Home » Walnut Creek To Host Drag Queen Storytime In Civic Park To Kick Off Pride Month

Walnut Creek To Host Drag Queen Storytime In Civic Park To Kick Off Pride Month


The following is from the City of Walnut Creek:

Glamour, imagination, creativity and positivity come to sparkling life as celebrated Drag Queen Miss Rahni NothingMore brings an extra dash of fabulous to storytime. Followed by a craft-making event, Drag Queen Storytime is geared towards pre-school-aged children, however, all ages are welcomed. Registration is required for children only; adult must accompany child.

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No. 🤦


What’s the point? The fairies readying about fairies.


Totally unacceptable !!!


God is watching…


Well isn’t that just precious. NOT


Disgusting. What kind of parent would bring their pre-school aged child to this? You’d have to be a sicko.
This crap has gone way too far.


Shoot, can’t make it. Same day as the “Leave it to Beaver” marathon.


I’ll take Leave it to beaver! Gladly!


I don’t know, sometimes Ward was pretty hard on The Beaver.


This is complete garbage. Woke walnut creek. What a surprise. More pandering for the left.


this is disgusting and immoral




Maybe if none shows up they’ll get the message


Too many disturbed people in this area. I am sure it will be well attended and I hurt for those kids receiving this message shoved down their throats.


no pun intended?


Disgusting groomers.


“Storytime is geared towards pre-school-aged children”
Voters make note of which politicians show up.
Yet another reason, DEMs need to be voted out of office at all levels of government.


Weiner – for sure Weiner.


Drag queens, pimps, and prostitutes have no business around little kids. I am dumbstruck how woke the City of Walnut Creek has become in sponsoring such an event. This belongs at a venue like the 1220 Club for consenting adults, not confused children and certainly not funded by tax dollars.


Walnut Creek has become very woke! They love using all the right buzzwords: diversity, inclusion ,equity, etc….. all sound nice but when all the things that cities embrace just before they become cesspools.


Did you hear about the time they had a Furry line up to take pictures with children the day before Easter?


It was very eggs-citing.

This is an abomination and any parents that bring their children to such an event should not have their heads examined, but be referred to Child Protective Services!


The Walnut Creek City leaders have gone too far. This is not “inclusion” . It’s promoting deviant behavior.


I was wondering how a man dressed up as a caricature of a women and reading to children is beneficial?


I don’t support woman face. It is a mockery of who I am as a female and entirely offensive to promote it.




Why does the government think that it has to give special attention and special privilege to one specific group? Why? Because they are afraid of them.


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What’s to be afraid of? Not a thing…


They are afraid of being accused and attacked by the LGBGQBTG whackos.


Yay! We should have more events like drag queen story time. So that kids will grow and embrace diversity. If anyone is interested, the sisters of perpetual indulgence hosts “hunky Jesus” at the Delores park every Easter; so many children come for Easter egg hunting and games.


Embrace diversity … what a crock of you know what. There are many other ways to embrace diversity that are not as damaging to a preschooler.

You know why they want to tailor to a preschooler .. cause anyone older will just laugh at the grown man dressed up like a girl. I wonder how many people will show up and ridicule the event.


Sponsored by Snap-On Tools.


Delores Park in San Francisco. San Francisco. Everyone knows how highly the world looks upon San Francisco.


No thanks but glad to know you stand behind the grooming of children


prisons and mental institutions are full of the diverse

In a word…..Disgusting and inappropriate. Keep it in the Castro! City Council should all be fired!


There is absolutely zero reason why a pre-school aged child should have the slightest idea what a drag queen or pride month is. This is disgusting.


Drag Queens have nothing to do with pimps and prostitutes. Having children at drag shows is a good thing. Do your own research. SMH



I looked at your site … still chuckling over it. A Canadian news site that is considered, not quite extreme, but very liberal. They conveniently use words to influence an opinion. Yeah, that sounds like a site I would trust (NOT!).

Drag Queens are not the same as dressing up in costumes. A costume is simply a costume, generally for a specific event. You dress up as a cowboy, nurse, scary movie character etc … A Drag Queen is someone expressing their alter ego/self. They are dressing up to express who they believe they really are.

The one in costume knows that they are not really the fire fighter or movie hero. The one in Drag believes that really are acting out who they should be. See the difference?

As for prostitutes, many lady boys exist. And to many people, they see a male dressed up in woman’s clothing they are either a lady boy or a drag queen. I agree, they are not the same, but I understand how people come to that conclusion.


The only ones receiving benefit from these events are the drag queens.


Says the groomer…


Why would parents want to have their pre school aged children around a group of people who’s whole identity is based around their sexuality? It’s literally in the acronym of LGBTQ. Sexual content is completely in appropriate. Groomers.

Bigger fish to fry? Like what … what is bigger than our children, they are our future. And you are okay with them being assaulted by some male dressed up like a girl?

As for comparing this to reading to our own children in different voices … what planet are you from? Your comparison is not even in the same galaxy! Reading to my children in different voice is nothing, NOTHING, like having a grown male dress up like a little girl and read to preschoolers. What kind of sick minded individual are you?


Are you accusing the story readers of assaulting the children they are reading to?



They are putting children in a harmful environment. Definition of assault includes ‘harm’.


It’s called grooming.


‘Oh, Please’ is 100% correct in her statement. They are not normal men expressing their desire or feelings of being born in a ‘wrong body’ by trying to look like a woman!

GOOD example: Caitlyn Jenner, (whom I do not admire, but do accept the person – as that person wants to be accepted) Bruce was a decent man who has tried his best to transition into being Feminine — I’ve Never seen him intentionally act up like a side-show clown. He is mercilessly surrounded by un-natural women who are difficult to describe without starting a whole new storyline.

BAD example: Average groin grinding, ass-grabbing “gay pride” icky-exhibitionists are Not normal. They show a terrible fiendish dislike of womanhood and they show ZERO respect for women. They try to Look and Act as carnival-garish as they possibly can. I have no issue with L, or G, or even B, and very little problem with ADULTS who think they’re in the wrong body. When’s the last time a white man thought he was really a black woman and tried to transition? LMAO! I wonder if it’s mental–they’re gay and don’t know who to blame, and don’t realize it’s actually ok to be gay…you don’t have to change sex to have sex with the same sex! … but the entire s**t show the “Gay Pride” forces on the rest of us IN PUBLIC is disgusting. How about an Annual Parade for Mom’s and Dads… Let’s take over Market Street and Main Street USA…. Show our children Pride in being exactly what you were created to be.
Now…ask me how I really feel!😡


No Excuses, sounds like a good thing for you to get started…a mom and dad parade. I’m sure no one would have a problem with that. Everybody loves moms and dads. I say go for it!


Ever notice they never hold drag reading events for seniors or the homeless?


BINGO, BOB! They’re not trying to lure the seniors or homeless into their life-plan.


BOB, are you sure about that?


100% sure, can you name a drag event for homeless or seniors? We are waiting…




Don’t spend any money in walnut creek. What an absolute joke this area has become. Any parents taking their kids to this should be photographed and humiliated. What losers do this to their own kids? I would hope the protesters would shut this crap down before it even starts. If the WC cops violate free speech rights, they should be videotaped and sue the city. Good luck out there. Civic park is a public space so video, photos and voices are all protected activities under the first amendment. Sue them into oblivion. Lots of money to be made protesting this crap. You know the PD will be violating rights to protect the groomers. Sick


I thought you said that Pride had been canceled?

Sickos thanks for the warning I will avoid the area


Obviously Walnut Creek elected officials are pandering to the sub-one-percent.
This makes it abundantly clear they are drag racists.


I met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
Well I’m not the world’s most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my!
Well I’m not dumb but I can’t understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my!

Well we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said little boy won’t you come home with me
Well I’m not the world’s most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my Lola
I pushed her away, I walked to the door,I fell to the floor….
I got down on my knees
Then I looked at her and she at me
Well that’s the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola
Well I left home just a week before
And I’d never ever kissed a woman before
But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said dear boy I’m gonna make you a man!
Well I’m not the world’s most masculine man
But I know what I am and I’m glad I’m a man
And so is Lola.
The End


You might enjoy this poem, too.

WC has gone crazy. The City also is spending upwards of 250K on a DEI consultant too. And Drag is for adults, period. I blame this partly on the “refugees” from moving out of Berkeley/SF that are now moving into our neighborhoods and all those high density condos and apartments, determined to recreate what they are trying flee from) and virtue signaling Woke parents. It is also about trying to “normalize” the extremes of the rainbow culture, as if it were just as valid as any other ethnic or heritage culture, but it isn’t. That is why it has to be pushed on the us.


At the end of the day, you don’t have to bring your kids because you are not going to believe this but there are at least 4 other libraries in the area. And it’s not even at the library.

But you call them groomers while at the same time preach hate. I assume you have no problem with the women or moms who dress up as a sexy {insert costume idea} on Halloween.

Would you have the same reaction if it was a Klan rally? or a Goth or Mick Jagger or Keith Richards?

Again you don’t have to take your kids or your niece, nephews or any small child you know. There’s no tax refund, there’s no stimulus payment for those who attend.


It is grooming.

And yes I will hate anything that attempts to harm a child.

I do not hate the drag queen, their life is their choice. But do not force it upon a child, especially preschoolers who are so easily manipulated into your deviant morality. If you need to present it to children, cause the adults laugh at you, then present it to children who are not so easily influenced because they have been taught critical thinking and are better prepared to think for themselves.


Yes, we call them Groomers, because that’s what they are.
No, that has nothing to do with Halloween or the Rolling Stones, and your attempt to even make those comparisons just shows how out-of-touch with reality you people really are.
Yes, we would have the same kind of revulsion if it was a Klan Rally.


The Halloween comparison was particularly stupid. Yes, women who dress up in scanty costumes for Halloween should stay away from small children too. We don’t have that problem though, because women almost never want to behave sexually around childen. Predatory men, however, do.

All the feminists types screamed about r**e culture and how men are dangerous to women. The men put on a wig and a feather boa and they become angels to introduce to their kids. All of those people are lunatics.


Not the point


46 comments, with a total of 2 supporting the event and 44 opposed…..😅😂🤣 (No thanks)


Would you like to know more?


This is the new face of the Eugenics movement. All volunteer rainbow army. You choose.


No please leave this kids alone!!!!!


This is beyond disgusting. Who are the sickos that are facilitating this? Does anybody here have a list of which council members pushed for this and what organizations are backing it up. Lets get their names out here. You’ve crossed the line. You shall not hold office, time for recalls and child endangerment charges. This is criminal. These things are demon cults.


This is disgusting. It’s not intended to benefit children. It is planned solely as a “look at me” moment for the city of Walnut Creek and some attention seeking parents. Anyone who is around young children knows that they can easily be frightened in an unfamiliar situation. My daughter was terrified of Smokey The Bear when she was young. My 3-year old grandson is sometimes frightened by things he sees on tv. Once again, children are being used as pawns by virtue-signaling adults with no regard for the children’s’ feelings. Another, “Ain’t I great? I’m so much more open-minded and progressive than you…” moment. Any parent who would take a child to something like this is not interested in entertainment for the child – they just want attention for themselves.


I personally have nothing against drag queens. I am a person that believes that you should be able to whatever you want as long as you do not harm people or animals or break the law. I would have no problem with a draq queen reading my child a children’s story, BUT this feels like this event has very little to do with children. This seems to be a stagged event so that the WC politicians can show how politically correct and open minded they are. Which means they are using children as pawns. And that I have a problem with. Children are on not pawns.


👍 That’s about as real as it gets!

Young kids need to know about diversity because when they start school they will have non-binary, gay and other “Rainbow” classmates….this is not going to go away. “Love is Love” even though the majority of comments on Claycord don’t support it or believe it. The rest of us will be celebrating Pride month and diversity in spite of you.


This has nothing to do with diversity and everything to do with sexualizing children, and don’t you dare call that love.


You are wrong, go ahead & celebrate child grooming but there is no “rest of us” sick MF


Blue bird you are wrong. No one cares about who is gay and who is not that ship has sailed long ago. What people care about is why do you feel the need to be special? “no one is special” no one on this planet deserves any more or less rights or respect than the other so “pride?” “we are all proud” “YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL” In this day and age we only give up our rights and dignity by attempting to diminish the rights of another “where is my pride month?” When children see drag queens they see fairy princesses and clowns “this is the attraction” so for grown men to attempt to push this on young children with the thought they can groom them is sick and a mental illness (pedophilia). As adults we can choose what we want to see and take part in. I know this won’t make a dent.
Peoples minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed and permanently set.


But you do care, as do at least 60 other people, because you came here to comment.

“In this day and age we only give up our rights and dignity by attempting to diminish the rights of another “where is my pride month?”” – Again you came here to diminish the act.

You are projecting the word groom as if the parents have no say in who attends so as to quote you “As adults we can choose what we want to see and take part in. I know this won’t make a dent”

This isn’t a forced event, you can choose not to go, you can choose to ignore it, but here you and countless others are posting.

Notice not a single news story about Clayton’s parade on Saturday?


BLUEBIRD, regular hetro people DO NOT engage in this public display of what passes as “lgbt culture”, and if we did, would be arrested or at the very least shamed. You need to ask yourself WHY this is being aimed specifically at kids. If lgbt people acted like the normal people they said they always were (and there are many who do not approve of any of this), and stopped thier own extreme wackos, it never would have gotten to this. So you think that “love is love”? Does that include adults attracted to children? Or animals? Or wearing kink gear in public?


@ Bluebird: Young children do not need programs like this to learn about diversity. Pre-schoolers hold hands and play together without a thought of color or sex. It’s only when adults start pointing out differences and making a big deal out of it that the kids begin to notice. Best advice ever: “Hey teachers, leave those kids alone!” These programs are probably designed by the angry, blue-haired types that don’t even like children. They just want to brainwash them for their own gain. So don’t try to disguise this as “for the children” – because it’s not. It’s only for virtue-signaling adults and it’s bullsh*t.


I agree completely with this comment. Also, nice Pink Floyd reference.

Just so long as you don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses!


Not so long ago this was considered adult entertainment. You paid a cover charge with a 2 drink minimum.


Mental health awareness day


Maybe a Drag Queen learn to ride a bike event next? The bike could be decorated, wow splendid. Bikes not books!!! Who came up with Drag Queen Story Hour? What about mommy and daddy read to kids hour, do we have that in a group setting? Maybe each elementary school should be inclusive and have a drag queen teacher? Why nothing for drag kings, seems exclusive. Maybe they could have a combined drag king and drag queen story hour. Maybe non-binary story hour, look kids that is not a boy or a girl reading to you.

I’m sure not a soul who has commented here enjoyed the movie Mrs. Doubtfire? That would be drag.

And for all who think it’s so degenerate, do you volunteer to read to children that are not yours?
If you think what is being “pushed” is so bad, you could always take up the slots yourselves and maybe do some good.


Mrs Doubtfire was a funny movie, and everyone knew it was a funny movie. There was no agenda to push an agenda on a preschooler.

That movie is nothing like what they did at the libray, nothing. It is a sad commentary if you think they are a like.


I assume you didn’t watch the whole movie because if watch until the end you’ll notice that his boss at the TV station, btw which is a Bay Area station, gave Mrs Doubtfire an on air job hosting (and you won’t believe this) A CHILDREN’S DAYTIME SHOW. And another thing that will blow your mind is that he hosted the show dressed as Mrs Doubtfire, (Can you believe a man dressed as a woman?).

More facts:
– Mrs Doubtfire addressed the topic of divorce
– Mrs Doubtfire was #1 in her time slot and stations across the country were calling to add the show to their line ups.

You keep harping on agenda but at the same time will not attend the reading nor have you attended the reading. You and others have this warped sense that every person who dresses in drag is there to feel up kids.



Mrs Doubtfire is one of my favorite movies, so yeah, I have seen the whole thing.
You must not realize that the movie was suppose to be FUNNY, not a reality show. It was a FUNNY movie from its time, not a reality show for then or now.
Unless you think Sanford and Sons or Beverlys Hill Cop, were reflective of the reality of the time …

Yep, I will harp on any agenda that is out there to groom children. I do not need to attend the reading to see grown BIOLOGICAL males dress up as little girls to read books to them. See, if it was REALLY about reading books to children, they would not need to be dressed in womans clothing. But you see, they want the attention, they want the preschoolers to ask why they are dressed that way … so that these groomers can pass along their agenda and try to make themselves feel normal. They are NOT normal.



How do I use the word groomer incorrectly?

And how am I not normal?

Yes, I take my children to church. Yes they have have gone through religious education. At 18 my children (only one so far) were given the opportunity to choose what they want to do.
They have been exposed to Catholicism, Christianity, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism and more. We have sat and discussed the differences, pros and cons, so that each can make an informed decision of how they want to their lives. If that is atheism, spirituality or something else, again it is their life-not mine. That is not grooming, that is the definition of an education.

Now you will tell me I am grooming my children to be religious because I take my kids to church and it is not normal.

@Parent – see that isn’t grooming, it’s education, just like you said.

You took them somewhere, let someone else read a book to them and then discussed what happened so they could make an informed decision.

Surprisingly I am also religious and I listen to the teachings and try to impart them into my life and my niece and nephews lives while also answering questions and being open minded. When they ask why Jewish people don’t believe in Jesus, I don’t admonish them, I say we all believe in God and try to live life to the fullest.

Now this thing we’re discussing is a registration event that you don’t need to take kids to but even if you did and your kids had questions you would educate them on the lifestyle of a drag queen. I could get the anger if your local house of worship was hosting a drag service because in a sense you are being forced to listen. But storytime for kids with a registration link in an assembly hall isn’t being forced on anyone.

Lastly, I’m not a queen and I don’t really understand the lifestyle but it makes them happy and if the goal is to be happy then who am I to question it? When it delves into one on one playdates with no adult supervision is when you can call it grooming.



Let’s talk about the last time Walnut Creek advertised for and hosted a religious group that read from their belief book. I don’t think they would because that would seem ‘off’ to people.

As for grooming example, we can agree to disagree. Religion and Drag are not even in the same universe.

They aren’t just reading, they’re recruiting.
The Pro Deviance Movement is just sick,sick,sick!
You people need professional counseling, your wokeness is sickness.
It isn’t OK.

Mrs Doubtfire was a disguise so the father could get to see his children. There is a huge difference between that as the storyline of the comedy, and promoting Drag to children which is trying to push the boundaries of LGBT “culture” in the rest of society. Drag events for children (this would have been totally unacceptable even a decade ago), let alone condoned by the city.

They do harm because they want so desperately to feel important. The harm they do doesn’t interest them. If they’re even aware of it at all, they justify it because they are absorbed in their endless struggle to think well of themselves.


How did it go, hopefully it was shut down right?



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