Home » Concord Police Want You To Register Your Security Camera For Community Safety

Concord Police Want You To Register Your Security Camera For Community Safety


The Concord Police Department continues to build its Community Camera Registry, and you are invited to participate by registering your contact information.

When an incident or a crime occurs, police officers will often go door-to-door knocking to ask residents or businesses if they have security camera footage. This footage is valuable to catch suspects and investigate crimes, but it is also extremely crucial in providing valuable information to help locate a child that goes missing or a person with Alzheimer’s or dementia who wandered away from home and becomes disoriented.

Walking and knocking door-to-door, checking with residents to see if they have cameras and if they recorded an incident or person, referred to as “neighborhood canvassing,” is extremely labor intensive. When minutes or seconds matter this process can take hours and may be too late.


Since 2022, the department has been working to build a registry or map of where cameras are located along with contact information for the owner/operator. That way when an incident or crime occurs in the area we know who to contact quickly and who to ask to check their fort knox cctv cameras Adelaide for information that can help solve a crime or bring a lost person home. They may still canvass the area just to make sure they didn’t miss anything, but with a map and contact info they can find critical footage much faster.

Learn more and sign up today!

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What a way to ask for our rights. These people are insane. Yeah sure you want the inside camera too x 🤣🤣


This is in reaction to Ring’s recent change in policy to NOT allow the .gov access to your video WITHOUT A WARRANT!!! Ring and Google’s Nest video used to allow LEO and .gov to access your video (whether inside or out) without a warrant and without any consent required by the owner.

At least one thing has gone in favor of We the People.

Don’t do it!!!! Their take all our privacy rights!!!!

Your going to jeopardize your safety when it is used in court.Criminals will retaliate against you.And they won’t prosecute any way.What criminals pay attention to cameras?


I never give out more information than is absolutely necessary, there’s already too much personal information out there. Just today I bought a couple of tools at Harbor Freight, and the clerk said to me, “they come with a lifetime warranty, but we will need your phone number to honor the warranty.” I politely said, “no, thank you.” It’s getting bad, you never know who will sell your information, or whose computer system will be hacked by some unscrupulous Russian, or Nigerian. I’m getting to the point that I don’t even trust my doctor’s office. Doctors now days want you to fill out and sign all kinds of paperwork releasing them of any liability, and most people just sign them without reading and/or understanding what they are signing. One thing is for certain, a doctor does not need to know my driver’s license or social security number, therefor, I will refuse to give it to them. Even with my medical history, I will only tell them what’s pertinent.


When I learned that the DMV sold us out for our phone numbers, email and addresses, I became very skeptical about giving any information.


So did the State of CA. They ‘leaked’ all of the personal details of all of the CCW license holders a few years back. They said it was unintentional. Yeah, right.

I just found out jury duty is info given to the courts from DMV.I asked why they keep sending jury duty notices to a non citizen if the have the info on the person,they told me,”we expect everyone to become a citizen” so we keep sending jury duty notices.
The put you ina situation that if you dont respond or show up or dont get your mail they will issue a warrant for your arrest for something one isnt even eligible to do.They are asking for a huge lawsuit when they arrest a non citizen for this.


Looking it up it says that California is not supposed summon anyone 70 or older for jury duty. But they still issue such people summonses. Until I moved to the Bay Area in 1991 I never got a jury summons where I lived in the NW even though I was a registered voter. Only then did I start getting them. Court houses are like gulags.

Why would anyone want to become a citizen after coming here? Theres no money in it. We live in bizzarro where they pay you not be here illegally or legally as long as you werent born here. Theres no more pride or sny reason to become an American at this time in history.

I like to help my community and certainly the police. But I would probably decline any kind of registration. Come knock, if I have something recorded that’s useful, it’s yours. 👮‍♂️


Sure, I’ll register but how much annually will you be paying me? The govt, takes, takes and takes. Time for some giving. I’ll put cameras all over and they can have the direct feed.


WC-C – good point, I was thinking the opposite…. soon they would charge you to register your camera … no thanks

And if your battery runs out…FINE! If the camera lens isn’t cleaned…FINE!!! If your camera gets stolen…FINE!!!

Anybody remember when it was free to drive in the commuter lane?

Nope. If it captures a good guy taking out the trash / defending some elderly person against some thugs…….it will be used to Punish the good guy.
That’s what’s wrong in America……people need to Stop snitching on the Good Guy who is standing up for All of us.





Our cameras have caught and assisted in successfully identifying and prosecuting porch pirates. We haven’t had a single repeat offense in 8 years.


Concord PD can get a subpoena

My handle says it all.

No, thank you! Once you voluntarily give your information to the government it becomes public record.
It’d be nice if the Mayor of Claycord did a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request for the map that shows the locations of all registered cameras for all of us to see.
I’m just amazed at how trusting some Americans are of the government and especially the police. The vast majority of peace officers don’t know the law or don’t care to know the law, and they don’t know our rights or they don’t care to know our rights. The number of Americans who are harassed and/or arrested for engaging in their constitutionally protected right to film in public, to film government employees while working, and to film the police while in the course of their duties is staggering, and now we have the Concord Police Department wanting the public to register their home surveillance systems.

How can CPD be trusted as an organization wanting to help Concord???
I got RUN OVER by a car in Concord on Dec 17th,they told me it would take 10 days to get a police report ,but the repprt would be written the day of the accident,after 14 days,nothing 30 days,nothing,.6 weeks later,they have done nothing.
I have wasted $1 million in a 20 year period living in Concord .
I’m in a wheelchair now.
CPD,Could you help.or comment maybe?

What’s next? Where I hide that spare house-key?

As of April 1st of this last year all cctv is legally accessible to anyone.



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