Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 1, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 1, 2024


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“Republican Steve Garvey is polling ahead of the Democrats in the running for California’s Senate seat, now in a “statistical tie” with front-runner Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)”
If voters of CA have been paying attention don’t see how this is possible.
schiff’s behavior in congressional hearings and in front of TV cameras gives one pause as to his grip on reality and ability to recognize lies from truth.


I’ll put it out there. I voted for him.


I am voting for Garvey on Tuesday. Schiff looks and asks like a con artist. His ads are not about what he has done, but rather what he thinks is wrong with Garvey. If your biggest reason (advertisement) is what la wrong with the other person, you are wrong for the job.


Agreed. All he does is attack his opponent. He even attacks who he has voted for. It appears that Shiff doesn’t believe in a persons right to vote for candidate of their choice(and many other democrats exhibit the same thing).


Schiff – don’t tell me who NOT to vote for. If all you can do is tear others down, then you do not have the temperament for the job. I’m quite capable of making up my own mind, based on the politicians’ performance or lack thereof. Talk is cheap.

That goes for the rest of the politicians also.


I was/am unimpressed with Garvey, to be honest. The pickins’ we have for Senate are pretty thin, but still better than the dem side, led by the loathsome schiff, the dim lee, and, as of late, completely annoying porter. I am looking at Early, to be honest, just not getting a solid read on Steve.


I saw the Democrat’s anti Garvey ad on Tubi. I couldn’t believe what it says. It was an election ad for Garvey. Dems are so dim.


“too conservative’ for California”
What does it mean?
It’s seems they are simply cry babies with nothing left as a defense.


It means, the current administration wants to maintain the “status quo”, and the message to voters is, “not to vote against” California’s current (left-wing B.S.) agenda.


It’s pretty funny, the punchline “to conservative for California” in the Democrats advertisement sold me on a good reason to vote for Steve Garvey,….so, I did just that.


A great ad. Garvey has my vote. Good job dems.


Turns out Adam Schiff knew what that ad would do and it was to get rid of competing Democratic opponents. Such is politics in this apocalyptic era.


This is the first time I’ve wanted a Dodger win😂


OTOH, most politicians are front men, the car salesmen for the people behind the curtain. They usually don’t create the policies but try to sell them. Beware of the people behind the curtain. 😲


“The Big Guy” Hunter spills it!



Go get ‘em tiger. You got the juice jbw.


The little man can’t figure out the internet. Needs another man to do things for him. What a useless democrat. I know, redundant.


More frantic liberal responses..these guys are suicidal.


OHMy, such rigorous commitment and dedication to their liberal woke agenda of indoctrination.
‘University of Florida FIRES all 28 of its DEI employees after DeSantis law bans
schools from using state money for diversity, equity and inclusion’


I’m voting for schiff. democrats haven’t had enough punishment. That pencil neck twerp is just the right amount of pedo nerd to really wake up the woke. Catch you on the flipside


3 in a row is”every”?
That means the last 3 lies from Biden means everything he says is BS.
Thank you.


Its sad that free speech is ruining your life.


Schiff has a big problem. as committee chair he has ignored fentanyl . Not a word.

And he has taken donations from shady groups involved in money laundering and drug trafficking .

Story is in New York Times, hardly a conservative paper.

Maybe California will really embrace diversity and elect a republican to some office


Amazing what they did to weed growers in the 80s and what they did for COVID HOAX, but fentanyl is fine. This is an illegitimate government.


Remember when no symptoms was one of the symptoms? Remember COVID toe? Remember they wanted you to starve without the vaccine? It was all a HOAX to implement mail in voting and steal the 2020 election from the people. It’s called a coup. They worked with china. It’s treason. Enjoy those facts.


Remember the videos from china of people falling over dying? Remember the dancing nurses from tictok? Remember the COVID death counter? Remember the posters that don’t post here anymore claiming to be nurses? Remember the lies? Remember your immune system was a conspiracy theory? Remember the empty hospitals? Remember the bleaching your groceries? Remember me telling you it was a HOAX the whole time? Yeah…


Remember when facebook censored people for calling it the flu? Remember when twitter banned people for saying ivermectin helped? Remember when youtube permanently banned all comments or accounts for showing the lies? Remember when antifa and blm were permitted to riot and people were getting arrested for not masking? Remember when grandma was dying and you couldn’t visit her? Remember spending holidays in your “pod”? Remember being told to stay 6 feet to slow the spread? Remember when doctors lost their licenses for calling out the lies? Remember the constant assault and abuse of people questioning the vaccines? Remember it was 100% safe and effective before it was not?
This was medical tyranny to control you and install the puppet government we live under. Never forget


And remember over a million people died in the US from covid. Probably caused by fluoride in the water, eh?


you mean all those car crash and heart attacks that died”with”covid so it was listed as cause of death?
why do you even bother….


It was a military coup. The DOD paid for the vaccines. The truth is finally coming out. Some of us saw it from the first that it was a ruse. Now the CDC admits it was just a flu.
I haven’t trusted the government since the Bay of Pigs.


California is NOT a model for the rest of the country, rather it is a warning!!!


What does that mean “will I accept it”? Do you think I have control of anything? I would have no choice in the matter. If Trump was to lose another election he’s predicted to win in a landslide, I will watch everyone suffer more pain at the hands of the communists we live under now. If things haven’t gotten bad enough over the last 3 years, let it get worse. I’m in a good position in general but I feel horrible for the people who can’t afford life under these circumstances. I feel disgusted at the progressive agendas and can’t help but wonder if it’s all a show to make America look weak to our enemies. There literally no reason to have trans generals leading our military. So to really answer your question, I will do what I’ve been doing and sit back and laugh for another 4 years. But maybe I’ll move to Eastern Europe, the women out there are incredible, and my savings will last much longer. Plus the outlawed GMO and all fake foods.


In Norway where its very very safe,the average home is $250,000 in American $$ and the average salary is $5000 per month.their dollar equal 9.5 cents here.They make 52.000 per month average in Norway dollars.No crime to speak of,or crackheads and the homeless in your face,or people crying about racism.And they think Biden is pure comedy.There smart people in great country.
I found out these facts yesterday and might go there.I need to find more about the rules of going there,living there and working there,LIKE ANYONE SHOULD DO when going to a new country.
It’s called respect,and the right thing to do.


Norway had only 110 murders from 2011-2023 for the entire country.
Thats 6 months in Chicago.

Norway;s population is only 5,514,477 and no crips, bloods, surenos, etc.
The current population of the United States of America is 341,218,494
So whats your point?

Have you never heard of the internet. It takes less than two minutes to check your claim. In 2011 alone there were 110 murders in Norway. And the total for 2011 through 2023 is actually 453.

Adam Schiff said he had absolute proof that Trump colluded with Russia! That was a lie and not the only lie he has told.


Schiff hasn’t produced anything except a pile of 💩.

Absolute proof? Then he’s hiding evidence, which is a crime in itself.


Adam Schiff IS a proven liar. But democrats don’t care if their guy lies all the time do they. How can you trust a liar.


So you don’t like Trump either!


If you think Trump lies, then you should despise career pathological liar Biden.


I have a question for everyone.
Who remembers when the sun was golden not silvery, the sky was deep rich blue, not pale milky blue, and robust gorgeous cirrus clouds were everywhere, crisply delineated in the sky; when the sky was not plagued with weird streaks that spread with horrid inevitability, blocking the sun, creating bizarre sundogs, and then turning into spitty grey unmoving cloud cover and drizzle the next day? I’m not old enough to be the only one who remembers.


Democrats threaten not to certify election.



Biden (twice) announces food/aid airdrops to Ukraine ….. I mean Gaza!



He didn’t even catch the error.



The problem with Trump “losing” another election isn’t that he won’t become president. The problem is that it would mean that we no longer have free elections and the people in control aren’t even trying to hide it.


I understand. I saw a video from France where farmers were covering government buildings in manure. Big groups of cops getting sprayed down, tractors ripping up the roads to the capital. Problem is this, democrats already have been conditioned to believe we are the other. We have already passed the dehumanization phase in this war. Nobody sees the problem with long prison sentences being dished out for anyone going against their tyranny. They could round us up and put us in concentration camps and democrats would celebrate. The lock up journalists, protesters, dissidents. I don’t know the answer but we haven’t had “free” elections in a long time and 2020 they should us they don’t care we know. Look what they did wit COVID. They don’t care we know they know we know.


How are they not free if he doesn’t win?

And are you ok with Trump trying to win a third term in 2028?


A President can only have 2 terms. Trump cannot have a 3rd term if he wins in 2004.


Technically, a president can serve a maximum of 2-1/2 terms or 10 years in office.
Former President Donald Trump could win the election in 2024 and serve a second term from 2025-2029. He could then be elected vice president in 2028 and serve his first term as vice president from 2029-2031, and then serve a third term as president from 2031-2033. That scenario won’t happen, but it’s always a miniscule possibility for any two term president, and it explains how a president could serve a third term.


I suppose if congress gets rid of term limits for president, sure why not. FDR had 4 terms.
I’m not getting into all the tactics used to steal 2020. You don’t really want to learn anyway.


Because it wasn’t stolen and every court case has proven it or debunked it.

Give me all the reasons, I’m still waiting for the My Pillow guy to pay me.

And @Max, we also didn’t think a President would have immunity after he was voted out but I guess we’ll find out in April


Michael Avanati gets out of prison in 2035.
Stormey daniels owes Trump
Fraud has been proven all across the country in multiple courts.
I’m not surprised you don’t know that.
Don’t get it twisted, just because the election wasn’t reversed doesn’t mean election fraud hasn’t been proven countless times.
Just like a little crybaby democrat standing there with your hand out waiting for Mike Lindel to pay you.
I hope now that congress gets rid of term limits for presidents so Trump can run again. Just like FDR, Trump could have 4 terms.
So upset about the supreme court…cry more lib


Stolen election? Trump filed 61 lawsuits alleging election fraud.Seven in front of judges he appointed.

He lost all 61.


it was never proven that it wasnt stolen,it just wasnt proven that it was stolen.Huge difference.


What are the odds?
When the fix is in…. it’s in.


Are you ok with Obama trying to win a 4th term in 2024 ?


I think their line was – “The 2020 election was the most secure election ever.” I would have mistrusted that statement regardless of who won. But seeing the faithful adhere and regurgitate that line, tells me how brainwashed they’ve become.




He’s winning every single day. You’re lost. Wow


Mental illness is a thing right now,remember Maga Sam.


I just don’t understand what happened to people. It’s like they all had lobotomies from that experimental jab. Bizarre how these characters refuse to know reality. They are anti-intellectual drones. The NPC meme is literally the most accurate description. I can’t stand sharing oxygen with people who refuse to think. Like actual lemmings, they should just leap away


What ive noticed is almost everyone that got the shot is alot more angry right now,not because they are mad about getting it,because we are all crazy of course,but this has done something to them and they are not the same person anymore..


The personality changes I’ve seen aren’t always angry but some seem to be sleepwalking in an alternate universe. Very strange and dystopian.

whenwilltheylearn, … Shot you say . . . . try a very healthy heart that post shots is no longer healthy.


I don’t really know about that but seems to be something with the whole psychological aspect that has really broken people’s brains in general. May not even be ingredients in the shot, just the overall mind games played around it.

Looks like the trolls from 2020 are back with their orange stain and orange man bad and T(rump) dumbness. Get some new material for christ sake. You’re so boring with your russia 3.0 fantasies


2020… another time when Trump lost, bigly. At the ballot box and all those nuisance lawsuits. Yes, times are similar, I agree.


@V… keep on whining and supporting the ho and the pedo.


If he does, it will be China Joe Biden and the rest of the feckless and inept democrat politicians who will have put him there.


DEMs will take actions to extend their control and wait for The Courts to rule against them.
As we have witnessed DEMs don’t hesitate to restrict your freedoms, restrict your history and restrict your safety. DEMs have cultivated professional victims who don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.
Restricting freedoms, emperor newsom prohibiting exercise of religion during covid..
“The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a blow to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s pandemic-related ban on indoor religious services, siding with a church that defied the policy and challenged it as unconstitutional religious discrimination.”
‘Newsom ordered to pay $1.35 million for COVID-19 church discrimination’
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
“absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape
the way we do business and how we govern.”
Restricting our history by removal and destruction of statues very similar to what terrorists do in mid east.
Cultivating professional victims, thru educational indoctrination, use of media. Selecting dead black FELONS then raising them to level of martyr using political rhetoric and media coverage. Allowing riots to go unchecked in DEM controlled cities while media wing of DEM party provides live 24 hour TV coverage to encourage copy cat riots, allowed to happen in other DEM controlled cities.
All to enflame the black voter bloc to turn out to vote DEM.
Why should such reckless behavior be rewarded with your vote ? ? ? ? ?


Rep. Heather Scott presents H522, prohibiting the serving of human flesh to unknowing recipients. What exactly are they serving at these fast food restaurants?


This is a bill in the Idaho House of Representatives.


There’s a clause in that Idaho bill that requires a potato dish be served alongside all human flesh served to patrons who knowingly order it, no matter how it’s prepared, gotta have ‘taters too.


Idaho State Representative Heather Scott came up with the idea of expanding Idaho’s ban on consuming human flesh from a reality TV show, where contestants were eating a food item and were tasked with identifying the unknown ingredient via a list of multiple choice selections provided, and one of the choices provided was “human flesh.” So she introduced the bill that would make “providing human flesh and/or blood to another human being without their knowledge or consent” illegal by expanding Idaho’s current ban on cannibalism.


Idaho outright banned cannibalism?
Isn’t banning cannibalism unconstitutional?
Is Idaho saying I can’t lop off a finger and roast it over a campfire on a stick & eat it even if I’m starving? (It’s in the Donner Party cookbook).


The State of Idaho banned cannibalism about 35 years ago due to the “satanic scares” of the 1980s and the fear that the ingestion of human beings would occur during satanic rituals.


Anyone remember the movie ” Soylent Green” ?

Look it up.


it’s Girl Scout Cookie Season
coincidental ???


I will stick with soylent yellow and red. Soylent green is imported from the Uygher areas of China.

Florida Gov.Desantis bans sleeping in any public place.Bye crackheads!!!


gavin sending bud tickets at this very moment.


The comments on the article where I read this were”he must not be christian then,or this is unhumane”,and other confused leftists blaming an imagined housing shortage,not one mentioning mental illness or substance abuse..


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hasn’t banned “sleeping in any public place.” A bill to ban the homeless from sleeping in public areas, but also would have local governments set up designated sleeping areas with restrooms and running water for the homeless, has passed the lower house of the Florida State Legislature. It removes the ability of the homeless to decide where they would sleep and puts it in the hands of local governments, which will likely provide “public places” for them to sleep.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hasn’t banned “sleeping in any public place.” A bill to ban the homeless from sleeping in public areas, but also would have local governments set up designated sleeping areas with restrooms and running water for the homeless, has passed the lower house of the Florida State Legislature. It removes the ability of the homeless to decide where they would sleep and puts it in the hands of local governments, which will likely provide “public places” for them to sleep.


If thats your perception of it,gpod for you.
A public place wouldnt be in public in peoples faces,kid.
They would not be sleeping in public anymore.
Concord is a toilet because of this outdoor living.


I used the term “public place,” as in “public property,” but I haven’t heard or read anything that would require counties and cities to provide these designated sleeping areas “out of view of the public.” Given that the bill doesn’t seem to provide funding to local governments that would be required to provide designated areas for the homeless to sleep, and given the fact that many Florida counties and cities are poor, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if these poor counties and cities used some of the few “public places” that they currently own with restrooms and running water, namely county and city parks! It doesn’t really mean anything at this point because it’s only passed Florida’s lower house, we’ll really have to wait for Florida’s upper house to pass a similar bill and then see what the bicameral compromise bill says. If the final bill provides funding for counties and cities to provide these designated sleeping areas, then they’d be more likely to be out of public view.


You cant figure out that thisi is a”move along” bill,so they they need to leave the area and go to another state.This is the intention or they will BE ARRESTED.
Everyone knows you cant solve a homeless problem and they dont want to be housed because that mean ruies that they wont follow,but if you just ban them from being on public property in the horizontal position.etc,whatever they dream up,it will work. with the results being arrest if they dont,this is how laws and society are supposed to work.You break the rules no matter what ruie.you get arrested.
Crime does not pay.


Who said anything about funding.?Its a “no sleeping in public “bill,not a” get a free place to live to make up for it bill.”
Why should they get free rent because they are loitering and trespassing?.Even parks have a no camping law and leave by dark law.
Like Beverly Hills or Bel Air,do you see homeless there?
Skid row is down the street,but they are kept out of places that enforce the law.
It’s so easy.
This is why San Fransisco is destroyed.
They wont enforce the law,plain and simple,.

Go ahead,keep trying to defeat it.


The federal courts already ruled that the homeless can only be removed if a city or county has room in a shelter and the homeless refuse to goto the shelter. The State of Florida is attempting to provide “designated areas” because they don’t have enough “designated shelters.” Florida is estimated to have 36,000 homeless individuals, but not 36,000 beds in homeless shelters, so they’re attempting this work around by requiring local governments to provide “designated sleeping areas.”
The Florida bill would ban the homeless from sleeping in public, BUT REQUIRES LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TO PROVIDE A DESIGNATED AREA FOR THE HOMELESS TO SLEEP, WITH RESTROOMS AND RUNNING WATER, NOT HOUSING! I never mentioned housing! Funding matters because that’s what many Florida counties and cities are objecting to about this bill. The state would be mandating local governments to provide designated areas for the homeless to sleep, with certain infrastructure, but isn’t providing funding to install that infrastructure. That’s why funding matters. I’m not trying to defeat anything.


Tearing out dams to restore spawning areas. newsom involved !
First dam finished in 1921
Timeline of Klamath River
As flowing water slows down suspended matter settles out. Lakes behind dams fill with sediment, with pollutants and heavy metals.
Does this sound like California to you ? ? ?
“…massive samples of sediment in the Klamath Basin contain high levels of heavy metals – chromium, aluminum, arsenic and lead. And this sediment was supposed to have been removed ahead of the Klamath Dams “unplugging.”
Someone, somewhere in the dam deal decided $450 million was too much money to spend on sediment removal, even though everyone knew it was polluted…”
Series of pieces by Katy Grimes of CA Globe


MAGA: the Super Bowl is rigged.
The election is rigged. The fake news is rigged. The primary is rigged. The trump prosecutions are rigged. The insurrection was rigged. The pandemic was rigged.
The border is rigged to bring in voters to rig more elections.
Everything is rigged. Trump doesn’t cheat at golf.


Nah… the Super Bowl was not rigged.
It was just the 49er’s idiotic decision to settle for a field goal with so much time left on the clock! They only needed to make 4 yards to get the first down & then surely they’d have been able to get the touch down & win the game.


Fani says Nathan is rigged.


True to DEM’ established form of it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault,
“Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday pushed back on the assertion that President Joe Biden’s immigration policy is responsible for the death of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley.
Riley was brutally murdered while out for a jog last month, with her body found in a wooded area near campus in Athens, Georgia.
Her alleged killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, was in the United State illegally and had committed crimes in other states.”
An to keep you up to date on the ever changing DEM word salad,
illegals are now described as “newcomers”.


‘Mysterious disease kills 800,000 salmon babies just released into
California river to help improve population in stream’ …
“Nearly 800,000 salmon babies died from a mysterious disease after they were just released into a California river to help improve their population in the stream.
The Chinook salmon died early last week after officials from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife released them into the Klamath River, which is situated above the Iron Gate Dam tunnel near at the California-Oregon border.”
https://tinyurl.com/5fcd2xmf 3 March 2024
“Photo of rancid water coming out of Iron Gate Dam. (Photo: Siskiyou Co. Sup. Ray Haupt)”…
“…massive samples of sediment in the Klamath Basin contain high levels of heavy metals – chromium, aluminum, arsenic and lead. And this sediment was supposed to have been removed ahead of the Klamath Dams “unplugging.”
Someone, somewhere in the dam deal decided $450 million was too much money to spend on sediment removal, even though everyone knew it was polluted…”
https://tinyurl.com/2s3rct44 By Katy Grimes, February 29, 2024 10:00 am
Take out a dam stirring sediments reportedly containing heavy metals – chromium, aluminum, arsenic and lead that had been accumulating for 61 years since Iron Gate Dam completion in 1962.
An someone decided lets release 800,000 fish, it’ll be OK . . . . . . .
Have to wonder what other aquatic life in that river is also dead or dying . . . . .
Such smart people running this state . . . . .


SCOTUS says states CAN’T Ban Trump from ballot!
I think we all knew that already…. but now it’s official.


I suppose Chuck Schumer will have to go make a speech on the courthouse steps again and threaten the Supes with reaping whirlwinds & calling down the thunder & other such homespun cracker barrel curses.


0-9 For Trump. Read it and weep


They were requested by Trumps legal team to rule 1/6 wasn’t an insurrection. They could have done that. They chose to not, instead allowing the insurrection ruling from Colorado to stand.


Wrong. You obviously know nothing about how the supreme court works. I know that the liberal spin machine talking but it a false narrative


The insurrection narrative has been shattered. Deal with it. There is no insurrection except by everyone involved in trying to unconstitutionally remove Trump from the ballot. Cry more


I gotta admit between Fanni’s scandal and today’s SCOTUS decision…. it’s kinda hard not to smile.
I love it when Democrats rat f###ery just blows up in their face! LoL!
Looking forward to more.


“The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy!”
“Collectively the ‘court’ has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved”
Keith Olbermann


Oh GOSh, they must have forgot to mention it . . . .
But hey flying illegals in OVER the border means 320,000 illegals never showed up at the border.
Guess they figured flyin’ ’em in and not mentioning it would mean less negative media publicity.
“It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country.
Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights to enter the United States.
It comes after a controversy over a 2022 transportation program in which the administration used taxpayers money to move migrants throughout the country on overnight flights.”
An by the way, YOU, paid to fly them in.


Ummm technically so did you.


And then there’s this…..



Country may experience a tissue shortage after The Supreme Court ruling today.
Channel surfed liberal cable news channels just for S&Giggles, knickers are in such a twist circulation may become compromised. Last time this much anguish was on display, Monica’s boyfriends wife wasn’t elected president.


The corporate media gave us all of these! And people still believe them all though the number is dropping.

Russia Collusion Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
Hamas Hospital Hoax
John Fetterman Is Healthy Hoax
If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
The Alfa Bank Hoax


You forgot the “Hunter isn’t higher than a Chinese spy balloon he’s in recovery” hoax.

You forgot “Joe Biden is mentally competent and physically vigorous”


Isn’t Claycord going to put up a headline reminding us to go vote today?


Ok….. They did the reminder.
All you anti voters can stick your thumbs somewhere else now…. I don’t need to tell you where.


By the numbers:

U.S. GDP Growth Rate – Historical Data
Year GDP Growth (%) Annual Change
2022 2.06% -3.88%
2021 5.95% 8.71%
2020 -2.77% -5.06%
2019 2.29% -0.65%
2018 2.95% 0.70%
2017 2.24% 0.57%
2016 1.67% -1.04%
2015 2.71% 0.42%
2014 2.29% 0.45%

US OilProduction


Here is a link to an article from 2018 that explains what happened & why it happened.
(before Covid Pandemic)



It looks like former baseball player Steve Garvey may win the election to finish out the rest of Senator Diane Feinstein’s term for the next 10 months. He’s currently leading Congressman Adam Schiff by 126,000 votes with 96% of precincts reporting. Being listed first on the ballot for this race may have just been enough to help for Garvey to win.
Yes votes on Proposition 1 is currently leading by just 26,000 votes or by 1%, with 96% of precincts reporting. Hopefully, the outstanding votes will be enough to defeat this proposition.
The good news is that former Pleasant Hill City Councilmember and former Contra Costa County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff has lost her race to replace Assemblymember Tim Grayson in the State Assembly, having come in last place among 4 candidates.


I apologize, it was my mistake, I had thought California’s US Senate race for the remainder of Senator Diane Feinstein’s current term was to be decided last night for the last 10 months of her term, but that race will be decided in November for the last 2 months of her term.


OHMyGosh, SF voted in drug testing,
Proposition F requires adults who receive cash assistance submit to drug testing.
So voters were tired of having more than one ZOO in their city.
But don’t get too excited just yet.
Lawsuits will surely be filed, have no clue what they’ll be based on.
But there has to be lawyers out there looking for free TV face time and publicity.


Biden has a lot in common with illegal aliens ……… they can’t speak English either.

Greg Gutfeld


Guess not everyone that votes is a Republican:
Voter Turn Out in CoCo County:
DEM Votes CAST = 82235
REP Votes CAST = 35824
IND Votes CAST = 832

total voter turnout = 20.5% or 145575 of 710254 registered voters.

That means that 25% of the voters that turned out were Republicans vs over 55% being Democrats. Amazing how one party whines on the internet about their guy being persecuted while the other party actually votes. Dems don’t need to steal elections with that kind of turn out.


The numbers that you posted for voter turnout by registration affiliation equals 120,135 total votes, not 145,575 total votes.


Historically, CA voting has gone heavily to the Dems. Even more heavily Dem in CoCo County. During the last Presidential election, CoCo County voted a whopping 71.6% Dem. Rep votes were 26.3% of the total with independents making up the difference.
Using your numbers, the Rep turnout was pretty close to the norm- 24.6% vs. 26.3% in 2020. The real story in your numbers is that the Dem vote in this election was only 56.5% vs. 71.6% in 2020. Put another way, the Reps “lost” about 6% of their vote. The Dems “lost” about 11% of their vote. Not exactly trending in the way that Joe or Gavin want.


Their ballot harvesting effort must have been short-staffed. They are probably angry that fast food workers are better paid.


Maybe “Helping combat misogynists in The Congo” doesn’t have the influence over voters like they think.


Correction: The Dems actually “lost” 21% of their vote.

I blame my calculator for the error


Well professor, reading the politics area here you would think that we were in a deep red state. My point was that in fact Co Co County is pretty heavily Democratic. To say any Republican can when here is a bit far fetched.

I find it interesting how the left is often portrayed here as ill-informed and elections are rigged when a republican does not win.

Since you are a professor, please tell me how if a election is rigged against a political party’s presidential candidate how that candidate can lose with others in their party winning their race. EXAMPLE: A republican presidential incumbent loses in a general election yet on the same ballot other republicans can win their races? Logic would say that if the democrats wanted to “steal” an election, wouldn’t they want to have complete control, changing all votes to the democratic candidates all the way down the ballot? I really am interested in knowing how this makes sense.


They are not smart or organized enough to cheat a primary.This shows even more how the election was fake.Once someone gets thru a primary they spend the money on the vote counters…they each get a $100 bill,this is all it takes for these low income ethnic ladies.
to do your bidding.


I’m not surprised most of CCC is Democrat…. just watch people drive! 80% of them have no common sense at all.

I never made mention of either side stealing an election. I merely pointed out the CoCo county has historically voted very left in past elections and that their turnout in this one was weak in comparison. Why was the overall turnout weak on both sides and why was especially weak on the left is open to speculation. A few of my guesses are:
1. Everybody already knows who was going to win the big races. For the left that means Biden and Schiff. For the right that means Trump and Garvey. Nobody gets excited for the down-ballot races. Also there weren’t any big propositions on the ballot. Hence, the voting public gave a big “who cares” and stayed home.
2. There is a keen lack of interest or trust in Biden, even among his most likely voters. Many on the left see the doddering old guy that the right has seen for years. Recently, other Dems and left leaning pundits have publicly said that Biden has lost a few MPHs on his fastball and that he should be replaced. Many on the left see Biden as not liberal enough. His tightrope walk on Israel support has made the left’s militants extremely upset. Not voting is their way of protesting against Biden. The clearest example of that was in MI.
3. Many out there are reluctant to vote, thinking that their vote doesn’t matter or won’t count.

Those are my thoughts. And it was probably a combination of these factors and others not mentioned.
Final thing: I’m not a professor. It’s just a nickname I received in grade school because I was one of the “smart kids”.

Illegals began shifting their entry point towards California when medical became available.
That influx has increased since news of Texas’ border crackdowns hit social media and news coverage south of the border. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBdqZW-6IWU
Where is the money for all the DEM invited invaders going to come from ? ? ? ?
CA was said to have had a $100 billion surplus which thru usual DEM’ governance has reportedly become a $73 billion. Yet illegals continue to stream across the border.
Will His Imperial Majesty, Emperor newsom wave his magic wand, cure California’s money crisis and take care of all the illegals as he did with homelessness in SF ? ? ?
“Just a few months after Gavin Newsom was sworn in as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he announced a plan to get all of the city’s chronically homeless residents off the streets within 10 years.”
sacbee https://tinyurl.com/vdw3uhau


CA was said to have had a $100 billion surplus which thru usual DEM’ governance has reportedly become a $73 billion deficit.


The numbers that you posted for voter turnout by registration affiliation equals 120,135 total votes, not 145,575 total votes.


You have successfully proven him wrong.


Well guess what Nikki Haley is doing?Organizing a campaig”‘Nikki Haley voters for Biden”I knew she was a leftist plant all along.Wake up people.


FACT CHECK: She has not endorsed anyone yet. As someone who was looking at Hailey as an option, I follow her pretty closely.


Look at facts not CNN please.
Her new job is all over the news kid.


Anyone want to bet thar the state of the union speech will be nothing but talking crap and Trump.
They cant even post an ad that doesnt mention Trump,they cant do anything but mention the better man.


According to Larry Kudlow.wages went up %9 during Trump,and went down %3 during Biden.Trump made the stock market rise %56 higher than when he took office,Biden %23.
Joy Ried says Republicans vote by race only and don’t care about the ecomony!!


You might want to fact check that. The quote is taken out of context, like most junk news out there on both sides.

You cant(maybe you can) get math and facts wrong….
Its just not going to work .
Try to twist or change it to your offended perception of it.
Nobodys going to buy it
Its all there for anyone to see.
Nice try little camper.


And Joy Ried didnt say that either,huh?
I misunderstood…yea.that’s the ticket.


“I see a future where we grow and protect our freedoms…. except for the 2nd. Amendment”

Question…. during the State of the Union Biden Rally tonight, he mentioned “Lincoln Riley”
Who is that?


Lincoln Reilly is the football coach at USC.

Well Joe Biden said he was murdered by one of his “newcomers”

He was very specific …..”Lincoln”


Was the newcomer who killed Lincoln named Juan Wilkes Booth?

I’d like to ask this question to the commenters here;
If Joe Biden or someone similar to him went to a job interview as just a school crossing guard,would he/they get hired?
They do like to hire the older and retirees.
They must be alert and all there though.


Joe Biden or someone similar to him? You mean who also is a presumptive candidate for President? That would be Donald Trump. I can’t tell you about Joe Biden but I can tell you that no school district would hire somebody with 91 criminal charges and who has been found by a court to be a rapist.
I hope this helps you.


Sounds like you agree that neither Joe or Don are appropriate applicants for crossing guard. Trump for the sham judgement and Biden for his physical and mental inadequacies.
For once, we agree.


Learn to read. You mentioned one judgement, as did I. It was a sham case AND a sham judgement.
I’ll try to explain it to you in simple terms, paraphrasing a response that I gave to (I think) Doh about a month ago about the rape allegations and trial. I come out and say JWB raped me 30 yrs ago in a Macy’s dressing room. No proof, just me saying it. Based on the left’s dogma, the police and prosecutors must believe me because “you gotta believe the victim”. I want $5 million and an uber left jury gives me the win just because they hate your orange hair and mean tweets. You proclaim your innocence based on no actual proof except for all kinds of b.s. testimony from me. I slap you with a monster defamation lawsuit and the same poisoned court gives me another win.
You think it’s right to award anybody millions based on a 30 yr old he-said-she-said with no proof? It’s not. That is why the case and the verdict are both shams.
Excellent defense of Joe, by the way. Sarc.

So you conveniently read past the 91 criminal charges? And no I don’t hate Trump but I just would not re-hire the guy who has been found to be the worst President of the United States. Of course I can only guess why you would be so loyal to Trump.
Oh and by the way not everything you disagree with is a sham. There are huge buildings full of people saying that a judgement was a sham. We call these buildings prison.


The only reason Trump has 91 criminal charges is so the low IQ low imformationers can say “what about the 91 charges” its like hearing the same commercial on the radio all day or the same TV commercial with ICE T about car warranties.So old.
Only a child would find any validity to anything being done to Trump,if it was, they would have done it years ago.

JBW nobody is in prison over a judgement..what country are you really in?

How does a judgement stop someone from getting a job involving safety?Or any job?What are you talking about?Biden’s a few cards short of a full deck he cant do any job THAT INVOLVES SAFETY IE crossing guard, POTUS.
By saying “we” you are refering to the mouse in your pocket i guess.


This was a “get off my lawn” speech yelled by an old codger according to many.


So Dark Brandon made an appearance last night. Lots of anger but thankfully no whispering.

The SOTU was nothing more than a campaign rally for Joe. The pumped him full of Ritilin, pointed him to the podium and told Joe to amp up the hate. The folks who’ll vote Dem 100% loved it. The folks who’ll vote Rep think it was a farce.

But is was a victory of sorts. That’s the biggest campaign rally turnout that Joe has seen since he was VP. Very little mumbling, stuttering, or slurring. Not a single stumble or outright fall. He didn’t even try to shake the invisible man’s hand. Joe’s doctors got the dosage right.

All in all, a good red meat speech for his base. Demonizing the right and Trump seems to be a winner among the left, as there are very few positives to crow about. He didn’t sway a single voter and gave us all a preview of how nasty things will be until Nov.


Katie Britt’s SOTU response was horrible. It made me sentimental for “Thirsty” Marco Rubio’s 2013 rebuttal to Obama. Both were awful but Britt’s was ridiculous.
If I closed my eyes, I could imagine she was Sarah McLachlan asking for $ to save neglected animal, or Alyssa Milano’s UNICEF commercial.

Well, see we do finally agree on something.



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