Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 21, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – June 21, 2024


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What a surprise . . . . . NOT !
‘CONSPIRACY NO MORE: Explosive Undercover Footage Reveals Biden’s State Department Official Admitting ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is REAL — Admits Deliberately Importing Criminals’
“Patty Morin expressed her gratitude for the President’s call this morning, stating, “I am deeply touched by President Trump’s kindness and concern. He was genuine and truly wanted to know how our family was coping. He asked about Rachel and showed honest compassion for her untimely death. His words brought comfort to me during this very difficult time.” ”
‘NYC Residents Revolt Over Illegals After Brutal Assault of 13-Year-Old’
‘Illegal migrant charged with murdering Jocelyn Nungaray, 12,
was released into the US just weeks ago:
Texas girl was found raped and strangled in creek’
Want your loved ones to be SAFE ? ? ?
At what point will you say enough and vote DEMs out of government at all levels.
DEMs need to be sent a clear message !


‘Fears Texas girl, 12, may have been gang-raped before she was murdered during two hour ordeal under bridge…’ …
“Police have revealed the pair, who were in the U.S. illegally from Venezuela, allegedly lured Jocelyn under a bridge, where they held her for more than two hours, possibly gang-raping her after they tied her up and took her pants off.
When the duo were done with their depraved deeds, they allegedly killed the child by strangling her, before throwing her body into Greenpoint Creek….”
When a political party is attempting to gain control of a country by importing persons likely to be liberal voters, to win elections in years ahead, . . . . . . . what’s a few dead kids ? ? ? ?
All they care about is being in power, to advance their agenda and reward campaign contributors with tax payer dollars.
Will DEMs take a knee in DC to remember 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray,
like they did for george floyd ? ?


Fake sources are Project Veritas, Gaterway Pundit, Redstate and The Daily Mail. Why blame Biden when the GOP voted down his border bill because Trump asked them to do so?


Why blame Biden?
Because it was a crappy deal!
Only an idiot would have agreed to it….and I challenge you to disprove anything Project Veritas has submitted.
When you have video of the people involved admitting their malfeasance it is pretty hard to prove they didn’t say it.
D’oh! Why not post some PV videos? or are you just mouthing off?
In fact, I’d like to see some examples from all the sources you accuse of fakery.
You won’t do it because you can’t disprove it.


And try to post a link that actually works for a change.


Still living in bliss huh.


DOH….. show us one example.


Crickets…….. as usual.

Apparently doh doesn’t understand the pork in the democrat bills. The dimbulbs put together a “reasonable” immigration bill, then load it up with a bunch of BS amendments and programs – so much that they KNOW the republicans won’t vote for it….then they turn around and point to the republicans saying “see , the republicans are against immigration reform.”

It’s all political theater….the problem is that the bills have unrelated riders attached.

The democrats are scoring political points because they count on the ignorant voters not digging into their shady finances and inability to focus on the facts.

Remember when Biden said “I don’t work for you?” That’s what’s going on in DC as well as California. Yet doh can’t see it


We don’t need an immigration bill, our legal immigration system works as designed. The only reason those in Washington want to change our legal immigration system is to increase the number of legal aliens we allow into the country each year and to create another amnesty for illegal aliens. Illegal immigration doesn’t mean we have a broken immigration system, because we don’t have to allow everyone who wants to come into our country or arrives at our borders into the country, as we get to decide who enters our country. We do however have a broken land and water border security system, a broken visa system, and a broken asylum system. Nobody in Washington wants to just fix our broken border security, visa, and asylum systems, they’re only willing to fix them as long as they get their personal and political agenda items of expanded legal immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens met.


What are the non-fake sources?
Why would you blame Republicans and former President Trump for “Biden’s border bill” not passing in the US Senate? Both times it was up for a vote, first in February and then in May, not even all Senate Democrats voted for the bill. Furthermore, this bill was negotiated by three Senators, one Democrat, one Independent-Democrat, and one Republican, with White House officials, but no House members were included in these negotiations, and therefore it wouldn’t only not pass the House, but it was never going to be brought up for a vote in the House, because it was and is a bad bill. Just because President Biden or any other president wants a bill passed doesn’t mean that Congress has any obligation to pass that bill, vote on the bill, or even consider the bill.


Original G: a lot of people can’t stand the uncomfortable truth. I guess it exposes the failure of their liberal policies and dogmas. For some reason they want to hide all the damage that it’s doing . Thanks for helping expose.


Vote Trump for no income tax on tips!


Not a fan of this. I hear the excuse that it is hard work and they don’t make a lot money. There are many people that work hard and don’t make a lot of money. Why do we need to tip a certain segment of the work force? I know many people who rely on tips and they make very good money and are already not claiming all of it. They brag how customers will tip in cash and that is pocketed. That is income and it should be taxed. However, I would prefer we get rid of income tax for all.


Tips are calculated by each server’s gross sales whether they actually receive a tip or not. I don’t know how Valets or Bellhops are taxed.


I agree. There should be no income tax. This is also an idea that Trump is considering.


It doesn’t really matter what former President Trump is considering, it matters what both Houses of Congress would be willing to pass. Until we find out which party will control each House of Congress they’re campaign considerations and/or promises which likely can’t be kept, although Republicans will gain at least 1 seat in the Senate making it at a minimum, a 50-50 Senate.


This ploy is to pander to service workers in Nevada. It will never pass the House or the Senate, even if Republicans control both (which is unlikely anyway).

I pay income taxes on my hard earned wages. So should service workers.


Tips aren’t wages. Labor shouldn’t be taxed at all. Income tax is for corporations not workers. You’ll find out soon.
Tell me again about the “very fine people” story, I forgot


Should fringe benefits be taxed too?


Trump’s opening at the debate:
“America, before we start, I just want to say one thing. During our last debate, Joe Biden looked into the camera and told you that his son’s laptop was a Russian plant, knowing it wasn’t true. He told you that neither he nor his son have ever taken money from China. He told you that he has never taken a dime from any foreign source. He lied to you. Those have all been proven to be lies. Why would you believe
anything he says tonight?”
Carry on.


Trumpy little hands resume:

400+ 5th Amendment Pleadings
3500 lawsuits
91 Criminal Charges
26 Sexual Assault Allegations
6 Bankruptcies
5 Draft Deferments
88 Indictments
2 Impeachments
2 Convicted Companies
1 Fake University Shut Down
1 Fake Charity Shut Down
$25 Million Fraud Settlement
$5 Million Sexual Abuse Verdict
$2 Million Fake Charity Abuse Judgment
$93 Million Sexual Abuse Judgements
$400+ Million Fraud Judgment
Convicted of 34 felony counts
30,000+ verifiable lies as president


More Facts:

Wars started during Trump presidency = 0

Wars started during Biden presidency = 2

US funding to Ukraine = + $175 Billion

US funding to = +$12 Billion

US funding to Syria = + $2 Billion

So why do you think people are hurting for money?


Yes Biden no doubt started the ukraine war and. caused the Houthi to send rockets at shipping in the red sea.

If trump is elected he says ukraine war will end in 24 hours. Probably plans to help his “ Good friend “ Putin .


Frank, you misunderstood my point and instead regurgitated MSM talking points.

Biden giving our money to the Military Industrial Complex was not unique. Obama did it. Bush Jr did it. Clinton did it. Bush I did it. etc.

Trump on the other hand, did not start any wars. Instead he actively pushed for our withdrawal from foreign conflicts.


Frank what on earth do you represent?Romper room?Should he be friends or enemies with Putin,and do you even know what any of that means?




Would you please keep a more accurate account of how many lies he’s told. Fact seekers want an exact accounting, plus please list each one like – I graduated top in my class, I got 3 degrees, I taught constitutional law, inflation was 9% when I took office, I was part of Selma, I was in jail with Mendela.


i was a trucker,i got arrested marching for civil rights.i was the first to go to college in my family


Trump called nazis “very fine people” is the lie that was repeated by the biden regime.
Remember when he did the state of the union with the black and red background and acted like a tyrant from a movie..good times.
What a lying sack of potatoes, a complete waste of skin


“My Uncle was eaten by cannibals……”


It’s OK….. Joe really believes it!

Excellent, Mega Sam!


Well done!


Just saw an article on Newsom dismantling death row at San Quentin prison. We had voted years ago to keep the death penalty and to use it. As soon as this grease ball got into office he went against the voters wish’s and killed it saying he and his wife do not believe in the death penalty, his own words. Why is he allowed to do this against what we the people wanted? And now to make sure what he wants he is taking that part of the system apart. Why are we allowing this. This is so wrong


The democrat politicians(especially the corrupt ones like greasy Gaven)serve themselves, not the people they are elected to serve,


Actually, they do serve some people: Criminals who want a get out jail free card, illegal aliens, those that see the government as their mommy and provider, those that believe in illogical emotions based pseudoscience, and a few other groups.


Another example of the CA government it representing the people.


This is about real estate, period.


I have to wonder if the State of Nebraska will change how their Electoral College votes are distributed before the November general election, from the current state and congressional district distribution system to a winner take all system. Barring a wave election in favor of the Democrats, President Joe Biden needs 270 electoral votes to be elected President, but former President Donald Trump only needs 269 electoral votes to be elected president, because he’d win in a contingent election decided by the House of Representatives. Even if Democrats won control of the House in the November election, the Republicans would still control more House delegations and would elect Donald Trump president. If former President Trump wins the same 25 states and 1 district that he won in the 2020 election that gives him 235 electoral votes, 3 votes more than he received in 2020 due to reapportionment. It currently looks as though former President Trump will win the 16 electoral votes from Georgia, 11 electoral votes from Arizona, and 6 electoral votes from Nevada, considering he’s consistently led in polling in these states for the last 9 months, which would bring him to 268 electoral votes, one electoral vote short of winning the general election. Winning Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District is difficult for former President Trump to win, as he lost the district in 2020 by a healthy margin and the newly drawn district due to reapportionment doesn’t make this district any easier for him to win, but this one electoral vote would win him the election, he wouldn’t have to win Maine at-large, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Wisconsin to win the election, which are all very difficult states for any Republican candidate for president to win. The question is what will the State of Nebraska do?


So funny how “geoengineering” is hitting the MSM these days as if it is new. Apparently these “new” experiments to cool things down here may cause things to get warmer elsewhere. Are geoengineers just like children playing with matches?


Sign seen at anti Hamas protest:

“Israel uses weapons to protect civilians… Hamas uses civilians to protect weapons”

“The religion of peace”


I had the opportunity this week to meet and speak with Sonia Ledo, Republican candidate for State Assembly, district 15. I found her to be a breath of fresh air, honest, and very much aware of the problems here in the state. Her approach to solving thee problems are sound, and I believe she has a good chance at winning. We need to start removing the people that keep creating problems, and replace them with new people, with better ideas. If we keep voting the same people in office, nothing will change. If you have a chance, give her web site a look,, and see what you think.


I believe it’s more likely that Sonia Ledo doesn’t have a very good chance to win in the November general election, despite the fact that she’s running against Contra Costa County Board of Education Trustee Anamarie Avila Farias, who is disliked and distrusted by many local elected Democrats. Despite being disliked and distrusted, Democrats are lining up behind her and endorsing her, although she hasn’t received any endorsements from her former fellow Martinez City Councilmembers and received endorsements from 2 of 4 fellow Contra Costa County Board of Education Trustees. Sonia Ledo brags about receiving the most votes in the primary election, where she received about 30% of the vote, but she was the lone Republican running against 3 Democrats. That’s not a very good start for Sonia Ledo. I wish her much luck in this endeavor!


FINALLY……decent housing for illegal aliens. Thanks dems.

………and then there’s this guy, who could forget the AlsoRan

Great Proposal

Another dem idea to be grateful for

Strategic Oil Reserve…meh

Prepping for the debate

The return of sanity

Happy Saturday To All 😉


@Original G
These animals need to be hanged at the border with their dangling carcasses left up for all to see.


Watching biden on the news looks like he belongs in a assisted living home, not the white house.


Biden isn’t healthy enough for Assisted Living. He clearly belongs in skilled nursing.


Trump said he would have “ Been honored to fight in Vietnam”
His daddy found a compliant doctor who arranged for five deferments.


Hey Frances….. Biden and Trump each received 5 deferments – 4 student deferments and 1 medical deferment (Biden – asthma and Trump – bone spurs)..

You, like most democrats, just spew the dnc talking points and ignore the facts…..which is just lying.

Why are you afraid of exposing all of the facts? Is it because you’re afraid that slow joe continues to lose arguments with a dribble glass? Or that heels-up Harris (the word salad princess) is no more than another check the box person (?) in this administration? Or how about your buddy Sam Brinton, the cross-dressing baggage thief who “worked” for the NRC?

Grow up.


And Trump called nazis “very fine people” didn’t he frank? Remember you said that like a hundred thousand times? Probably time to back away from the bone spurs hoax


I thought charlottesville was the whole reason biden ran for president. Wonder why he won’t mention the “very fine people” situation anymore.
Welcome to the jungle, we have fun and games


Speaking of cults, what’s on the Socialist, Marxist, Communist agenda for this week ?


Again, so what? I’m still paying over $5 for a gallon of gas!!!


Tyler Cherry busted for past social media posts revealing his (?) true feelings.
Well he does have a slightly less disturbing appearance than Sam Brinton, and he must be smarter than KJP. However this selection reflects the depth of the Biden bench: Shallow.


Upon further reflection, it appears the Biden Syndicate are doing their best to create a team of freaks and misfits the likes of which we haven’t seen since Howard Stern’s Whack Pack.
What possible purpose can they serve?


Do we still even have a legitimate government? To me it seems like a criminal organization looting us of trillions, supporting an invasion of illegal aliens, and facilitating foreign subversion by communist Chinese.


This is what an international embarrassment looks like;


Seven Years Later, Snopes Says Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’


Who else thinks govt freely prints money as a means to reduce the value of your money? That’s the big problem with central banking.


THE PERFECT PLAN….Brought to you by your dem party. Their motto “win at all cost & always cheat”
Several States Including Arizona Allow Illegals to Vote in Presidential Elections with No Proof of Citizenship Needed.
In only some states, lawmakers will not allow illegals to vote in local elections, but EVERY STATE will allow illegal aliens to vote in national elections, including the presidential election. This is because of provisions in the federal Voting Rights Act, which allow you to vote without proving identity.


Something to think about,
Flood of illegals includes let’s say 1/10th of 1 percent terrorists who may well commit mass casualty attacks. Plenty of gang members, criminals who have come here to hide out from crimes committed in their country’s they fled. Then there are the straight up child predators.
WHY you might ask have DEMs opened the borders.
One, to have a pool of potential liberal voters and the side benefit . . . .
“If you scare people enough,
they will demand removal of freedom”
—Elon Musk

With each mass casualty terrorist event,
DEMs can dangle, the carrot of, vague promises of Safety
IF only you’ll just surrender some of your freedom.


Approximately 15 million unvetted illegals have been let go during Brandon’s reign of ineptitude. That’s 15,000 terrorists if your math is correct. That’s a whole bunch of whackos who are more than happy to die for Allah and take as many others as possible with them.

But as Mayorkas says, “The border is secure”. FJB.


Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?
If you keep voting democrat the US will become the sh*tshow California has turned into.


Imported Rotten Fruit of the biden-harris regime, . . . . . child predators.
What’s a few dead tender age AMERICANS when you’re trying to gain control of a country?
The two Venezuelan nationals entered US in March were caught by Border Patrol fitted with ankle monitors and released. That’s all the protection federal government deemed necessary for US citizens.
” ‘Our immigration system is broken, and if there was ever a case that reflected that it’s this one,’
Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said…” …
“Little Jocelyn Nungaray fought back against her attackers after she was lured under a Houston bridge and assaulted for two hours — leaving scratch and bite marks on one of the illegal migrants who is accused of killing her, prosecutors revealed Tuesday.”

Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election, Colluded with Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Liberal judge arrested at nightclub all over news removed from her position.


Communist fire alarm-puller Bowman is out, and Lauren Boebert, running a robust campaign, has bounced back.


Representative Lauren Boebert abandoned her Western Colorado district, which has a 7-point Republican advantage, because she nearly lost her seat by a few hundred votes in 2022, for a safer seat in Eastern Colorado, which has a 13-point Republican advantage. Boebert won the nomination in this Eastern Colorado district with a plurality of the vote, because she had the good fortune of being endorsed by former President Donald Trump, the fact that she’s currently a sitting member of the House, and because she ran against four conservative establishment candidates who split a majority of the vote, not because she ran a “robust campaign.” She’s viewed as a carpetbagger by many voters in this district.

I submit, for your consideration, that any campaign in any district by Lauren Boebert could be considered robust.


A while back New York member of congress pulled a fire alarm messing up debate on a bill to avert a government shutdown. Little tiny problem CCTV was watching and recording when he did it.
Guy gets primaried and bernie sanders and aoc show up at a campaign rally to HELP.
gotta watch aoc video, dailymail
gotta watch aoc video
‘First Squad member Jamaal Bowman ousted from Congress
despite AOC’s last-ditch effort to save him’
New York voters have had enough and voted a woke DEM.
First of MANY . . . . . . .


Political cartoonist Tom Stiglich nails it,


Oh wonderful, . . . . . .
‘DHS identifies 400 migrants smuggled into US by ISIS-affiliated network’
“The Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 migrants who were brought to the US from Central Asia and other places by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network — and the whereabouts of more than 50 of them are unknown, according to an unsettling report.”
America used to have an immigration system that worked, then came along obama-biden regime.


Newsom says California is a “a force of light against dark conservative forces”.
“Our values and our way of life are the antidote to the poisonous populism of the right, and to the fear and anxiety that so many people are feeling today”
He sounds like a Star Wars character.


Out of control, California crime and homelessness is.
Yoda speak translator
From book, Newsom Unleashed: The Progressive Lust for Unbridled Power:
“… Gavin Newsom makes even the unsavory likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama look like rank amateurs when it comes to sheer egotism, megalomania, and vaingloriousness. Every American who cares about the fate of his country should pray that this oily narcissist’s dreams of national power never come to fruition.”
“This is a man whose intentions are the exaltation of himself
and the furtherance of his own power”
Think back, during covid many of newsom’s executive actions were subsequently ruled unconstitutional by Courts, even The Supreme Court swatted him down.
Imagine the damage that’s been done to California multiplied by ten being done to our country.


Darth Newsom: “I find your lack of faith…. disturbing”


Ever notice how people who beat on their chest about values tend to have none?


More like, “Our values and our way of life are the REASON for the fear and anxiety that so many people are feeling today”.

H should have ended his message with, “I am so sorry”.


Joe’s former business partner Devin Archers flips;
Why would any sane person vote for that domestic and international criminal?


That greaseball Newsom is not even worth his weight in monkey meat!


hmmmm… looks like money laundering to me…. Biden’s negotiating a new mortgage or credit deal on both homes every 17 months.


House votes 193 to 173 to defund Mayorkas salary now he has been impeached


This means absolutely nothing! This is highly unlikely to be passed by the Senate, if it’s even brought up for a vote at all. In the highly unlikely event that this was brought up for a vote and passed by the Senate, it would then be vetoed by President Biden. Just like Senate Democrats voted to end the impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, this won’t go anywhere either! This is just House Republicans using their majority for political purposes and the 24-hour news cycle in an election year, as they knew when this amendment was both written and put up for a vote that it wouldn’t go anywhere.


The Border,
Albany, NY a 21 year old illegal from Turkey kidnaps 15 year old girl off the street and rapes her.
He crossed southern border last November at San Diego.

This November, a newly elected division called the Bay Area Financing authority Board have agreed to place a 20 billion bond measure on the ballot to supposedly pay for 90,000 affordable homes.
Please don’t fall for another fake tax ploy yet again. Gavin Newsoms unaccountable 24 billion dollars should convince everyone otherwise of that. As usual they increase people’s property and businesses taxes to supposedly subsidize this ruse. Unfortunately some people will actually fall for it! The total cost to us with interest will be 48 billion. They won’t build any homes. It’s just another bait and switch. Please vote responsibly…


Just more money down the toilet with nothing to show for it.

Didn’t Newscum promise to solve homelessness in SF years ago?

And he’s still peddling this scam through democrat bureaucrats? And the voters are still supporting it?



Already in the debate,everytime Biden is having brain fade,they immediately send it back over to Trump and cut off Bidens talk and face


This is the first time I have ever seen someone without pupils who was still alive.
Joe was absolutely cooked. He won’t sleep for hours.

All CNN is doing now is lying and say everything Trump said in the debate is a lie.How weak.
Liberals got to see the true Joe i hope.Dumpster fire


Presidential debate recap,

Biden claims no troops died during his Presidency…… is it senility or Alzheimer’s?


And regarding the border patrol……..what is a “sidewaufer”?
BTW – CNN sounds like they’re setting up for a change of candidates already….
Hang in there Joe!


What are the chances of His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom
and other obama guy for DEMs???


They gotta do something and it sure seems like Gavin has been running a shadow campaign for the past 2 years or so.

There is a big Kamala problem promoting Gavin to the top of the ticket, though. How do you justify to the libs that a white male is stepping over the sitting VP who just happens to be female and black?

This has been a week of blockbuster Supreme Court decisions:
The unelected bureaucracy empire took a double hit when the court ruled that the Constitution required jury trials and shut down the SEC’s kangaroo courts. Then the court overturned the Chevron doctrine allowing agencies to make stuff up without congressional authorization.
The DOJ got smacked down for making up laws to persecute their political enemies.
And the court said that local governments were allowed to prohibit camping in city streets, sidewalks, and parks.

They set the bar about as low as possible for Slow Joe, yet he still managed to limbo underneath it. That was his most impressive feat at the debate. Whatever cocktail they gave him was rejected by his remaining grey matter. Maybe they relied on Fauci’s medical expertise in concocting whatever Joe was on.

The Dems are in full panic mode after Joe’s disasterous showing. Watching Anderson Cooper after the debate finished, one would think that a loved one had died. The conversation around the table wasn’t picking apart the debate and trying to spin it one way or another. Instead, the CNN pundits were all musing OUT LOUD that Joe needed replacing and that Joe was feeble and addled.

Now that CNN is actually discussing what the other half of the country has been saying for at least four years, could it be possible that Claycord’s usual lefty acolytes will cite CNN (like they always do) as gospel and finally admit Joe’s very visible physical and mental shortcomings? I doubt it but one can always hope that those blinded by ideology can now see and the lost can find their way.

Joe was already losing before last night. He cemented his loss with his sad performance in front of America.

The only Biden who won last night was Hunter. His pardon or commutation will happen shortly after Nov 6, when the ballots are fully counted.

Bring on Gavin!

Another thought that came out of the debate:

If Joe is sooooooo bad that he must be replace on the ballot, how is he good enough to continue running the country?

Even the NY Times is calling for Biden to bow out. Does he have Arkancide insurance?


This has got to be a set up !



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