Home » The Water Cooler – Are You Worried About The Economy After Today’s Stock Market “Bloodbath?”

The Water Cooler – Are You Worried About The Economy After Today’s Stock Market “Bloodbath?”


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Are you worried about the state of the economy after today’s stock market “bloodbath?”

Talk about it.

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Not quite yet but getting there.
It’s a wait & see, … not much will get better if there aren’t any positive changes.


No death & violence fears?
All of a sudden the Liberals understand what “bloodbath” means….. well, that’s progress.


Then a reporter asked Biden today if he thought there would be violence after the election and Joe said yes because Trump promised “a Bloodbath if he wins….. I mean loses!”
Geez, Joe just makes me tired.

But the media keeps telling us the economy is strong, that Harris is the greatest, and Biden is as sharp as a tack. The US GDP is about 1/5 of the global economy, that means when a change occurs in the US economy, it has a significant domino effect on the rest of the world.
Under the Biden/Harris Administration, prices have been soaring, no one is buying, and retail stores are closing. Once again, Trump was right, Biden/Harris = global market crash, and America comes last.
To answer the question, no, I’m not worried. Why? Because I’m not a neurotic pessimist, and I do not overly concern myself with situations or circumstances that I have no control over.


Economy is showing cumulative negative effects of biden harris regime’s mismanagement, gross overspending and apparently a lack of understanding of economics.
Businesses need political stability and regulatory certainty before they’ll risk capital, neither of which exist under biden harris. so business sits on their cash.
The Federal Reserve as usual, did another FUBAR.
Here’s their track record
Chart shows relationship between holding rates too high for too long and recessions.
Are there other factors, yes, but FED has track record.
As for the stock market, panic is good, gets rid of a bit of the over valuation and gives margin players a wake up call.


So the DJ for example closed on January 19, 2021 at 30,930.52 and today at 38,703.27 which indicates a gain of 25.1%. Is that the cumulative effect you’re talking about OG?
Kind of weird.


“Economy is showing cumulative negative effects”
I invite you to concentrate real hard on them black letters, on the white background.
Or perhaps ask your neighbors,
“… are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was 4 years ago?
Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was 4 years ago?”
Is America as respected throughout the world as it was?
Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were 4 years ago?”…
Reagan carter debate 28 October 1980


Yesterday’s stock market loss was according to OG a sign of the “cumulative negative effects of biden harris regime’s mismanagement, gross overspending and apparently a lack of understanding of economics”.
Cleary you have a great understanding of economics since you can judge the understanding of economics of others. Can you please what today’s gains in the market signal?
Currently the S&P500 is up over 2%?
Oh and let me answer your questions as well:
“… are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was 4 years ago?
Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was 4 years ago?”
Is America as respected throughout the world as it was?
Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were 4 years ago?”…

Yes, I’m much better off than I was four years ago.
Yes, it is much easier to buy things in the country than there was 4 years ago. You may have forgotten how hard it was to find TP or simple staples in the stores in the summer of 2020.
For the next one lets’ just use simple facts. Unemployment August 2020 8.4%; August 2024 4.3%
America is much more respected throughout the world now compared to 2024. Our alliances are stronger see for example note the joining of Sweden and Finland to NATO.
We are much safer thanks to our alliances now than we were 4 years ago.


You live for free,nothing changed to affect your free life.


I’m sure you think you’re clever using the metrics from August 2020 (when dips**t governors of this state and many others needlessly shut down the economy) to answer those questions regarding economic factors. You’re not. Your other answers are 100% subjective. Everyone reading this understands OG was alluding to a comparison between late 2019 and now.


The Biden Syndicate has treated the U.S. economy as a giant margin account.
Sadly, they don’t play with their own money, they play with our money.
At the retail level, margin accounts compound losses as investors are forced to sell their best performing securities in order to cover margin calls. That selling starts now as Wirehouses have zero patience for margin calls not being covered immediately.
This had to happen as the irrefutable laws of economics have been completely ignored for almost four years. Powell and Yellen are educated enough to know better but have likely “cut a fat hog” for playing ball with the Biden Syndicate. Shameful.


Not at all. It is normal for the dow to loose up to 3% on any given day. I would sweat if the dow lost 8% or greater in any given day or it dropped so much that trading is halted.


No – but just wait for it if Harris gets the WH nod …..


Heck no . It’s all politics make economy look bad to get Biden/ Harris out then 📈back to Buisness. I been buying this past week. I either retire at 40 or 80 😂




I have lots of dry powder. Im starting to buy stocks tbh

The economy? No. The people in charge – yes.


If people would stop being so paranoid and selling stocks and spreading rumors,, everything would be fine. Making your own problems dummies.

Kamala is bringing everything down. I cannot stand looking at her.


Aunt Barbara is right….. It reminds me of a scene from the best movie ever made and a quote from Ethyl Merman who brings forward an amazing analysis of why these things happen……


Ethyl was quite the philosopher.

Stocks at a discount. Buy your favorites while they’re cheaper like you would any asset.


Nope. It’s an over-reaction to the news from last Thursday and Friday, that started in the US market and bled over to the World market and then affected us again. Basically the market is saying we SHOULD have began a FED interest rate cut in August, instead of waiting until September. What was expected to be a .25 interest rate cut in September, is now looking like a bigger.50 cut– basically because they waited too long. The market is adjusting itself as a result. They’ll likely be more and/or bigger cuts between October and December. When an interest rate cuts finally occur, the market will be much happier.

Most people don’t know that this is the most expensive market in history, actually 10% more expensive than the dot com peak. But too soon to tell if a correction or a bear market. The fed will come in and lower rates, re-Start QE to artificially lower rates, not sure with 35T in debt if it will work this time.

90% of GDP increase in last quarter was deficit government spending. On the consumer side, Kohl’s, Target, Costco, Nordstrom, Home Depot, CVS, Walgreens all missed earnings and guided lower for 2024.

But having said that August and September are the worse months of the year for the market.

No matter who gets elected 2025 will be painful.


Peter Lynch one of the most successful fund managers ever said, go with what you know.
Where do you shop? $11,150 invested in Costco stock at October 2018, as of this morning worth $41,500. Every time we go to Costco I ask at least one employee, “How does Costco treat you?”
Over the years had only one vent negative. All the positives tells me they value their workers.
IMPORTANT, am in NO WAY advocating anyone run out and buy Costco stock.
Learned very painful lesson from DOT COM bust, you have no profits until you sell and margin BAD.
You get one chance to plan retirement. Always consult a financial planner preferably by age 20 and go see at least 4 or 5, that way you can gauge who is after commissions thru churn and who can be trusted.
If they immediately say buy this and this and this, get up and walk out.
Daughter who is in for one heck of a surprise when she retires, some know it all and don’t listen.


Probably just a correction… 🥱

getting time to pay for spending other people’s money

When in a down market & everyone is hot to unload stocks (SELL, SELL, SELL!!), who is doing all the buying??

When in a down market & everyone is hot to unload stocks (SELL, SELL, SELL!!), who is doing all the buying??

Quiet laughter and a big smile.
CBOE Volatility Index (^VIX) set new 52 week record high.


Not especially, the markets fell 33% when Trump was president and the economy survived.


And Covid Pandemic had nothing to do with it……
Right CHUQ?


I’m so relieved to hear you occasionally consider the context of major events… only when it helps Trump of course. So I’m certain you are taking into account that this was largely affected by Japan’s Nikkei. And I’m sure you have already taken into account how the markets stabilized and are improving.


Mentioning Trump everytime Biden screws the country wont work.This the biggest drop since 1981 and everyone”not worryng” is saying they will still vote for the destruction of America.
Leftists are masochists are mental patients that are on the loose.


It’s all they’ve got. Especially when the alternative is Kamala.


You are correct WWTL. Except for-

2022 -8.78% 2002 -16.76%
2018 -5.63% 2001 -7.10%
2008 -33.84% And finally 1981 -9.23%
So if you use Trump math you nailed it If you use reality you’re wrong.
Yesterday -3.1% and Friday – 1.8% for a total of -4.9%


did you copy that from an AOL comment?


Nope. I’m looking for good deals on good companies like CAT, AAPL, BAC, DIS, and TSLA.

Contrarian, I am.

Not worried about the economy due to the market correction. I am worried about the economy if harris ends up in the WH. Heck, all aspects of this Republic are in danger if she gets in. We need somebody in there to do a 180 on literally everything biden/harris admin has done; the damage is immeasurable, but hopefully reversible.


We’re retired and still fairly young at early 60s and luckily don’t have to worry what happens at all anymore. Our kids and grandkids well taken care of as well.
The market always comes back just ride it out and don’t panic sell anything!
This country has gone down the toilet government wise, economy wise and everything in between I honestly don’t believe it will ever come back the way it was but the market will always bounce back because there’s too many millionaires billionaires and even trillionaires company hedge funds in it making all the money they live for panic sellers like this and then they buy everything up you can read them like a book as market manipulation at its finest on display here and the SEC does absolutely nothing about it.


No, but I’d sure be keeping my eye on it. Things turn around fast in the real world Harris.

The economy has been teetering on the edge of collapse for a while now.
When the government prints money recklessly, the economy always fails.
It’s just a matter of time.


What can and did happen when a government merely printed all the money it needed.
Masters Of Money BBC
| Part 2 | Friedrich Hayek


No. This has happened before and it’ll happen again. My investments have crashed and risen a few times. But they always trend up.


Not concerned. An adjustment was overdue. My portfolio took a hit yesterday, but as before, it will recover and continue to grow.


When you Spend Trillions you don’t have, Add Millions of undocumented low wage workers to the mix and what do you expect?


Plus Biden and Co made much of the country so broke that they can’t afford to play the Wall Street Casino anyway. 🤣




If Trump wins, what do you think he’s going to do in the first month to fix prices? Do you honestly believe he’s going to force the CEO’s making record profits to lower prices, etc?

“Oh when Trump’s in office, everything will be cheaper.” How? The Chevron on Treat is nearly $1/gallon more than the Diamond gas across the street. Do you think Newsom and Biden are forcing them to overcharge on basically the same product?


Why are you so confused.Find a high schooler to explain to you franchises and owners make any price they desire.Look at Chevron At Main and Ygnacio.He sells way more and makes way more with a lower price.Chevron by the high school on Treat is for the high schoolers and mommys credit cards.


While futures are flat right now, the market might be encouraged since Kamala picked a dud for VP. Couple that with Powell doing whatever he is told with interest rates in September (bigger drop than fundamentals suggest) there may be a pretty good recovery rally.
However if somehow Kamala is installed, many savvy investors will take their chips off the table, which will compound the odds of a very bloody recession. People who drank the “profiteering/greedy CEO Kool-Aid may finally understand they’ve been lied to, yet again.


The house down the street just sold for $100,000 over asking.
Am I worried about the economy, not really.



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