Home » China Villa Restaurant On Pacheco Blvd. Closed Due To Major Health Code Violations, Including Rodent Infestation

China Villa Restaurant On Pacheco Blvd. Closed Due To Major Health Code Violations, Including Rodent Infestation


China Villa Restaurant, located on Pacheco Blvd. in Martinez, was closed last week due to a vermin infestation.

Here’s what the health department says they found during a routine inspection:

  • Rodent feces observed in food storage area.
  • Rodent feces observed in food preparation area.
  • Rodent feces observed in janitorial area.
  • Hand wash station lacks soap in dispensers.
  • Hand wash station lacks paper towels in dispensers.
  • Food preparation sink lacks hot water.
  • Ware washing sink lacks hot water.
  • Hand sink lacks hot water.
  • Employee unable to demonstrate food safety knowledge applicable to assigned duties.

Click on the image above to read the full inspection report.


*As of Tuesday, the restaurant was still closed. Please call ahead if you plan to visit*

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Thats a wrap!!!!

…scratch that one off my “try it out” list

Darn, I thought those were red beans in my dish

The usual suspects, gross, these hole the wall places, run from people from countries where cleanliness not paramount, I would not trust.


“Charlie’s idea of great R&R was cold rice and a little rat meat”.


Yuk! I wondered why my raisins were moving.

As a kid that was a favorite restaurant of my Aunt and Uncle, and all I remember going there with them was the constant and strong odor of roach spray and pesticides always an overwhelming smell that’s back in the 70’s and 80′ I prayed for the day I was old enough to say no!!! At least there consistent!!😅😅😅

Live in town, pass it all the time and it looks like it hasn’t been updated since it’s inception in 1966 or thereabout. These are pretty egregious violations. STE, your comment solidified my decision to never dine here.



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