Home » Convicted Killer Scott Peterson’s Case Taken Up By L.A. Innocence Project

Convicted Killer Scott Peterson’s Case Taken Up By L.A. Innocence Project


A new player has emerged in the long saga of convicted wife killer Scott Peterson — the Los Angeles Innocence Project.

The pro bono legal organization has taken up Peterson’s case and “is investigating his claim of actual innocence,” according to a statement provided by a spokesperson Friday.

Peterson was convicted in November 2004 of killing his wife, Laci, and their unborn son.


Prosecutors said Peterson was having an affair when he killed his wife in Modesto and used his boat to dispose of her body in the San Francisco Bay.

The crime and trial attracted widespread international media attention and continues to draw interest as Peterson, who maintains his innocence, has initiated several legal challenges to his conviction.

Initially sentenced to death, Peterson successfully contested that penalty and was eventually re-sentenced to life in prison after the California Supreme Court sent his case back to Superior Court in 2020.

The justices unanimously found that the trial judge excluded jurors who were personally opposed to the death penalty without first determining if they would still follow the law as the judge instructed.


Peterson’s lawyer Pat Harris said he welcomed the involvement of the L.A. Innocence Project.

“We are very excited to have the incredibly talented attorneys at the L.A. Innocence Project lending their considerable expertise to helping prove Scott Peterson’s innocence,” Harris said in an email Friday.

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The Innocence Project has done some good work over the years. But Scott Peterson? Really?? That guy should never be outside the walls of a prison again.


He is a cold blooded killer! They’re wasting their time and money on him . They should be defending somebody who’s really innocent . I remember when he was claiming that the police GPS tracking device that was put on his car and led them to the Berkeley Marina scrime scene couldn’t be trusted. Supposedly undependable technology.


Next they’ll be defending OJ Simpson.
Give me a break. The evidence was overwhelming!

Fry this bastard… he is guilty (beyond the shadow of a doubt) and he should pay for it. Stop wasting money and time along with stimulating the young that were not even alive when this dirt bag did his thing to have feelings in this. This is what is wrong with America right now, we call guilty on simple inditement (accusation) and rub it through the media until everyone believes it is the truth and call innocent on proven guilty in a court of law. This is completely upside down.


Is there new evidence? Probably not. L.A. Innocense Project attorneys will push for a high-profile case such as Peterson. I don’t think there is much money for them but…if they can get him off, then their professional profiles will be set for life, and the money will be rolling in. It may be a roll of the dice for them but if they don’t crap out then payoff time because every defendant will want that attorney for representation. Peterson has nothing to lose. Let the dice fly high!
Myself, I think he is guilty beyond a doubt…


Anybody who watched TV knows he did it. They must be fundraising or something. Is this Kamala’s group?


Innocence is relative. Someone murdered that poor girl. Picking apart his conviction doesn’t prove jack.


Claimed he was sturgeon fishing…
“What did you use for bait?”


Scott Peterson is as innocent as OJ.


Unbelievable… there better be some really really compelling new evidence never seen before to relook this… this will be interesting


I’ve always thought he was innocent. It would be good for justice to be served an him released.


Could you perhaps let us know what made you think he was innocent. What about the evidence against him did not add up in your mind?


This guy is a POS !!!!!


The Peterson family seems to have quite a bit of money and has been able to afford the lawyers and various experts in their efforts to pick apart the prosecution’s version of the events. That said, the prosecution was able to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that Peterson was guilty.
The Peterson family continues to throw money at the issue in hopes of finding some angle that will get Scott Peterson out of prison. I am surprised the Los Angeles Innocence Project allowed themselves to get roped into the Peterson family efforts. I see that their announcement is spare and amounts to that they are seeking information. My reading of that is that they have seen nothing that demonstrates that Peterson is innocent.
The main Innocence Project organization is keeping clear with “Any and all inquiries about Mr. Peterson’s case should be directed to the Los Angeles Innocence Project, a non-profit organization wholly independent of the Innocence Project.”

I like the part about Peterson dying his hair and attempting to change his appearance as he hoped to flee to Mexico.

Also, does the whole fishing expedition not raise any flags??? You have a young pregnant wife at home……and on Christmas Eve YOU ARE GOING TO GO FISHING 80 MILES AWAY????

What is the history of him fishing on Christmas eve. Of course the tracking device tracked him at the Marina as crews performed the recovery.


Have they run out of innocent people to help?


I really feel for Laci’s Mom having to go through this insanity.
ARe they forgetting about his Chistmas fishing trip where her body and Connor’s were found?
His cheating and lying ways and what a bag o s**t he is?


KCBS Radio; I think…
Ran a story talking to someone from the I.P.
They were not saying he was innocent, but that his rights were violated….


There is a depth of hell reserved for any monster who would kill a woman, especially a woman with child. While I respect his rights to appeal and seek legal options , as we are all afforded as citizens of the beautiful United States of America, Scott Peterson is a skid mark on the underwear of society… that case was beyond solid. Excellent work done by all, especially the East Bay Regional Parks PD, who had jurisdiction over the marshland she was found in . Hopefully they recognize the time they’re wasting on this bag of human waste.


I’m still upset that he’s no longer on death row (Even though that’s a joke as they sit there forever). Just look at his eyes in that mugshot. Such a narcissistic dead soul in there. Yuck.

Tim Rowland who was with KTVU at the time did some excellent reporting and this case, tying it all together. He did such a good job he was hired by CNN and is now with Court TV. Anyone who thinks Scott Peterson is innocent try to see if some of Tim’s reporting is available on Utube, perhaps that will make you see the light?


He is the one that told investigators where his daughters’ bodies were located. He’s a sick and disgusting murderer. They call him wife killer but he’s a family killer POS. The fact he has fans is so sad and disturbing.

DD your post confuses me, who told the investigators what? You mention daughters, but Laci was Scotts pregnant wife expecting a boy. Are you talking about someone else. Could you clarify, please.

Hanne Jeppesen, yes I was talking about someone else. I confused Scott Peterson with Chris Watts. Thank you for you reply, I now understand I’ve completely mixed the two up. Now I’ll be reading up on these two stories out of curiosity.

I followed the Chris Watts case as well. Cases like this baffles me. Both of these guys had a nice life with nice wives. Certainly you can’t discuss feelings, but if they felt they no longer could stay married, how about a divorce? The Chris Watts case just makes my blood run cold, you see video’s of him playing with his little girls, and then when you hear what he did to them, it is too much to comprehend. He seemed to come from a nice normal family. Scott Petersen a little different, from what I read, seems that his mother thought he could do no wrong, however just because someone is spoiled does not mean they will end up as a wife killer.

DD, Often these sick individuals have fans. Ted Bundy who killed many women (an exact count have never been found) had fans and even got married in jail if I remember correctly. Scott Petersen nice looking, and Chris Watts is very good looking. However, still baffles me what are these women thinking. I like good looking men, I have not always picked the best boyfriends (although most of the time I did), but I’m pretty sure even if someone looked like Paul Newman I would stay away from anyone that was accused of murder, or other crimes as well.

He seems to be going the way of Mumia or the West Memphis Three..Some sort of distorted hero worship, with the illogical notion of innocence.

The only thing that should affect his legitimate conviction by a jury of his peers, as described by law, is another individual (s) being convicted of the same crime. That’s it. Short of new and compelling evidence of course, of which none has been put forward so far. Let him rot.



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