Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Hold Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall

Congressman DeSaulnier To Hold Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10) announced he will host a virtual Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall to discuss curbing the epidemic of gun violence on Wednesday, August 14 at 1:00 p.m. PT with special guest Representative Mike Thompson, Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force.

Gun Violence Prevention Town Hall
Wednesday, August 14
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

To reserve your spot and receive a Zoom link, submit a question, or request special accommodations, visit or call (925) 933-2660.

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Shut up Mark


Why can’t he hold one on Health Care and how it’s sucking this country dry!?


All submitted questions will be pre-screened and responded to for according to Democrats’ narrative.


Epidemic of gun violence? Maybe in DC. Since the Soros DAs, the thieves in California no longer need to show a gun, they can freely march in and take what they want. How about the epidemic of federal deficit spending Mark, why not address that? Or the epidemic of leftist protesting, seems to be more violence and destruction there than anywhere else. Yes, we know why not Mark.


So you don’t read the stories about Oakland.

No one cares!!! Mark is a complete A$$ Hat


I guess it’s time for another town hall meeting. Bring up the gun violence again because nothing is being done to hold the violators accountable for their actions. Thanks Mark for you continued concern, you jackass.


This guy!


I’d love to have him do a town hall about how expensive daily living has become! I personally feel is gone up 30% in the last 3 and 1/2 years! For the first time in years, we’re having to say “no” to breakfast or dinner out and short trips. His party has caused this to happen in American people I’d like to hear what he has to say about that.


“Law Abiding Private Gun Ownership Prevention Town Hall”. Kind of a mouthful, but certainly more accurate to his / their real intentions.


I don’t see any location listed here.
Could you please enlighten me so that I can carefully avoid the ignorance and knee jerking emanating from this event.


It’s a virtual meeting.

Thanx Knight, I will surf the web with caution.

Virtual … easier to mute the truth and the public.

How about he talks how to get black market guns under control first. The bad guys will always have access to guns & the victims not so much


Teleprompter notes for Marky- Gun violence prevention plan- Use a gun to commit any type of crime and it’s life in prison. Use a gun to take someone’s life and it’s the death penalty. Put these clowns in prison. When you run out of space, build more prisons. Town hall over, no questions.


Years ago it was hat way. Use a gun go to jail. Even the biggest bad guy would not carry or use a gun knowing they would go away for a long time. Now that there is no penalty for having a gun it seems a lot of these same people carry and have no problem using one knowing nothing serious will happen to themselves if caught.

Mark, go to your room.


…don’t waste your time or ours…. you can tell it’s election year …. he’ll talk about any lib / Dem issue they want to hear


I sure hope those who have gins, do violence, choose to crimes will show up to get “Informed”.. Lots of Talk.. But still afraid to treat Criminals as… Criminals.. Prosecute and incarcerate..


Bombay, Gordon’s, Beefeater…..

Mark will no doubt tell us for the 20th time that his father committed suicide.

Don’t care


Suicide stats are counted as “Gun Violence”
I don’t know why they gotta fudge the numbers that way…. suicide is SUICIDE!
Jump off a bridge, hop in front of a train,pills, poison… all suicide, but shoot yourself with a gun?


Bridge violence, train violence, chemical violence…


Let me guess, they will continue to make gun ownership hard on us law abiding citizens and continue to do nothing about criminals who acquire illegally and commit crimes with them.


This guy is a full on Jackass!


I once put two guns in a ring together and told them to fight and to my surprise nothing happened????? I’ve been lied to. So sad everything has a label. It is simply violence dumb a$$!


He had a town hall meeting last week at Mt Diablo Hospital (John Muir Concord) on women’s health. I signed up well in advance. We were told no bags allowed, which I interpreted as no totes, backpacks, etc. I arrived early with sweater, book, and small purse. I was told to leave EVERYTHING in my car, except of course government issued picture ID. I would never leave my purse in my car, anywhere, let alone an underground garage in Concord, so I said Adios and left. I sent his office an email suggesting that next time they specify purses, not bags. Never heard back.

Why would you expect him to respond? All he’ll do is give a bland response that doesn’t answer the question.

He will NOT listen to the facts – his mind(?) is made up.


Why can’t you bring your purse?
Maybe Mark is afraid you’re packing a gun?

America doesn’t have a firearm or high ammunition capacity problem, it has a serious mental health problem which democrats can’t or intentionally won’t touch. IF you research in depth you find legal purchase of firearms by mass shooters is mainly due to a failure to update federal database with convictions, court actions, non reporting by Doctors, clinicians and military services.
Majority of mass shooters had documented mental health issues,

‘Maine shooter’s family warned cops he was armed and dangerous FIVE MONTHS before massacre…’
‘Nashville Shooter Had ‘Emotional Disorder’ and Parents Didn’t Want 28-Year-Old Owning Guns, Police Say ‘
“…investigators spoke to the shooter’s parents, who revealed the their child was under a doctor’s care for an undisclosed emotional disorder. The parents shared with investigators that they previously voiced concerns about their child owning firearms due to her condition. They told police they knew the shooter had purchased and sold one weapon, but were not aware that the shooter had been hiding several more at home.”
‘Nashville shooter was under a doctor’s care for ‘emotional disorder’ ‘
“The Air Force failed six times to report information that could have prevented the ex-airman who killed more than two dozen people in a Texas church from purchasing a gun…”
“Co-workers, supervisors and associates of Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis raised concerns about his mental health, but those fears were never reported to the government…”
Last bill President Kennedy signed The Community Mental Health Act of 1963 shoving responsibility for mental health down onto local level. As so often happens, Congress FAILED to provide enough money and has continued that failure for over 60 years.
IF congressman were serious about addressing gun violence, why not introduce bills creating penalties for those mandated by existing laws to report Federal database that would prevent legal purchase of firearms by defective individuals and the problems created by The Community Mental Health Act of 1963.
Democrats, especially in an election year, aim for lowest hanging fruit their repetitious propaganda messaging has targeted over the years inadament objects used by mentally defective killers.


From my cold, dead hands……..Molon Labe.

Crack down on gangs and take away their guns. 99% of gun violence solved just like that, you’re welcome Mark!

Does he ever actually accomplish anything worthwhile?
p.s. Supporting criminals, bums, welfare deadbeats, illegal aliens and the likes doesn’t count.

Well… there’s a whole hour shot.

A town hall on destroying the constitution.



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