Covered California.

Residents who may be eligible can now call a financial counselor at 1-800-771-4270 to ask about enrolling in Basic Health Care, which offers coverage for primary care, medications, X-rays and more.

While Medi-Cal has expanded to include undocumented residents, some of those residents earn too much money to qualify, CCH said in a statement. And they aren’t eligible for Covered California because they’re undocumented.


“We’re still seeing some people in our community fall through the cracks, unable to get health insurance,” said Gilbert Salinas, chief equity officer for CCH. “Basic Health Care will help fill that gap and give people access to medical care.”

Earlier this year, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors made undocumented residents eligible for Basic Health Care.

It’s estimated more than 10,000 undocumented residents in Contra Costa are eligible for Basic Health Care.

To qualify for Basic Health Care, residents must have incomes below 300% of the federal poverty level. People enrolled in Basic Health Care will pay a sliding-scale quarterly premium depending on their income, up to $20 a month. Enrollment in this program will not be considered as part of a public charge test for immigrants.


Basic Health Care enrollees will be able to access care at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and the county’s outpatient health centers.

“By improving access to primary medical services through Basic Health Care, we aim to reduce unnecessary visits to local hospital emergency departments,” Salinas said.

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So they pay NOTHING into the pot but reap ALL the benefits … when do we THE taxpayers get to reap some benefits? Why are we always paying more for less?

Are we suprised .. this is the ‘health’ department that provided how to have safe covid sex …. yeah ..


Dude calm down. Some of them paying taxes by applying for ITIN. Research on how much the undocumented immigrants pay in taxes and you will learn something.
again calm down and let them live theirs lives.


Why calm down? Why are you not outraged that your tax dollars are going towards criminals, o excuse me illegals, ummm, I mean undocumented immigrants.

I am not okay with the government continuing to spend my tax dollars on people who have broken the law to get into this country, state and county.

Yes, it is true that an illegal undocumented immigrant can apply for an ITIN, but really … you already broke the law to get here, so how many are actually doing that? I would bet the percentage is MUCH lower than you think it is.

As for illegals paying taxes, yeah, some might – many do not. I see all the wonderful, non-government, websites (ie websites that want to make illegals look better) say that illegals pay billions … well prove it. And when you do identify the illegals, apply the law and ship them out.


Some but the fact is more are not. Just go into any bank (especially on a Saturday) and watch who and how people are cashing checks. They aren’t paying any taxes and get everything free from the U.S. Tax Payer

says gilbert salinas they are living others lives for them by living off others money.living thier lives?
nice catch phrase that has nothing to do with an invitation to come here,suck the systems teet and vote illegally.
Nice try.

Paul, you need to calm down & learn something:
“It costs California taxpayers approximately $22,068,000,000 each year to provide services to their state’s illegal alien population. And the taxes paid by illegal alien households in California only cover about 4 percent of those costs. The fiscal burden associated with massive illegal immigration is already enormous, and it will continue to increase as long as the illegal alien population in the state keeps growing, and as long as the state continues to extend taxpayer-funded services to illegal aliens”.

Meanwhile I have to pay $3,300 a month for my family! Complete B.S.!


try 5000 one person 3 k just rent

Yes my tax dollars going towards people who come here and can’t take care of themselves.
Come here with zero plans, get benefits, drivers licenses, vote registration, jobs, and this pos county give them my hard earned tax dollars. All for what? Votes, cheap labor, pick vegetables? What a joke this country is. This state is a total loss.


How is this new? I worked in primary care for CCC in for 5 years around 2014. I was seeing illegals who didn’t have to pay for a single thing even without Medi-cal. They got medical, mental health, chiro, acupuncture, and free rides to appointments. I was disgusted.


So no matter what – we have to pay the way for illegal aliens everything … AND Newscum approved the $150K “loans” for first time home buyers for them – they’ll default – and guess who pays for that too?! 🙁 Better not compalian if you voted for any of them …we need to vote them out!

Step right up folks,free admission and the wares are free too..this is commiefornia.

Brought to them by the democrat politicians, who bleed honest hard working responsible law abiding middle class tax paying citizens. The democrat politicians are truly parasites, only looking to promote themselves.

Undocumented and illegal to be here what do their supporters not understand.
I don’t support them being here at all, get the F outa of here and go back where you came from.

This is how bad your system keeps failing!
The note reads “undocumented (illegals)earn too much money, so they are not eligible for covered california because they are undocumented (illegal). So they can now apply for basic health care through county.
This is why your borders will continue to be open and even if they are not, illegals will get here in many legal ways, my inmigrant people here know what I mean.
The word gets as far as those isolated places in the world. “Hey, you know in the US you can make money, and the government will still help you live there, even if you are illegal. And if you have kids even more” and this is why illegals immigration will never stop, because of giveaways like this.



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