Home » Another Closure Of Salmon Fisheries Exposes California’s Water Politics

Another Closure Of Salmon Fisheries Exposes California’s Water Politics


By Ruth Dusseault –

For the second year in a row, there will be no commercial or recreational salmon fishing in California. And for the second year in a row, the governor’s office has requested federal disaster relief to support impacted fishing communities.

“That’s just money,” said salmon boat captain Sarah Bates at a public address in San Francisco on Thursday by the Golden State Salmon Association advocacy group. “What we really want is to fix the larger problem. What we’re asking for is actually something much, much greater.”

On Wednesday, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, which determines fishery management measures in federal waters off the U.S. West Coast, recommended that fisheries not catch salmon through the end of the year.


The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said it expects the National Marine Fisheries Service will also enact a closure, effective mid-May.

The California Fish and Game Commission will also consider whether to adopt a closure of inland salmon fisheries at its May 15 meeting.

The Golden State Salmon Association supports the recommendation of the PFMC, which works closely with federally recognized West Coast tribes, many who define themselves as “salmon people” and hold annual ceremonies to honor their return each year.

Bates said $20.6 million has been allocated from the U.S. Department of Commerce to compensate for some of the losses caused by last year’s closure to charter fleets and commercial fleets, buyers and processors. But the fisheries are calling on the state to allocate water, not cash.


Scott Artis, executive director of the Golden State Salmon Association, said big agriculture is not limited in their water use, but fisheries get hit with constraints.

“What we’re asking for is a small piece of the water pie,” Artis said. “We just need a little bit of water to be able to keep salmon alive. The almond acreage has skyrocketed. In 1995 and 1996, the almond acreage in California was 500,000, and we’re talking 1.6 million now in arid regions that are continuing to get that water pumped out to them.”

He said, “That water comes from somewhere. And that’s the rivers that sustain salmon and our other fish. We just want a small piece of that to keep the salmon industry alive, to keep the salmon population alive for all that other wildlife and systems that rely on them.”

In a near-simultaneous announcement Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office requested a Federal Fishery Disaster Declaration.


“Years of extreme droughts, severe wildfires, and associated impacts to spawning and rearing habitat, harmful algal blooms, and ocean forage shifts have combined to result in low stock abundance forecasts over the past couple of years for Sacramento River Fall Chinook and Klamath River Fall Chinook,” the governor’s statement said.

The governor’s statement said the state has spent $800 million in the past few years to protect and restore salmon populations, in addition to last year’s federal relief. The administration also pointed to the governor’s new recovery plan, California’s Salmon Strategy for a Hotter, Drier Future.

Bates said that every single one of the governor’s 71 action items are prefaced with the same qualifier, “state agencies and partners will do the following, depending upon available resources.”

“But that’s what we need,” Bates said. “We need the funding for that plan, and we need the cooperation of all those agencies. If that salmon plan actually gets completed, if they do all those items, we would be in a completely different scenario right now.”


Bates said the fisheries had no voice in the 2022 California State Water Resources Control Board’s voluntary agreement arrangement with farmers and local water agencies that is used to determine water flows in the Sacramento-Delta tributaries. She says the water board has been kept from establishing temperature and flow regulations in the Sacramento River.

Artis said the fisheries have not been invited to the table to discuss the state’s water policies.

“They’ve ignored our request to do so. They’ve ignored the request of our tribal partners, environmental justice community, and the conservation community.”

If they did have a seat at the table, he said, they would have a specific agenda.

“We want to make sure that there’s flow and temperature protections in our rivers, because lethal hot water is destroying salmon eggs. We also need to make sure that the voluntary agreement process, it’s been stalled for years, is not just the road we want to go down. The governor needs to unleash the Water Resources Control Board to allow them to do their job to help protect the fish. We also need to jettison any idea of the Delta tunnel or the state’s reservoir project that is going to continue to draw a vast amount of water out of the river.”

When asked to compare the relationship between fisheries and the governor’s office with the water issues of agriculture, Artis responded frankly.

“Money talks and it’s walking the halls of the Capitol every day,” he said.


Dr. Jellyfinger April 12, 2024 - 3:36 PM - 3:36 PM

Between the people who manage our water in this state and the DFW they kill more salmon than the fishermen ever did.

Cup Tanna April 13, 2024 - 12:08 AM - 12:08 AM

Liberals are the scum of the Earth.

jose April 13, 2024 - 6:18 AM - 6:18 AM

The cost of a fishing & hunting licenses has gone through the roof. I predicted this with the F&W fee’s for fishing and hunting nearly 20 yrs ago. This is what happens when you let environmental and UCD grads run the show.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 13, 2024 - 9:59 AM - 9:59 AM

CA Sport Fishing License is $ 61.82
CA Hunting License is also $61.82 ……. PLUS tag required for each:
Deer $40.78 & 2nd tag is $50.76 (2 Deer allowed per year)
Bear $60.22
Elk $585.00
Pronghorn Antelope $197.13
Duck Validation Fee $39.14
Federal Duck Stamp $25.00
Upland Bird Validations $24.33

Dr. Jellyfinger April 13, 2024 - 10:02 AM - 10:02 AM

Duck/Bird stamps & validations are for all birds taken per season, not per bird.

Grow up April 13, 2024 - 10:52 AM - 10:52 AM

Why is that we protect Stripers which are not native to the west coast and incredibly destructive to the Salmon population.
Also why don’t we get our Seal population under control, I have Seen one Seal single handily eat 20-30 Salmon in an hour. For all you disconnected people out there seals only eat the heads and guts, that’s how they eat so many.

In conclusion the already over regulated fishery is not the problem the problem the problem is the ignorance of the policies and their authors. We should eradicate the striper and get the seal population under control and allow the ecosystem to restore to its natural state.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 13, 2024 - 2:17 PM - 2:17 PM

I see sea lions almost daily & they usually shake fish violently to tear them to pieces.
They eat everything except for the small stuff the seagulls snatch.
I can’t reliably tell one from the other but when there are competing sea lions around I’ve seen them swallow entire large fish whole, just wolf it right down, mostly stripers and black bass.
I don’t consider myself “disconnected” but the seal stories about eating only head & guts vary.


Grow up April 14, 2024 - 10:12 AM - 10:12 AM

Come up to the Sac River during the run and I can show you all the salmon tails on the bottom of the river.

Original G April 13, 2024 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

Recall a while back tree huggers evolved into haters of Dams.
‘Newsom pledges to restore salmon by removing dams in new strategic plan’
‘Everything, every living mollusk, crawdad, turtle, fish, insect in and along the river is DEAD!’
‘Dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but steelhead trout are dead, and salmon spawning beds were destroyed’
830,000 Chinook young released ALL DEAD.
‘Klamath Dam Removal: ‘It’s an Environmental Disaster’ ‘
‘Trouble In Dam Removal Paradise – Kiewit Has Pulled-Out of Klamath River Dam Project’…
Klamath River Dam and Sediment Investigation 2006
Another DEM . . . . . FUBAR
They don’t reserve the privilege of running this state.
Vote DEMs out of office at all levels of government,
ONLY way to restore California.

Pepe April 14, 2024 - 8:39 AM - 8:39 AM

The dams on the Klamath river were used for agriculture and they took too much water. Now the Indian tribes want to remove the dams to save the fish. Wouldn’t it be more logical to keep the reservoirs for water storage just for keeping the water levels up and the river temperature low during drought years? I think salmon will be extinct in this state if we don’t change the people that are making decisions now.

Grow up April 14, 2024 - 10:16 AM - 10:16 AM

The salmon are over whelmed by predator that are over protected and miss managed.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 14, 2024 - 12:37 PM - 12:37 PM

Don’t forget the otters.

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