Home » The Water Cooler – How Often Do You Order Stuff Off Amazon?

The Water Cooler – How Often Do You Order Stuff Off Amazon?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: How often do you order items from Amazon?

Talk about it.

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Maybe 1 item per year.
If We can’t find what We need at a brick & mortar store.
Online shopping is very rare for Us.


Weekly. I only go shopping for meat and dairy products.


…. more and more often ……as brick & mortars won’t or can’t carry the products on the shelf – can’t tell you the number of times I’ve tried to buy local at a brick & mortar and they tell me they can order it – I tell them I can order it myself from home and get it within a day – sometimes even same day…. retail stores can’t match that but I try them anyway


Often, probably once or twice a week, and I also like to have little gifts delivered to the doorsteps of distant elderly relatives within 24 hours of ordering. It is an amazing service.


Considering that Amazon ships directly from their warehouse, I would think there should be a considerable amount of savings, but they don’t pass it on to their customer, so forget Amazon, they can go pound sand. Besides, I like to see and touch what I’m buying. The sellers on eBay are also getting greedy. It used to be a good place to buy stuff for about half of what a store will sell it for, but it seems that those days are gone too.


At least once a week. As much as I want to support local businesses, I work full time and don’t have time to drive around finding things I need or want.


Too Much. I do look for “Made in the USA” when possible. I wish that was a search option.


zero, zilch never1


Since Fry’s went away it’s been a bit harder to get computer stuff I need. So Amazon is it unless I find a deal elsewhere. I did get a notebook recently through Walmart though.


Way more often than I go into any store. Not worth it anymore.


Never have and don’t plan to in the future.


A lot. What I do not like is the Amazon drivers in personal cars at 4:30-5:00 in the morning…. same time the catalytic converter thieves hit our neighborhood, almost met with hostility. so stupid.


For the most part “print at home gift cards.” That way I can chose what picture is on the card for whatever occasion. So I guess at least once a month or so depending on if birthdays or other occasions.


Daughter takes us to do Costco shuffle once or twice a month, due to medical issues, rest of time these days we buy what little else we need online. For my projects there are no stores in the area that carry parts I need.

Maybe once a month ..but my big peeve with them is their tactic to automatically enroll you in their shipping system and charge you every month without you really knowing it. They make you UNcheck a box when you’re ordering so you dont get dinged automatically each month on your credit card. They’ve even gotten trickier lately we have to unchuck a box twice to avoid being automatically enrolled! I really resent that


Ha Ha Ha Ha…don’t get me started~ I have Amazon, GrubMarket and InstaCart on speed dial! I can’t think of a single good reason to put myself through the ordeal of sloshing through the aisles searching for that last un-squeezed package with the reduced price, standing in line with… (well, there’s some really bad greasy/hairy/stinky kinda people out there), then I’d have to carry out a few $40/bags of almost nothing…. you see where I’m going with this…………… For a reasonably decent tip, grocery and misc. shoppers do all the yuck work at the big box discounts stores, and they will pick the very best of everything on my list and bring it to my front door…ring the bell…and Go Away!
As for Amazon… Only buy from “shipped and sold” by Amazon… avoid buying anything being sold by Mob Robbers… (they don’t just steal for their own use…they have very organized Online Businesses.
P.S. @Angry American…. if you buy fresh groceries from Amazon… they also use local personal shoppers (like InstaCart) to shop and drop for you.


If I can’t steal it form a brick & mortar store, then I’m forced to pay for it on Amazon. such a bummer!




More and more lately. If I have to self check and still pay full price I may as well self check from comfort of my home in my jammies with my coffee or beverage of choice. They always have what I want and have a great choice of merchandise. I shop brick and mortar for food and small local boutique type stores for gifts and decor, pottery pieces and art for my home.
I use Prime not only for shipping but also for music, streaming and free audio books. Honestly the cost of Prime is worth it for music and streaming even on the rare month I don’t buy anything


A lot. I got tired of driving around and not finding what I wanted or it’s locked behind a cabinet and no one comes to help. They have the best return policy too. Saves me much time and gas.

I don’t like to shop and we’re very busy, so we average about 100 orders per year (not including books for our Kindles). If there is a local business that is convenient to buy what we need, we will buy it there. Other options that we use are Costco delivery and ordering online for drive up pickup at Target. We started the last two during COVID.

Probably about 7 to 10 times a year. Usually stuff I can’t find in stores. never clothing or shoes. I had a laptop desk for use in bed, it broke, I bought it a few years ago at Bed and Bath, they are no longer in business, so I ordered one from Amazon. Barnes and Noble actually had some, but very limited selection. Mostly I order books and a few DVD’s if I can’t find them in stores, or if they are cheaper on Amazon.

I like to use a wristlet for my keys, and I use to get some nice ones at Michael’s, (lot’s bling), but last time I went they didn’t sell them any more, so I ordered several from Amazon, they only last so long.

At least a couple times a month

$1000/month we order easy if not much more, and we have a lot of Amazon stock as well. It’s a win win no brainer.
You couldn’t get me in a retail store in person ever again dealing with public sheep.



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