Home » The Water Cooler – The Latest Advancements In Technology – How Will They Shape The Future?

The Water Cooler – The Latest Advancements In Technology – How Will They Shape The Future?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What’s your opinion on the latest advancements in technology, and how do you see them shaping the future?


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I know so little about this subject.
Waiting to see what others post here, … good, bad or ugly.


It’ll make people dumber, soft, and less able to think for themselves than the present.


Everyone trying to make money off other people never works. We need good good quality like it was many years ago. We will do ourselves in with the new so called advanced technology, making us lazy, stupid and greedy.. plus:..
Narcissistic personality disorder – is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.


One thing I can predict is that when the government mandates electric vehicles, there will be a rebellion, the Left will blame Trump, and the naive will fall for it.


Save the manuals! As in manual transmissions.


We are at dawn in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era. There will be great usefulness in it, but there is peril ahead. AI will be used to replace jobs, create and advance misinformation, change the game in warfare.


AI is a joke. It’s just rebranding of the same algorithms. Democrats are so gullible


Technology is in too much of a hurry. It’s the race to be rich or the stockholders rich that drives it. Your smart phone doesn’t need to be updated every year. That’s a marketing ploy and “new features” are added by the manufacturers and the vendors of the smart phones demand the developers to upgrade to the latest version whether it’s of really any additional value or not.
AI creations are flat and souless. One can tell them a mile away. It will be a while before they really are an imitation of a human.
We don’t need this headlong rush into oblivion.


We’re past the dawn of AI and right into the terrible twos. Some stuffs gonna get broken. Livelihoods, lives, all of it. And there’s not a damn thing we can do about it but try and not be in the way when systems malfunction. Or when the function for that matter.


Whenever new technology comes along, I always ask “What would Adolf Hitler have done if he’d had this?”
I first thought of this when fax machines came out.
As long as our lords and masters are benign, it’s not a problem.
But tomorrow’s rulers may not be so benign and the wonderful scientific breakthroughs will be used to control us.


I’m Sorry Dave, I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That.

We need to be vigilant. Technology can be very helpful in improving our lives, it can also be destructive. The human mind must be used employ it “properly” for our benefit.


Nothing, I see nothing changing. People will still line up and camp out in front of stores for an iphone. People will still wear masks alone in their cars.

I have both the Optimistic and “Concerned” view regarding this question. Highly sophisticated advanced in technology will always go forward. The benefits assisting Social Organizations, Individuals, Governments, Law Enforcement Agencies, Health, Eduation and the list goes on will continue, it must. Progress will not stop, as it never has and should not.

My other view is that the effects of the latest technology is domination of our lives as a Society and as Individuals and care and concern for others has left the minds of indivuals with too much too fast to deal with, thus the dominio affect we see today.

Advancements in Technology will continue at warp speed. Therefore I do what’s necessary to keep it simple, narrow it down, say no when necessary and survive.



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