Home » Several Paving Projects Planned In Walnut Creek This Summer

Several Paving Projects Planned In Walnut Creek This Summer


This summer will be a busy one for City of Walnut Creek Public Works crews, with a variety of projects planned to improve City streets.

The City’s Pavement Management Program aims to
maintain City roads in a cost-effective manner.
Rehabilitation and repaving projects will take
place soon in 4 areas: Locust Street between
Civic Drive and Mt. Diablo Blvd., Mt. Diablo
Blvd. west of California Blvd., and Wiget Lane
between Ygnacio Valley Road and Lennon
Lane. Bicycle lane improvements will be
included in the work on Wiget. Additionally,
slurry seal will be applied in the Livorna
Estates and Castle Hill neighborhoods. These
critical infrastructure projects represent a
substantial $5 million investment in the City’s
road network, with funding coming from
Measure J and gas tax revenues.

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Hey city of Concord, how about paving willow pass rd. Or treat blvd? Those roads are like going off road. Cracks pot holes. Do something!


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A big stretch of Willow Pass east of downtown is getting repaved this summer.

…. or finishing the repaving of YVR from San Miguel east to the city boundary that is waaaay overdue

Don’t forget neighborhood streets that were all torn up and never fixed correctly by PG@E years ago.

Or like PJ 2449 – Willow Pass Road Repaving SR2T

YVR needs to be repaved badly heading east past Oakgrove going up the hill towards Concord. Especially, the left lane, the road is very ruff There are so many cracks filled it’s very hard to tell where the lanes are when it rains. Please look into this.


I’ve tried… keeps getting pushed out hoping for federal funds 🙄

I am so glad that we Claycordians are speaking up about paving our streets. I have a relative that lives in Alamo and that whole city recently paved it’s roads. We are long overdue. All I see are patch jobs on heavy traveled streets here in Claycord.



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