Home » Contra Costa County Man Admits To Hiding Over $3M To Avoid Paying Taxes

Contra Costa County Man Admits To Hiding Over $3M To Avoid Paying Taxes


A businessman from Contra Costa County admitted Wednesday to hiding over $3 million in income to avoid paying taxes, federal prosecutors said.

Rodeo resident Salman Salman, 47, pleaded guilty to one count of tax evasion, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California said in a statement. He was charged with a scheme to evade taxes by filing false income tax returns for himself and his wife for tax years 2016 through 2019.

According to federal prosecutors, Salman confessed to reporting false income from three businesses he owned and operated, namely The Plug Tattoo & Piercing, Inc., S&S Real Estate Investment Group, and Synergy Investment Group Ohio Inc.

In his plea agreement, he admitted that he both understated income from his companies and that he claimed false and overstated expenses as part of his scheme to further reduce his tax obligations.


For tax years 2016 through 2019, he confessed that he failed to intentionally disclose over $3.4 million in income he received from his companies.

On Dec. 11, Salman was charged by information with four counts of tax evasion. Based on his plea agreement, he admitted the conduct alleged as support for all four counts in the information, but pleaded guilty to Count Four, which charges him with tax evasion for tax year 2019, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Salman will be sentenced on Sept. 18. Federal prosecutors said that for the tax evasion charge, he faces a maximum prison term of five years, a maximum fine of $250,000, and restitution of at least $438,247 to the IRS.

Salman may also be served a period of supervised release and to pay additional assessments, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.


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Restitution of $438,247? So if he’d paid that upfront he’d have saved himself the embarrassment, the fine, and the jail sentence and still had $3 million?
Let THAT be a lesson to all of us if we ever have the good fortune to make that kind of money.
Sometimes a penny saved is a “nickel” in prison.


Probably made more than that by keeping it and investing it, interest, yada yada and that’s not counting what he probably got away with. Take the plea deal. The restitution/fine would just go to his expenses it will cost to house him.


It’s called not being able to see the forest because of the trees.

Now they’ll be slammin’ Salman’s salmon in the shower. Not smart.


He should’ve invoked the ‘witch-hunt’ defense.


He should have contacted Kevin Morris, the pot smoking lawyer who paid Hunter Biden’s tax bill. He’s always willing to lend a hand to tax-dodgers.


Or Trumps accountants or lawyers who are experts at bilking the American people.


Bilking the American people is better exemplified by rampant, irresponsible spending resulting in injurious inflation and an under-performing GDP. Throw in financing two wars and importing millions of illegals, and the finances of working, tax paying Americans have a huge hole in their bucket. Factually speaking, the Biden administration is not bilking Americans, they are positively reaming Americans.

Good for him! Too bad he got caught.


So Otis..have you never called the police..or.needed the fire department? Guess you or your offspring never attended public schools..went to a public library, or a public park.


All he had to do was find a good financial planned and tax attorney.
Had he been smarter he would have realized making the first $100,000 is the hardest.
He was flat STUPID.

Good to see the 87 thousand new IRS agents are earning their salaries.


I’m sure he immigrated here for a better life. Looks like it worked


He gets a stronger Sentence than people who drive double the speed limit through our community endangering the lives of others. Or those who rob, steal and assault people.



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