Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Aug.30, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Aug.30, 2024


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose a name so others can easily chat with you. Users must provide a name in the ‘name field’, please do not use the ‘@’ symbol in the name field.


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Cowellian’s first.
Y’all have a great holiday weekend!


Mid-week, I had a great question I was going to pose here in this board, but can no longer recall what it was. Let me tell you, getting old, and forgetful (though perhaps work-related responsibilities wiped those thoughts away) really stinks. If I think of it, I will post it, it was that good (Ha ha ha)


Look at the bright side Jeff, you remembered that you had a great question, and you even remembered that you forgot. Your memory’s not as bad as you think it is!


@Jeff (the other one) ~
Maybe write a note, or email, or message on your cell phone to yourself, as a reminder.
Since my early 20’s I have even done shopping and ‘To Do List’.
It helps with my ADD & OCD, …. plus getting old here too, LOL!


Saw this on a t-shirt once:
What do we want?
A cure for short-term memory loss!!
When do we want it?
When do we want what??


I keep a clipboard on the passenger seat and take notes every day…. can’t rely on memory, in fact I never could!


Thanks all for the kind (supportive) words. I forget what we were talking about, though…..

Slow down the metabolic rate a bit and memory will come back. The faster the metabolic rate the less a memory sticks around. Too many other things going on. 😎

It’s been two weeks now without Dorothy’s book report. 🙁


Antler seems to have disappeared, too.

Has been many moons since Antler last spoke.
Adios Pantalones also gone.
Starfish,Sgt. Turdy, Professor Hermie Skywild…. all gone like Buffalo.

Antler passed several months ago. We were friends away from the Claycord site

So sorry to hear that.

@Well Folks
I’m also sorry to hear that. From her posts, it sounded like she was around 90 and driving a 4WD Lincoln named Brunhilda. I loved it.

Not quite 90. But Antler was an extremely well educated southern lady

Ancient Mariner
Antler is no long with us. Antler passed almost a year ago

Probably on vacation. People strategize their vacations around holidays like labor day so they get an extra vacation day for free.

I recently tried to buy property in Concord that is supposed to be 20,000 sq ft but when i looked at the lot,next to the canal,its only 12700 sq ft,so i asked the city of Concord what the sqaure footage is,,and they told me that the 7000 sq ft maintenance rd 700 feet long (but the property is only 160 feet) long,I have to pay for and pay taxes on but i cant use it or put a fence around it or claim it.only they can use it but i have to purchase it and be taxed on it yearly.The place will never sell.Concord is scamming property buyers only 2/3 of the property is useable.Who would ever..ever buy it?They told me they’ve had multiple inquiries.Why Concord,don’t you play well with others?


This type of thing is the standard operating procedure for the City of Concord and other California cities, counties, and special districts. A few years ago when the City of Concord used eminent domain to acquire land from the Bel-Air Shopping Center to add an extra lane to Treat Boulevard at Clayton Road, the city’s first offer to the property owner was that the City of Concord would only acquire the surface of the property and the owner would still own everything below the surface, which he would be unable to use, just so that the city would still benefit from the property taxes the owner would’ve still been required to pay for everything below the surface of the right turn lane. Concord City Councilmember Laura Hoffmeister demanded that the owner use the funds that he would be paid for that land to remodel the Bel Air Shopping Center. Someone will purchase the property with existing land use restrictions, after all, the current owner did.

Electric Bikes, Electric Scooters, Electric Skateboards, Etc….
I can see a lot of good and fun in these motorized vehicles. I also see they are fast becoming out of control.
Having seen many almost get hit on the roadways and having almost been hit by one on a sidewalk, it is clear a problem is or has developed. The fear is someone is going to get killed before any action is taken.
Most, not all, are young and not following the driving rules of the road. (Heck most drivers now see the rules more like suggestions now!)
My suggested definitions is if it has a motor and you do not have to pedal it or use your own self to make it go, it is a motor cycle, motor driven vehicle, etc…. not to be driven on the sidewalk, canal trails etc.
When I was growing up around here if you got caught on a mini-bike you could get tagged for no license on the mini-bike and no license to drive it. Seems we have blurred the lines.
I know a lot of folks are not going to like this but as mentioned I see it getting out of control. And as government usually does someone will need to get killed first before the discussions start.
Post is meant for thought and discussion.
For the folks that are inclined to indicate their thumbs down opinion, how about some thoughts and ideas as well.


Given the State of California’s declared “War on Cars” and the push for those residing in the state to adopt alternative modes of electric transportation, do you really believe the State cares about “safety” over “fighting climate change?” Once sufficient numbers of Californians have adopted these alternate forms of electric transportation and it would be cost prohibitive for Californians to revert back to cars, then the State will jump on the safety bandwagon. It’s about the State engaging in “Social Engineering” and “Behavior Modification” of the populace first, safety is second, a much later second.
Most of the population using these alternative modes of electric transportation aren’t actually engaging in “driving” or “riding,” but they’re engaged in “traveling.”


Obviously the “State” consists of idealists that never grew up and they should be shipped out of state. Practicality to them must be blasphemy.
Then we have the unexplained war on whole wheat small burger and hot dog buns. Plenty of stores had those on sale as not everyone kids and even grownups want 1/2lb giant burgers which is the only size you can get healthy whole wheat buns. Maybe given the timing of their disappearance everyone might think the wheat for those came from Ukraine but that doesn’t explain the large size ones.

What happened to the posts Friday night into Saturday morning? There were several of us that posted – myself included that did post from Friday night – I read them all …then disappeared? There was nothing worth censoring at all …. what’s going on? 🙁

switch it back.please?
it made all comments a very dull illumination and hard to read now and the green bubble is just in the way.
NOT an improvement


OK, let’s take a test drive!

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough

Cogito Ergo Sum


For what it’s worth, Mr. Mayor, I’m not seeing bullet points or blockquote formatting showing up after I hit Post Comment, either on my screen or my phone.

Bullet Points using standard HTML commands instead of Claycord imbedded formatting:

<Blockquote> Blockquote using standard HTML commands instead of Claycord imbedded formatting:<BR> Ispor Luxem<BR>Cogito Rego Sum</blockquote>

Signed Cowellian

Well, that didn’t work.

I’ll try these:

(skipped a line)
Insert emoji which I tried earlier but came up with the link. These forms often come with a emoji menu too. https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f60e.svg

There is a bug in the word wrap. This form has to be a plug-in but it is unusual because even the simplest form can handle word wrap. And most all forms can handle a blank line so that paragraph contexts are appropriately separated.

I just looked up the docs to this plugin and lets see if shift enter creates a paragraph break.

This is the next line.

Mr. Mayor new layout is interesting, nice and clean.


After using a few suggestions to consider,
Allow comment box to be made larger by dragging as it used to be,
makes it difficult reviewing before posting with such a small window.
Grey font color not so much, agree with whenwilltheylearn.
Took some digging to find HTML commands, now have to go find sad face emoji.
Make post comment box larger and add back color.
An suspect software is being taught what word wrap is.

Cancel Reply is missing

Please lose the annoying green chat icon.

Going on three days to Talk About Whatever. Better later than never. Like the new Post Comment format Claycord, first. Second, after several years of delay, designed my living room today with the help of a wonderful couple that work to assist with such tasks. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and it was very uplifting.

Wow! What a pleasant surprise and upgrade to the site. Formatted text with notifications. I’m testing it out! Thanks to the crew at Claycord.com!


Pay attention to Booking Fee charged by ride-sharing app.
‘Uber user is stunned after price doubled after booking car’https://tinyurl.com/mr3ds9fc
Has this happened to you ? ? ?

Astronomy question??
I frequently see an object. low in the sky, sort of over Pittsburg, as viewed from the Concord/Clayton area, I appears as a star with a tail, no shimmer or movement, just hanging there. Any comment as to what it might be? My first thought was the Space Station, but curiosity prompted asking for other thoughts. Thanks for any and all.

STARLINK Satellites…Look up online links for Starlink Tracker…it has been listed for that direction of view before.

To Abbie R and Dr.Jelly
Thanks for the satellite info, which makes more sense than the Space Station.



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