Home » The Water Cooler – Undocumented Immigrants Eligible For Up To $150,000 In State-Supported Home Loans

The Water Cooler – Undocumented Immigrants Eligible For Up To $150,000 In State-Supported Home Loans


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

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Lawmakers in California could soon make the Golden State the first in the country to make undocumented immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in state-supported home loans, according to Fox News.


The Democratic supermajority in the California state legislature is likely to pass a measure this week that would make undocumented immigrants eligible for the “California Dream for All” loan program, a state-funded program that provides 20% in down payment assistance up to $150,000, according to a report for Politico.

QUESTION: Do you think this is a good idea, or a bad idea? Tell us why.

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“I think I can say, and say with pride,
that we have some legislatures that bring
higher prices than any in the world.”
— Mark Twain
It’s so heart warming to know our Veterans and American citizens are foremost in the minds of our Public Servants in California state legislature.
note: for naive, highly impressionable, low information voters with attention spans of a fungus gnat that was sarcasm.
Is nothing more than gross pandering to special interests and illegals who democrats hope one day will be able to legally vote.
By Katy Grimes of CA Globe and she tells it like it is, article contains valuable info must read.
“At a time in California when the media home price is over $850,000, housing starts are halted by environmental or labor union lawsuits, and $1,500 a month gets you a 240 square foot apartment in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California’s Democrat lawmakers want to give public taxpayer money to illegal immigrants for a downpayment on a home purchase.” …
““It would be so very wrong to prioritize undocumented immigrants over the men and women who have made great sacrifices in military service to our country,” said Sen. Dahle (R-Bieber). “California is struggling with a multi-billion dollar deficit, and numerous housing and homelessness programs providing vital assistance to so many struggling Californians face budget cuts. AB 1840 would short-change veterans even more.””
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/5a866p5r
democrat politicians need to voted out of office for not being public servants and putting their pathological pursuit of absolute power and control. This state is out of control ! ! ! ! !
“To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government
and the sure and gradual deterioration of the public morals”
—Mark Twain


Why wait for illegals to one day legally vote when they can just have them vote illegally now!


“California Dream for All” OK……. so that means it’s for EVERYONE right?
Line up Y’all.
If it’s only for undocumented immigrants I’m sure there are plenty of grounds for a lawsuit there.
Any lawyers out there want to get this thing started?



The program is expanded to include undocumented immigrants. It is for all races, and currently the white is benefiting the most from the program ( 36% of 2182 are white in phrase 1)


yea,theres just so many”white”illegal aliens tooling around….


The issue is NOT the color of their skin, way to throw race in there race baiter.

The issue is simply we are giving away money to people that are in this country ILLEGALY. They broke the law when the crossed entered the United States without following LEGAL immigaration practice. They are NOT undocumented immigrants, they are CRIMINALS.

California should be taking care of their PAYING tax payers, who are LEGALLY residing in this state before we do ANYTHING for ANYONE else.


Calm down. Let’s the undocumented immigrants get theirs chance at the American dream. The funding for the program definitely comes from taxes. They pay taxes so the loan could come from theirs contributions.

Why you get angry when people get help? You know like student loan forgiveness and assistance for the homeless


Calm down!?

I am sorry, but you want to give the money we paid in taxes to criminals in order to help them buy a home in our country? You really think that is okay?

As for iillegals paying taxes …. Really? So an illegal files their taxes every April 14th? They broke into our country and you think they pay taxes … how dense are you?

Out of curiosity, can you name me one other country in this world that I can enter illegally, without going through immigration control, and then that country will provide me money, food, medical, education and give me money to buy a home there? Let’s make this simpler for you, would you let me break into your house, and then you provide me food, health care and then empty your meager savings to help me, the one who broke into your house, to buy another house?


Paul, race is all you’ve got and I don’t think the proposed legislation mentions race at all.


The proposal may not mention races. But if you look at the statistics of those who have received the loan since the dream for all started 2023, white is 36%, Hispanic/latino is 33%…ect. Anyway, everyone get a piece of the as DEI is working.


Illegal immigrants of any race or ethnicity DO NOT belong in this country, skippy. I don’t care if they entered illegally or overstayed their visa. And dbags like you want to provide them with taxpayer funds. I promise you – if you enter my house illegally, you’re leaving immediately. If you’re lucky, you’ll be doing so without any new holes in you. Full stop.


Paul has proven himself to be a race-baiter as well as an anti-religious bigot and is a perfect fit for today’s DNC.

You are the only one to bring up race.

My issue, dare I say many of our issues, is that this is being prosposed for someone who is ILLEGALY in our country. By definition, you have broken the law. And someone still thinks it is okay to even suggest giving more money to someone who has broken the law is LUDICROUS and OUTLANDISH. This should have been laughed out of the any meeting it was ever proposed in.

This has nothing to do with DEI

This a JOKE….right??


First, they are not undocumented immigrants. They are illegal invaders, who are illegally arriving into the United States in large numbers with an intrusive effect, and sometimes hostile intent. Their very presence violates US law, and the fact that they have crossed the border without authorization is the key point. There’s nothing more to discuss, they are in violation of US federal law, and should be turned over to ICE for immediate deportation.


I think the real intent is to get rid of the current citizens of California by driving them out of the state and replace them by undocumented immigrants who will work for less and be controllable. The legislators must be out of their minds to even propose such legislation. I would really love to hear their justification for this. The legislators are the ones who should be driven out of California.


Unbelievably ridiculous! ..and you know who pays for all the defaults? us! you know who voted for Newscum to allow this? ….. lenient , lazy, apathetic voters refusing to do their research … anybody that allows this we need to remove from office as soon as we can – imho


Only offering ‘dreams’ for ‘undocumented’? What about people that are documented? No dreams for them?


Seems pretty ridiculous considering they are undocumented. How can they confirm anything for the loan process or are they just giving them preferential treatment. Bad idea but we have ridiculous Democratic people ruining this state. Bad idea


Don’t just complain people, call your state legislative representative and the Governor’s office. Tell them if they vote yes, they’ll be voted out and if it does pass the governor needs to know that he’ll be walking on thin ice. I don’t want to hear about the Dems. I have plenty of Dem friends and family members who are absolutely against it. If you’re going to use your voice don’t preach to the Claycord choir call those with the power.


Undocumented workers already have higher levels of debt. So if their free home gets foreclosed on will the government all of a sudden have equity in the home. Seems like a way for the government to consolidate power.

Also the fine print says “The homeowner pays back the original loan amount plus 20% of any appreciation in the value of the home.” Appreciation calculated by who and when? Harris wants to tax unrealized gains – aka appreciation before the home is sold. This should worry anyone with tangible assets like a house.


Or 10 or 12 people share the house until it is un-livable, un-sellable…..and move on to the next Bargain.


“Undocumented workers already have higher levels of debt. So if their free home gets foreclosed on will the government all of a sudden have equity in the home. Seems like a way for the government to consolidate power”

🎯Exactly their plan! I wish more people would see that.


How do they pay it back?….let me guess, never? Well, there goes the neighborhood and my property value


BUT you can not get a bank mortgage if you dont have proper immigration status..and also,where is this money coming from if its state loans?And what could anyone do with a mere $150 k in Calif??This will never fly.


This is nothing more than a way to get them to come here 10 fold.and its a false promise as usual.
No judge will ever allow this but illegals are never told any truths


Well, let’s think about it, in 2023, our net debt (not deficit) was over $55,000,000,000. In 2024, the budget deficit is reported at $45,000,000,000, with a budget of $292,000,000,000. If the estimated 3 million illegal aliens in this state decide to take advantage (deliberate description), does that mean we producers/taxpayers will be on the hook for another $450,000,000,000? Remember the old phrase “Crime doesn’t pay.?” Seems rather quaint now, particularly in this decaying, crumbling state. No, not a good idea.


What about veterans or families that pay taxes and trying to get into a first time home?


What part of illegal do these people not understand. They are here illegally. The only thing they should get is a bus ride back over the border. I don’t want my tax dollars going towards such asinine policies.


This is a bad idea. A down payment shows that you have something to put into buying a home and will not just walk away. It shows responsibility.

Where is this money coming from?

Who is going pay when they default on the loan?


I have a dream,,,,my money stays in my pocket until I’m willing to spend it..I also dream of elected and appointed officials(sic) upholding the constitution and laws….guess I’m just a dreamer,,,,not a illegal one


That does it! I’m voting for Trump for sure! The Democrats have gone crazy! Yeah yeah I know this is California but I will never vote for a Democrat in this state again. I don’t know what they’re thinking. Are they smoking dope?
Why the hell aren’t you helping your own American citizens first?????????????????


They are NOT ‘Immigrants’. Immigrants want to Become–Assimilate–Be American. Even US Code distinguishes a difference in the terms and the meanings! The majority coming in in the last 4 years are MIGRANTS…passing through…going to wherever the next wave of hand-outs is largest.
$150,000 is 20% down on $750K house. REALLY???? One stipulation, to make sure lower income young Natural Citizens of America (your kids…my kids) DO NOT QUALIFY for the $150K ~~~ at least one of the applicants must be Foreign Born. REALLY???? Is that legal ????

VOTE NO ON ANY NEW BOND. This is how they use YOUR money!


Who doesn’t want to move to the land of the free? Wouldn’t you?


Way to go Gavin!!!! this should guarantee your full supply (on the taxpayers backs) of Hair gel and cocaine. Ya know when I started out life was hard “came from nothing” and my first house was $100K in the slums. I did not have anything other than an FHA loan that allowed a lower down payment but no free money and my loan was 9.25%. Absolutely insulting that someone that did not pay into this and participate would be allowed a leg up over people that are working for it. Nothing than another griff that the taxpayers (me and you)will have to bear.


Gavin didn’t write this bill. It was written by a member of the CA legislature. We don’t get to blame the Governor unless he signs it. Lets not get ahead of ourselves.


Well….. $150K?
That ought to slow the millions of illegals from rushing the border.


Interest free…. right?


Interest free, and they don’t have to repay it unless they refinance their actual mortgage, or sell the property. Obviously the math doesn’t work, just like Bidenomics. But finance has never been a socialist strong suit. I see another credit crisis on the horizon………


I think Newsom has fallen to the bottom of the snake pit. So now he wants to tax whoever has not yet left California to provide $150.000 loan, (right) to illegals to purchase a property. Boy, he has taken vote buying to new heights. Let’s hope the attorneys can rectify this one. Either way the American people will remember this one…


I would be very surprised if voters “remember” this…. There are too many that just vote the party line without doing their research.


What do they hope to gain by this atrocity?


Another example of how honest hard working responsible go to work every day tax paying California citizens don’t even exist, in the eyes of the state democrat government……
… except only as a money revenue source.


Enough is enough! Time to vote ALL these DEMS out of office. They spend our hard earned tax dollars on frivolous “Feel Good” programs and other Free Money Giveaways and can hardly account for where its being spent!
Closing our prisons and halting the death penalty is really turning this state into a sh*thole! We need to get rid of these bums now!


Why shouldn’t democrats in CA state legislature, do something like this ? ? ? ?
YOU keep electing them, they’ve got nothing to lose and until elections get tighter and they have to go do HONEST work for a change you’re gonna keep getting IN YOUR FACE legislation.


So I’ve been trying to save up for a 20% down payment for a home since I became an adult (10 years ago) and still haven’t reached that goal but the state is just going to give somebody that just came here illegally that money? We are leaning more and more towards communism with the Democratic Party running the state. WE NEED CHANGE!


Thank you for doing your best to do it the right way.

This is a slap in the face,a kick in the a$$ for people who worked and saved for years.
How long would it take to save 150 k?


Guess reparations are out now. I hate this socialist state.


Man, this is pretty bad. How do you defend this as a Democrat? You’re literally paying/pandering to people who broke our laws. This is really ignoble. Also inflation is at the highest levels in years. What are you thinking giving away tax money to criminals? I agree with an above poster they should be swiftly escorted out of our country not given gifts


Who or what gives these politicians the right to do this with out the approval or vote from the legal residents of this state. We need to clear house of all of these idiots that are giving away our tax money and country to illegal invaders. Can you say treason !


The Democrats’ aiding and abetting illegal aliens is unlawful.
Illegals are once again STEALING PUBLIC RESOURCES and DEMOCRATS are PROMOTING THE THEFT OF PUBLIC MONIES from citizens and lawful US residents.


This makes no sense whatsoever. First of all they would have to have a credit score, which you need to get loans. Or if you don’t have a credit score, you have to have a substantional down payment and find a lender that will do manual underwriting (as Dave Ramsey suggests). So just on a practical level I don’t see this becoming reality.
More practical issues, depending on how long someone have been here, but for they most part they would not have the income to be able to afford the payments. $150.000 does not go far towards a house in California unless you are in rural area, and perhaps looking at mobile homes.

Not only that the property taxes and insurance costs are astronomical here already. Un affordable.

I don’t pay taxes to give an illegal a down payment on a house. Oh wait – apparently I do. Grrrrr

I like the idea of offering a better life. I don’t believe this a remedy for a crisis. Go to pick n pull, install the wrong components, and dream on.



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