Home » PG&E Invites Bay Area Customers To Town Hall For Contra Costa Updates, Wildfire Safety Program Updates And Customer Resources

PG&E Invites Bay Area Customers To Town Hall For Contra Costa Updates, Wildfire Safety Program Updates And Customer Resources


Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) invites Bay Area customers to a virtual town hall to learn more about work in Contra Costa County, wildfire safety updates and resources to keep you safe.

On Tuesday, May 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m., PG&E experts, including Regional Vice President Jake Zigelman, will provide a brief presentation during which participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The event can be accessed by visiting PG&E’s website, pge.com/webinars.

American Sign Language interpretation will be available. For the full webinar events schedule, additional information on how to join and to view past event recordings and presentation materials, visit pge.com/webinars.



WC---Creeker May 14, 2024 - 10:10 AM - 10:10 AM

This would be my comment at the meeting: Quit spending money on the stupid PR commercials and use the savings to reduce rates.

Anon May 14, 2024 - 1:15 PM - 1:15 PM

This issue was brought up by employees on the All Employee call. The response from leadership was: “We need to tell our story”.

PS: I’m not a spokeperson or representative of PG&E.

Ray Biasotti May 14, 2024 - 11:54 AM - 11:54 AM

My thoughts exactly!! WAY TOO MANY stupid TV Commercials!

Itsme May 15, 2024 - 7:18 AM - 7:18 AM

Pge stockholders and management should not get any dividends and or bonuses/raises until the company gets their *%#¥ together. Customers should not be paying more on their bills to clean up the negligence that has destroyed so much property and killed so many people. ENOUGH!!!!

Captain Bebops May 14, 2024 - 12:22 PM - 12:22 PM

Admit for a change that the company is just plain too big to effectively manage. It does need to be broken up into regions where specific problems can be focused on. Otherwise it is like a Titanic about to hit an iceberg. But we know the principal stockholders would not like that.😡

Dr. Jellyfinger May 15, 2024 - 7:01 AM - 7:01 AM

Are they charging admission?
Will there be any loan officers there?

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