Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think We’ll Experience Another Pandemic In Our Lifetime?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think We’ll Experience Another Pandemic In Our Lifetime?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think we’ll experience another pandemic in our lifetime??

Talk about it….


Abe June 4, 2024 - 1:29 PM - 1:29 PM

Without a doubt.

Fed Up June 4, 2024 - 1:31 PM - 1:31 PM

Nope. One was enough, especially considering how the Government and certain information purveyors led us astray, i.e. they LIED.

Paul June 4, 2024 - 2:05 PM - 2:05 PM

Yes. The new covid variant is already out. We need to vote by mail. And get the stimulus package. Let shut down for in home vacation again

S June 4, 2024 - 2:14 PM - 2:14 PM

Well…. If in “My” lifetime; it better hurry up…. Ain’t gettin’ no younger…

Original G June 4, 2024 - 2:15 PM - 2:15 PM

Certainly, politicians saw an opportunity and exploited covid with illegal restrictions.
“If you scare people enough,
they will demand removal of freedom”
—Elon Musk

“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response,
Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
https://tinyurl.com/mr227c6s . . . April 2020
“…absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”
Can DEMs be trusted ?
“The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a blow to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s pandemic-related ban on indoor religious services, siding with a church that defied the policy and challenged it as unconstitutional religious discrimination.”
‘Newsom ordered to pay $1.35 million for COVID-19 church discrimination’
newsom is far from being a deep thinker.
Nor is he a Constitutional scholar

Badge1104 June 4, 2024 - 2:56 PM - 2:56 PM

Yes, we’ll probably have another pandemic. Thougj, this past one was kind of blown out of proportion by the femocrat leaders with their lockdown in their hopes of winning the election by using it. I.e.all those loose mail-in ballots they sent to everyone in the country- including the dead.. It also allowed Joe Biden to stay locked down and not have to compete. I actually think the govermet leaders enjoyed the power they wielded over the people. I still remember Gavin Newsom’s ban on going to the beach! German doctors at the very same time, said that no way the virus can survive in the salty sunny ocean air!
But the governor was threatening us with jail time if we went to the beach. It was a power trip for him ( as he was out going to parties and dinners at the same time he told us to stay home)

Original G June 4, 2024 - 5:57 PM - 5:57 PM

You reminded me of this, BUST for illegal covid beach fishing.
french laundry dinner attendees make for some very interesting search results.

The Observer June 4, 2024 - 2:18 PM - 2:18 PM

The major pandemics, 1300s, 1918, and 2019+, were spread by long-distance travelers. The bubonic plague of the 1300s was spread by merchants traveling from central Asia to Europe. The Spanish flu originated in Kansas and spread to Europe and beyond because of the American army troops sent to Europe during World War I. Covid was spread throughout the world by air travelers. The current ease with which millions of people travel between every part of the world makes it likley that diseases that are especially transmissable will reach pandemic level. The last great pandemic before Covid-19 happened just over a century ago. It seems likely that the time to the next one will be measured in years, not in centuries.

Dawg June 4, 2024 - 2:20 PM - 2:20 PM

COVID-19 was excessively overblown by pretentious officials, and a population of the naive, and gullible fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It was a perfect example of propaganda, to keep repeating a lie, and people will believe it. Now, that’s not to say COVID-19 wasn’t real and that people didn’t die from it, but shutting down the state, mandating a useless mask and picking an arbitrary number like six feet to distance ourselves from others was, in my opinion, unnecessary and presented serious consequences.
As it is today, with our open borders, I wouldn’t be surprised if we do indeed experience a pandemic that has the potential to cause real harm to Americans. Millions of illegal invaders from around the globe have been pouring into our country, and according to the CDC, and the NIH, they’re bringing in a whole host of diseases. Diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis, measles, polio, cholera, leprosy, plague, venereal diseases, and HIV.
This is what Joe Biden is doing to us, he and his administration are destroying our country, and Democrat voters are so blinded by his lies, that they do not see the edge of the cliff they are about to fall off of.

concord resident June 4, 2024 - 3:12 PM - 3:12 PM

If only there was a vaccine for almost all those diseases you are worried about coming across the border

Angry American June 4, 2024 - 2:24 PM - 2:24 PM

Aside from the election variant likely not. We are a growing population so no telling what happens next but if it is in the same generation as this one no one will care or cooperate “myself included” everyone was lied to.

Angry American June 5, 2024 - 12:04 PM - 12:04 PM
domo June 4, 2024 - 2:46 PM - 2:46 PM

Yes – I think it’s already hit our politicians – particularly in Calif… they should be relieved of duty, quarantined, and replaced immediately…. preferably by most anyone on Claycord

SamE June 4, 2024 - 2:56 PM - 2:56 PM

You might, but I won’t. I have given them enough attention.

USA JIM June 4, 2024 - 3:09 PM - 3:09 PM

Bwahahahaha another 1? try another few

Sancho Panza June 4, 2024 - 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

The World Health Organization along with WEF, UN, and all the other bad actors are already planning another pandemic, why on June 1st they just adopted amendments that will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing “pandemic emergencies” that will be made even worse by “relevant health products.” Do not comply!

Anon June 4, 2024 - 4:45 PM - 4:45 PM

Absolutely, there WILL be another Fake pandemic.
This time, they have things set up for a more aggressive lockdown.
You will be ghosted, shadow banned, or arrested……based on any criticisms you post online.
Your stores already have things locked up, and you’ll need to use a credit card or a cashless means for easier tracking.
The same new world order cheerleaders will be demanding that SWAT forcibly vaccinates you.
Checkpoints? Well, they’ve already got that perfected with their Illegal “DUI” checkpoints.

reekorizzo June 4, 2024 - 4:50 PM - 4:50 PM

Depends on if Trump gets elected or not

Sarah Horowitz June 4, 2024 - 4:52 PM - 4:52 PM

Being that Covid was a 100% manufactured LIE, of course we’ll have other manufactured LIES referred to as viruses or pandemics to keep the populace in fear. Without question. Fear allows governments to completely control the masses and being that people are more dumbed down than any other time in history, it will be an easy tactic to fool them again.

Worried June 4, 2024 - 5:31 PM - 5:31 PM

It’s pronounced plandemic. I’m sure they have something lined up for us it’s the way the Democrats control us give themselves more power to violate our rights why do you think we’re in the situation we’re in now the 2020 vote was completely hijacked

Sid June 4, 2024 - 6:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Bob June 4, 2024 - 6:03 PM - 6:03 PM

The invasion of the West from 3rd World countries laying all sorts of previously-controlled diseases upon a grossly over-strained healthcare system, coupled with the incalculable amount of trust lost in both the aforementioned AND government in general practically guarantee it.

Remember the difference between conspiracy theory and truth?

About six months.

Captain Bebops June 4, 2024 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

I don’t think they can pull the wool over the public’s eyes again at least so easily. And plenty will call “BS” on it.🥱

Dorothy June 4, 2024 - 7:16 PM - 7:16 PM

How are we suppose to keep pesky germs and viruses out of the US? Too many are returning from everywhere by air, sea, and various vehicles. And don’t forget some have been dug up out of poles that have been dormant since the last ice age and apparently still able to do they own infecting. I’ll say in less that 50 years. Could be before I’m gone.

Hope Johnson June 4, 2024 - 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Natural pandemics aren’t that common but could happen. Odds are against it in our lifetime. Odds of a manufactured one, though, increase every day Fauci isn’t charged and tried in a court of law.

yoyohop June 4, 2024 - 8:17 PM - 8:17 PM

The pandemic was fake. Look for them to fake another, in an attempt to restrict our food freedoms.

Government agencies have already started raiding Amish farmers – their crime was making unpasteurized milk available to the sick.

The FDA and the like has started asking people to register their gardens and chickens. If they can’t ban it, they’ll try to tax it.

The Fearless Spectator June 4, 2024 - 10:41 PM - 10:41 PM

No. This time they will use a war.

Luke June 5, 2024 - 5:11 PM - 5:11 PM

Yes, I expect it in the next 30 to 50 years. I imagine we’ll have even stricter measures, given that technological advancements will make it even easier to shut down. I can’t see them allowing Costco and Walmart to remain open, but with how arbitrary it was during 2020, who knows?

Shulla June 6, 2024 - 10:28 AM - 10:28 AM

As long as the WuHan lab remains in operation, yes. The Covid19 virus got away from them.

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