Home » Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report – Clayton Police Arrest Homeless Man, His 30th Arrest Since 2017

Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report – Clayton Police Arrest Homeless Man, His 30th Arrest Since 2017



  • 5300 Clayton Rd.  Fugitive From Justice.  A 45-year-old Clayton male was arrested after being stopped for Vehicle Code violations.  He was transported to Martinez Detention Facility for booking.  (05/24/24 – 0904 hrs.)
  • 5400 Clayton Rd.  Possess Unlawful Drug Paraphernalia; Obstruct/Resist/Etc. Public/Peace Officer; Mail Theft; Misappropriation of Lost Property; Felony Probation Violation.  A 38-year-old transient male was arrested after being contacted by officers.  He was transported to Martinez Detention Facility for booking.  (05/24/24 – 1911 hrs.) (Kelly, Jason; 12/12/85) – This is Jason Kelly’s 30th arrest since 2017.


  • 5400 Clayton Rd.  Grand Theft.  (04/19/24 – 1316 hrs.)


  • Obsidian Wy.  (05/22/24 – 2034 hrs.)
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30 th arrest?! what a joke .. Becton has to go … a total mockery of what is supposed to be a fair judicial system to law abiding citizens


“Felony Probation Violation”, so what’s probation department going to do ? ? ?
Obviously ‘the system’ isn’t having any positive effect on this individual.
Now it appears CoCo county adult probation has turned into a farcical joke.
Catch-n-release applies to fishing and CoCo county.


CA criminal system is a joke but hey so have all blue demonrat cities accross America!!!!


Typical. Status quo. The usual. And on and on. Never ending……

Failure of the courts.

He’s poster child justifying county jail having revolving front doors.
Adult probation dept. has problems and Courts are restricted as to sentences they can impose.
When personal drug use became a misdemeanor (Prop 47) an extremely successful tool was taken away from Judges. Ability to impose a harsh Felony sentence which would be immediately stayed, provided defendant got clean-n-sober, stayed that way, maintained steady employment and committed no new crimes. Defendant was placed on 3 – 5 years of probation with VERY CLEAR understanding if terms of probation were not adhered to, original Felony sentence would immediately be imposed.
Have watched that proven method work more times than I can count over the years as people were forced to hit bottom, get clean-n-sober and stay that way.
Scroll down to ‘Ballot summary’ on webpage below
Need to keep in mind DEMs were so panicked about county jail overcrowding in all CA’s 58 counties they spent $10,306,082 to con voters into passing Prop 47.
For a substance abuser to do serious incarceration a person must be maimed of killed.
California DEMs have decided criminals belong on our streets.
Posted this earlier today,
“We know that what makes our community safe is not more jail time and penalties.”
CA State Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
In my opinion this woke insanity will only change when DEMs are voted out of office.



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