Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – July 5, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – July 5, 2024


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‘Food Network star refuses to open any more restaurants in California’
“‘I will not open another business in California until they actually fix things on a go-forward basis.'” …
“He also argued that California’s crime epidemic has ‘ripped apart the social fabric,’ which is the foundation of business. Furthermore Gruel argued that increased regulation was holding businesses back just at the time they need help to thrive.” …
“Mexican chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill which is shuttering 48 restaurants in the state – because of the ‘rising cost of doing business in California’. Blaze Pizza said last month it is relocating its headquarters from Pasadena in the Golden State to Atlanta, Georgia to reduce its state corporate tax rate by more than a third.”
As His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom, DEMs in state legislature and the hordes of unelected bureaucrats running CA continue to drive businesses out of the state.
For business to make forecasts and plan for allocation of capital there needs to be,
political stability and regulatory certainty.
Neither of which exist in CA under DEM rule.


Absolutely amazing : Nancy Pelosi was commenting on the presidential debate and said that Biden did wonderfully, and that Trump has dementia! Believe it? Although she’s probably so far gone the Biden looks sane to her.


Biden is a great thing – for the corrupt, self serving, self enriching and pandering swamp dweller Nancy(and Greasy Gavin, Shifty Shiff, Maxine Waters, Cillery Clinton and more).


Have asked question before, how many of pelosi’s staff are tasked
with keeping her from wandering off. She’s 84

Is pg&e required to file cause explanations of unplanned outages with CAPUC ? ? ?
Had another loss of power and reviewing map of outage on their website was same outage pattern as last time power went out. Protection devices will clear in event of overload or failure.
Doesn’t public and CAPUC deserve to know causes of power failures ? ? ?


CAPUC does not care about anything or anyone, LOL.


I wonder if Biden even knows he is president, someone may have to remind him every day.


I think it was very irresponsible that Biden was allowed to bring up the bleach story and the Charlottesville story both of which have been proven to be fake. His description of Nazi torch wielding people in the middle of the night was a stupid scare tactic.

I’ve traveled the world many times and never took 10 days to recover from jet lag, cold or no cold.

As a once single digit golfer no way was he ever a six and if he was he could easily show proof from his club. They must be doctoring the handicap sheets now to back him up. He also has Hunter’s Burisma executives he played golf with who could confirm it.

Final note besides the media, foreign leaders who have met with him are complicit in hiding his diminish mental capacity. When you need a teleprompter and interview with only certain people in a very controlled environment you do t have the mental awareness to run a country.


Caravans of illegals are getting 20% down payments on their new homes and Social security payments. You can fly on solar powered planes if you want.


Sounds like Concord Resident wants to jump from the Biden train to the Whomever The Overlords Decide I Should Vote For train.

Reality must really suck when one weakly attempts to find excuses to vote for Biden. B-b-but Trump uses a teleprompter. B-b-but Trump is 81 and old too. B-b-but Trump is not as good a golfer as he claims.

Puh-leaze. Stop making excuses. They lied to you about Joe’s abilities, stamina, and wit. Your eyes have seen Joe being coddled, hidden, and protected. But you refused to believe that the shuffle and babble were warning signs because they said Joe was fine. You pretended that the falling off bikes and tripping up stairs were business as usual for every senior citizen. You deluded yourself all the way to the debate, and then reality slapped you across the face and cleared the fog from your eyes.

“Holy Crap, Joe really is senile”!!!

They have been lying to you about Joe’s health and abilities. We have seen it for at least the last 4 years. You have finally seen it over the last 2 weeks. So now that the scales have been lifted, ask yourself a question-



What is everyone’s opinion on the presidential debate? With Biden’s stumbling and bumbling should he be able to run for a second term. Is that who you want in office? Trump might not be the best choice but I would rather have him than Biden.


Biden is a reflection of the state of the nation.


Just took our dog for a walk this morning and our neighbor who had two Biden/Harris 2024 yard signs on their front yard removed them. They must of finally woke up to the fact that joey is not fit to run our country after watching the ABC interview last night. It’s just a matter of time before the top Democratic Senator get together and tell Joe he needs to step down as they have lost confidence in him and for the good of our country to resign.


Joe Biden has agreed, again, to a second debate. I really hope it doesn’t happen, as he’s already been humiliated enough, and no amount of drugs, ear pieces, hand signals, or softball questions will fix it.
“President Biden, how many wheels on a tricycle?”
This madness has to stop.
And worse yet, every elected Democrat who worked to cover this up has completely betrayed their own constituents. They don’t deserve future votes, or a government pension.


Interesting that over 2 years after the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision that there have been no wild west shootouts as anticipated by the California politicians and AG, who continue to spout falsehoods about gun facts!!!


Here is your firearm permit. It should be the only one required.


I had no idea Joe Biden is a black woman!

This whole dog pile on the President now just isn’t fair.
For more than 3 years Biden’s handlers have misled him, telling him he’s doing great!
“Inflation isn’t your fault Joe, due to your reckless financial blunders ?… nah”
“The Afghan withdrawal ? No it wasn’t a disaster it was an extraordinary success”
“Cognitive test? ridiculous! You’re fine”
“Dropping the price of oil a few cents by emptying the Strategic Oil Reserve? Brilliant”
And now suddenly the guy the left kept claiming was “Fine” “Sharp as a tack” is a befuddled old man who can’t control his bowels, much less an entire nation, and has got to be cold heartedly tossed out like trash & be replaced by someone… anyone else! because he does not stand a bat’s chance in Hell of winning a 2nd term.
You’re breaking his heart… how cruel.


Reply to NOPE in whatever, decided to bring it over here.
You are so correct !
Charging up flashlights and cell phone back up battery for tonight’s outage.
CA is perfect example of under educated unelected bureaucrats and state legislators experimenting on Californians. Taxpayers who pay for the privileged of living thru their repeated knee jerk blunders.
Recent lithium battery fire in South Korea.
‘Horror as 20 workers are burned alive in massive blaze at lithium battery factory in South Korea’
Gateway Energy Storage project, California
Reigniting San Diego BESS Fire Highlights Thermal Runaway Risks
“The Gateway Energy Storage System in Otay Mesa, California, experienced a catastrophic fire when its batteries went into thermal runaway. Firefighters were on the scene for 15 days, battling to contain the blaze.”

One thing they are not, that’s accountable for their mistakes such as reducing scalable fossil fuel power generation and not replacing it with scalable green energy. Their solution is batteries. Having worked 35 years as an industrial electrician I can tell you it only takes one poor connection to generate heat. Lithium when it generates heat then catches fire generates oxygen which sustains and accelerates combustion.

Because green energy does not have equivalent scalability. They have realized their green energy is inadequate by delaying decommissioning of three fossil fuel generating plants in southern CA as well as extending licensing of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant which was scheduled to be decommissioned next year. DEMs are keeping it open thru 2030.
There were a few smart people in CA in mid to late 1960s.
“Pumped Storage Hydropower” also called pump back.
Think about it,
“If you want to understand any problem in America,
you need to look at who profits from that problem,
not at who suffers from that problem.”
–Dr. Amos Wilson


Seems that our current reality is better than any of the sci-fi tales that Dorothy reports on. Of course those authors were trying to warn us that this kind of malarkey might happen. 😲


Meant to say that “current reality is a better (scarier) story” (certainly not a better situation).


Original G,
Thank you for this information. You have knowledge and experience to explain the foolish and disastrous energy ideas/policies that are affecting us.


Unfortunately those running CA are eager to pile onto whatever stupid knee jerk idea another liberal infested state tries. Example covid positive patients not sick enough for ICU were shuffled out the door to assisted living faculties,
‘Over 9,000 virus patients sent into NY nursing homes’
“California regulators have told skilled nursing facility operators that they must accept patients even if they have the disease.”
“About 1 in 8 Californians who have died of covid lived in a nursing home.
They were among the state’s most frail residents: nearly 9,400 mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles whom Californians entrusted to a nursing home’s care. An additional 56,275 confirmed covid cases among nursing home residents weren’t fatal.”
An look what DEMs and their unelected bureaucrats are doing after they screwed up,
‘LA assisted living facility faces felony charges over deadly COVID-19 outbreak’
In 2006, citing the threat of avian flu, then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced the state would invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a powerful set of medical weapons to deploy in the case of large-scale emergencies and natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires and pandemics.”
latimes https://tinyurl.com/yc783cb7
Pat Brown’s idiot kid’s administration, scrapped those hospitals and PPE,
to save the cost of warehousing them.
“Two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s shady no-bid $1 billion N-95 mask deal with newly formed BYD Mask company, there are still many questions surrounding the deals.
Gov. Gavin Newsom approved spending $1 Billion of taxpayers funds on masks from Chinese company BYD, an electric bus maker which started manufacturing N95 masks as the COVID pandemic hit, when the original mask purchase to Blue Flame fell apart after a bank notified the governor that Blue Flame was only a few days old.
Even more egregious, California lawmakers were not allowed to see details of the $1 Billion contracts signed by Gov. Newsom with BYD. Legislators sent him a letter demanding details of the agreement, saying there has been too little transparency in spending those massive taxpayer dollars… to no avail.
Now, according to the Los Angeles Times, “California Controller Betty Yee, a two-term Democrat with no formal role in the contracting process, worked behind the scenes to help a pair of political operatives land a deal that turned out to be one of the state’s most flawed.” ”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/52h2xjsk
Again, “If you want to understand any problem in America,
you need to look at who profits from that problem,
not at who suffers from that problem.”
–Dr. Amos Wilson

Unfortunately too many Californians can’t be bothered to provide ADULT SUPERVISION to those running this state. Those who made decision to send covid patients to assisted living should be charged with involuntary manslaughter.
Until voters hold DEMs accountable why should they care if they screw up ? ?
They’re going to keep being elected.


and another thought…. The (political) cutback of production of natural fuel supplies, coupled with the ‘Greenies’ creating a demand for bio-fuelsl, there is now a worldwide shortage of USED COOKING OIL! Consider…. “In the first eight months of 2023, Chinese exports of used cooking oil (UCO) to the U.S. totalled almost 384,000 metric tons… ~ Reuters (tip of the iceberg)

The gist of Joe’s interview with George Stepinawfulstuf.



… and what is amazing is that people keep voting her in ….. dems just vote for dem incumbents blindly


Another lie from the puppeteer;

Kackela! Perfect and too funny

No comment required


“In a major ruling, the Supreme Court on Friday cut back sharply on the power of federal agencies to interpret the laws they administer and ruled that courts should rely on their own interpretion of ambiguous laws. The decision will likely have far-reaching effects across the country, from environmental regulation to healthcare costs.” I think this ruling of SCOTUS is catnip for the lawyers!
“By a vote of 6-3, the justices overruled their landmark 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which gave rise to the doctrine known as the Chevron doctrine. Under that doctrine, if Congress has not directly addressed the question at the center of a dispute, a court was required to uphold the agency’s interpretation of the statute as long as it was reasonable. But in a 35-page ruling by Chief Justice John Roberts, the justices rejected that doctrine, calling it “fundamentally misguided.”


There will be wondrous fun watching decisions of limited knowledge unelected bureaucrat decisions reversed at federal level. Then after a few more cases at state level perhaps some modicum of sanity might be restored to the left coast. Heck, I’ll chip in $50 bucks toward first CA case.


If only they could expand the SCOTUS to 13 all would be right in their world.


I read that voters will not be able to vote to repeal prop 47. Newscum flexes his muscle and pull it off the ballot. He obviously knows how we will vote. So much for democracy. And this guy could be the next president of the USA. Please wake me up from this nightmare.


That lying crook is only following orders.


Antioch City Councilmember Tamisha Torres-Walker posted “Happy 15 Days after Juneteenth” as her Independence Day message.


How do you define success?



DEMs picked chicago for their 2024 convention.
What might we expect,
Protests, concentric rings of steel fencing.
Wouldn’t be surprised if National Guard shows up, unlike 06 January setup.
And best for last,


I told all of you, it’s radical marxists running everything. From newsom to bidens handlers (obama) to the antioch city council comrade.
Trained marxists are trying to undermine our country for the communists. All they care about is destroying everything America.
Hard to imagine voting ourselves out of this. Joe McCarthy was 100% right, then the hippies came. Now here we are.


“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. …
In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via
infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming
the consciousness of society.”
–Antonio Gramsci
1891 – 1937
One of founding members of Italian Communist Party


Joe Biden has dementia, Derek Chauvin didn’t murder George Floyd, Donald Trump didn’t collude with Russia, Brett Kavanaugh wasn’t a gang rapist, Jussie Smollett isn’t the victim of a hate crime, Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t Russian disinformation, COVID didn’t originate in a wet market, Joe Biden didn’t get 81 million legal votes, mRNA vaccines don’t stop the spread Putin didn’t blow up Nord Stream Pipeline, and
men can’t get pregnant.
All democrats do is lie


It’s a genetic aberration with them. They can’t help it.


What did you REALLY celebrate?


I don’t know why people are surprised Hunter Biden is right in the middle of all current Biden activities. It should be obvious, even to the unobservant:
-First, as long as Joe still has a heartbeat, there is still meat on the bone for Hunter.
-Second, Hunter is negotiating what will be a massive severance package for the family. Current Biden campaign contributions are roughly $91 million, which Hunter likely considers a starting point for the negotiations.
-Third, Hunter has a tremendous amount of leverage here. “Settle this now to our satisfaction or we keep putting Joe on live televsion. Now what will it be?”


Remember when the communists had you all scared locked in your house wearing a mask? I do.
They lied, you let them, you complied, you don’t deserve TRUMP


Was an IQ test most failed,no shots here and no mask,i would just keep my motorcycle helmet on and everyone would freak out,but i never got to headbutt a mask bully,and i was so hoping to.


Not many of us. All these tough guys think I don’t remember. Empty streets, masks, compliant little backstabbers, I had NOBODY. Some of the toughest guys on the planet folded like little girls. Lost respect for EVERYONE. I had no idea I was so immune to propaganda. I had no idea this world was full of literal nazis and soulless cowards. I posted here my thoughts and was ridiculed and called a far right extremist. I pointed out the empty john muir hospital. I have friends and family who work in medical and told me things. I knew it was a HOAX from the very start. So many restaurants I will never eat at again. So many friends I trusted with my life that I will never associate with again. Saves me a lot of money and time knowing 99.9% will do whatever they are told like good little sheep with not an ounce of integrity.


Piece on fireworks got me curious, did a quick search and . . . .
found some government agencies I’ve never heard of.
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA
Read section on Potential Indicators
“Foreign terrorist organizations encourage arson attacks in the US because of its perceived simplicity and potential to cause significant and widespread damage.”
Years of Safety training and years in industrial maintenance gives you perspective of looking at things and conditions differently. Training electrician summer interns, stressed “it’s not if something is going to go wrong, it’s when”.
Observe, . . . . what’s wrong or what could happen or what doesn’t look right?


I’m sure you’ll remember CISA and the DNI from the 2020 election.
CISA Director Chris Krebs said “The 2020 election was the most secure election in American history.”
DNI John Ratcliffe said “Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” weeks prior to the 2020 election.


Heck, even Maynard G. Krebs could see the 2020 election was not especially secure.


Well, Maynard’s cousin Chris seems to believes the opposite.

The interviews were fixed and that babbling buffoon still couldn’t cope. Joe can’t function
at all without the puppeteer pulling the strings and his idiot wife guiding his every move.

Message Sent – Philadelphia Radio Station Fires Broadcaster Who Revealed That White House Gives Scripted Questions to Talk Show Hosts;


Any predictions on who be obama’s fourth term puppet ? ? ? ?


Kamela or Mooshelle….. They’d stab Joe in the back without any hesitation, just like all the other power mad Democrat politicians.
The Dem voter base will follow like sheep.


James Rickards predicts Biden will drop out of the race.
Dem’s will nominate Newsom as their new candidate & let Kamala play 1st female President until Newsom is sworn in as President in 2025 then unrest and violence will sweep across the nation.
I think it’s a longshot…. but it could happen.


“A picture is worth a thousand words.”
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A common plot-line in the Western movie genre involves a lone, hard-bitten, rough-around-the-edges gunslinger, scarcely better than an outlaw himself, who rides into a small town plagued by genuine, hard-core outlaws.

The townspeople, even if they don’t like the gunman much — even if they find him uncouth or unfit for polite society– quickly turn to him as their savior and beseech his help in ridding them
of the baddies. And he grudgingly agrees, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear but usually come down to this: He doesn’t care for the bad guys, either.
Despite the rough edges, he is driven by a fundamental desire for fairness and justice. He really just wants to be left alone, and he believes others should enjoy that same privilege.

In short, he is the quintessential American hero: tough, courageous, competent, iconoclastic. He
neither seeks to dominate nor will he allow himself to be dominated. He bows to no one.

Oh, and he wins. He does rid the town of the bad guys. And then he rides off into the sunset.n modern-day America, Donald Trump is our hard-bitten gunslinger. With a personality forged in the dog-eat-dog world of New York real estate, he can certainly be a rough character. He says harsh things and he doesn’t sugarcoat them. He is notorious, in his business dealings, for staying just inside the lines (the bogus charges brought against him by his enemies notwithstanding). Many probably wouldn’t care to invite him over for dinner or bring him as a guest to a friend’s party.

Donald Trump is our hard-bitten gunslinger. With a personality forged in the dog-eat-dog world of New York real estate, he can certainly be a rough character. He says harsh things and he doesn’t sugarcoat them. He is notorious, in his business dealings, for staying just inside the lines (the bogus charges brought against him by his enemies notwithstanding).
Many probably wouldn’t care to invite him over for dinner or bring him as a guest to a friend’s party.
And yet…There can be little doubt that our country is currently besieged by bad guys. Real, honest-to-goodness outlaws whose corruption knows no bounds. Who are determined to push their destructive agenda on America — DEI, CRT, abortion up to birth, the “trans” agenda, unfettered immigration, currency manipulation, profiteering from foreign wars — by any means necessary. Who don’t hesitate to take the law into their own hands in order to punish their perceived political enemies. Who clearly will not be satisfied until the rest of us are forced into submission.
In the wake of Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, people all over American — even Democrats — are now waking up to this reality. They can see that they’ve been lied to. They’ve been had. Our government and media are full of bad actors so intent on consolidating their own power, they’ve allowed this husk of a man to masquerade as president for three-and-a-half years, while they pull his strings from behind the curtain.It is also clear that, if this corruption continues unchecked, the United States will devolve in short order into something that is no longer a representative democracy. Something much more like an oligarchy or even a semi-fascist state, where the powerful elites control everything. Such, indeed, is their goal. Can any rational person now doubt that?

What can be done? Who can save us from this fate? At this point in history, there is just one man who fills that bill: Donald J. Trump.


newsom signed AB 2098 into law
Bill would charge physicians with professional misconduct
and possible loss of their state issued license.
‘California’s Chilling Attempt To Muzzle Physician Speech’
Then there was 2020 covid when His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom exercised his omnipotent power over us lowly mere citizens.
“Newsom has used his executive authority to shut down businesses, move local elections to vote-by-mail, accelerate spending on homeless shelters, alter court proceedings and provide benefits for essential workers. He’s signed 32 orders since March 4, when the state announced its first official death from the virus.”
“His powers are essentially, virtually, without limit,” said Steve Merksamer, a Sacramento political consultant who was chief of staff to former Gov. George Deukmejian.”
“Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
“…California judge ruled Monday that Governor Gavin Newsom exceeded his authority by amending state election law to require sending vote-by-mail ballots to all registered voters, calling the executive order “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power.” ”
“Physicians who were threatened and abused by various tyrannical credentialing boards that sought to suppress anything but the official government story line about COVID-19 have been given the go-ahead by the courts to sue.”
U.S. Supreme Court rules against Newsom on indoor church services in California COVID-19 ‘case’
‘California’s Newsom ordered to pay $1.35M in settlement with LA-area church over coronavirus restrictions’
DEMs have a habit making laws and executive orders to further whatever their current knee jerk agenda they want to force onto citizens. They count on delay of the legal process of fighting them in The Courts.
Here’s the thing, should not a governor/wannabe president adhere to our founding documents when making executive orders and signing legislation into law ? ?
There’s a vast difference between public servants and the behavior we’ve living thru here in California.
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.” After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”
Can’t begin to fathom what our country might have to endure if His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom were to become president, can you ? ? ? ?

DEMs running California must be salivating about now, . . . . .
‘France’s triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending’…
“…a 90 per cent tax rate on any annual income above €400,000, a reduction in the retirement age from 64 to 60, a block on the price of essential goods, a 14 per cent increase in minimum wage and spending commitments of at least €150 billion over three years.”
Prediction, number of rich moving out of France will accelerate.
2015 ‘Rising number of wealthy French fleeing abroad’
Sounds almost like something DEMs running CA would do . . . . . . . . .
Funny thin about rich people they can afford to move.
Will be fun to watch in years to come.
French voters are about to experience exactly what they voted for.

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually
run out of other peoples’ money”
–Margaret Thatcher


Will the real Joe Biden please stand up!

Seriously tho…. have you ever noticed how Biden’s ears change shape & structure?
Compare random photos, it isn’t as noticeable in his left ear but the right ear is drastically different (ear lobes). Weird!

comment image


With no reasonable explanations provided by anybody…. I feel the most sensible course of action is to roll our eyes, whistle a tune then just walk away and pretend nobody noticed.


Gavin Newsom Gets Brutally Ousted on Live TV.

Envy was once considered one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues
under its new name “Social Justice.”

Now that the Babbling Buffoon has refused to drop out, do you think maybe the real puppeteer will take him paddle boarding on that private pond behind his house on Martha’s Vineyard?

If Kakala is going to be pushed to the top of the ticket, remember that she promoted that bail fund to make sure BLM and others who destroyed our cities got out of jail.

Don’t be fooled, they aren’t importing voters they’re importing names that allow the fraud process to generate ballots. The ballots will be harvested by DNC minions, filled out, then crooked precinct workers will scan them and count them.
Illegals don’t need to vote, they’re only needed to create a ballot.


On this biden competency thing, there needs only for one question to be asked.
Have they taken the car keys away ? ? ? ?
If he is not competent, there is an office he can run for.

WHY do reporters even bother to show up to White House briefings ? ? ?
“Fury grows at White House as Karine Jean-Pierre admits
she MISLED reporters about Parkinson’s expert visiting Biden”

Congressman Nick Fretias talks about reality;

CA Politicians Exempt Themselves from State Laws!

How can DEMs turn a red state blue ? ? ?

Have you heard what President Joe Biden said about NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s wife, Ingrid Schulerud?

I partially copied a comment that I made earlier this week on this thread. My reasoning is to add some additional info that I ran into this morning:

They lied to you about Joe’s abilities, stamina, and wit. Your eyes have seen Joe being coddled, hidden, and protected. But you refused to believe that the shuffle and babble were warning signs because they said Joe was fine. You pretended that the falling off bikes and tripping up stairs were business as usual for every senior citizen. You deluded yourself all the way to the debate, and then reality slapped you across the face and cleared the fog from your eyes.

“Holy Crap, Joe really is senile”!!!

They have been lying to you about Joe’s health and abilities. We have seen it for at least the last 4 years. You have finally seen it over the last 2 weeks. So now that the scales have been lifted, ask yourself a question-


Now Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s flagship Sunday news show “Meet The Press” has admitted to sitting on a bombshell story about Biden’s slip into dementia. Two years ago, he had a “senior cabinet official” admit to him that Joe was slipping and that the unnamed cabinet official had worries about Joe’s failing abilities.

2 freaking years ago! Shouldn’t a so called “journalist” break such a big story? Why sit on it? Any real journalist would recognize the importance of such a story and jump at a once-in-a-lifetime scoop. But nobody did.

They have lied to you! They are lying to you! They will continue to lie to you!

When is enough going to be ENOUGH?
Democrats are DIRECTLY responsible for the gross decay of San Francisco and cities across the country.
Which town will be next? Democrats will decide unless YOU make changes. Vote them OUT!


I’m going to post some comments but that will be delayed for another 30 minutes.


Another 10 minutes or so.


Sorry…. just waiting for the Adderall to kick in.


BREAKING: House Defeats Resolution Holding Garland In Contempt –
Here are the Four GOP RINO Weasels Who Voted NO

Rep. David Joyce (OH-14)

Rep. Michael Turner (OH-10)

Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-04)

Rep. John Duarte (CA-13)

Democrats Vote Against Bill to Stop Non-Citizen Voting
Power grab was the only motivation for Biden….Big Surprise?
Not hardly.
11 Million new welfare & free handout votes will sure come in handy to defeat the votes of actual American citizens.



This bill isn’t going anywhere, so it doesn’t matter, this is just the Republicans using their House majority to garner outrage in an election year. This bill won’t pass the Senate, if it’s taken up at all, and President Biden would veto this bill if it was passed by both Houses of Congress. Ask yourself why Republicans didn’t pass this bill while they had trifecta control of Washington, D.C.?

That’s a good question but I’ll bet we see it passed in 2025.


DEM’s gift that keeps on, . . . . . . . . . .
‘BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: 7 New Illegal Immigrant Crimes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Burying’



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