Home » SOUND OFF – Would Oakland Police Officer Tuan Le Be Alive Today If Contra Costa County Was Tougher On Criminals?

SOUND OFF – Would Oakland Police Officer Tuan Le Be Alive Today If Contra Costa County Was Tougher On Criminals?


Two of the suspects arrested in connection with the killing of Oakland Police Officer Tuan Le were previously convicted of burglary in Pittsburg for a home cannabis robbery. What is concerning is that they only received a 6 month sentence for 2nd degree burglary, which is odd since it should have been 1st degree and the minimal sentence. Are these light prosecutions in Contra Costa County contributing to recidivism and even greater crimes? Would Officer Le still be alive if they were convicted and sentenced for a longer term? – Concerned in Contra Costa County

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of course


Yes. And that Stiener woman in SF would still be alive if ICE were allowed to do their job. Actions have consequences. But liberals don’t care about that.


Her name was Kathryn “Kate” Steinle.


Thank you for the name correction. I meant no disrespect.


No disrespect perceived. I just wanted everyone to know her full name.


100% . This liberal state has sent out a very clear message that violence/crime is okay and there are no consequences for these people.

Great job democrats! NOT!


they are slime and its almost time we all just fight each other.. Get off that team before its too late we do not like you.

Wrong County, But Price is actually worse than Becton. Human Life means nothing to these Animals, and the way these Fool prosecutors Charge cases and the Idiots they appoint to prosecute them is criminal. Use the OJ trial as a guide, the prosecution lost because they were incompetent, a halfway decent prosecutor would have won that case, but I wonder about interference from on high. Interference is more common now.


Not the wrong County…. “IF” Contra Costa would have locked the scum up longer; they would not have been in Alameda….


Had he been incarcerated in CoCoCounty before?

Yes. He was arrested in Contra Costa County after serving time for killing someone in San Joaquin. Becton gave him a plea deal.

Killed someone in 2014, took a deal in 2015, out in 2019, arrested in 2021, and given another soft deal. Now an officer is dead because he was committing crime again.


He KILLED someone like it was nothing. Could of been your loved one, relative, friend. The huge downward spiral for families and friends is hopeless. Maybe the deceased might of been the bread winner. Money gone for family, lost home, lost love one. We have lost someone who will never come back. These criminals are all phyco/sociopaths. They care about no one but themselves. Consequences don’t matter.

Yes, he would still be alive.

People need to rethink the criminal justice system.

Leniency doesn’t send the appropriate message.

Liberalism doesn’t solve any problems.
Young people need to be taught, from a young age the concept of right and wrong.

Wrong actions need to result in harsh results.


Silly question.Everyones life would be better if our leaders were tough on criminals. The real question is why they are allowing criminals to prey on innocent victims over and over again.


If you haven’t noticed yet, it’s because our elected officials have nothing but contempt and hate for those who go to work every day, pay their taxes, and do no harm to others.

A liberal is simply a conservative that hasn’t been mugged yet.


And many more people would be alive if criminals and illegals were not protected/shielded by Democrats.


All the crime stats are cooked in order to support their agenda that violent crime is down. Lots of folks are released, because no charges are filed by the DA.


Bring Civil lawsuits against these DA & Judges.


Ask Singapore how it works when you enforce the law!


The shame of it all was he was defending a marijuana clinic. They are bad news. They attract bad people and they ruined the community around them. That’s one of Oakland’s problems they’ve got a marijuana clinic every few blocks. It is not helping their citizens. The police just stand down and let those clinics be robbed and looted to closure. Marijuana is NOT just like a glass of wine as the proponents claim. Ditto for ‘shrooms’


It’s just like wine during prohibition. Or, just like mob hijacking of cigarette shipments in the 50s and 60s.

The crime attraction you refer to is not related to the product. It’s the regulatory bypass that’s the attraction.

The war on drugs has been long over. It’s just bureaucratic theater. With incredible collateral damage.


Wow! Good question… Yes, I believe Police Officer Tuan Le would still be alive today.

I also thought politicians and others have told us… if we legalize marijuana to smoke and have these cannabis dispensaries in our neighborhoods it would be be a safe thing to do because these type of drugs are harmless. Boy were they wrong!

are harmless.


That is funny what about liquor stores it’s only alcohol a cannabis store is no different than a liquor store how many people die from GUNSHOT in schools some people don’t like abortion because it kills babies but guns kills a lot of kids so stop abortion and sell more gun to kill more babies ?????????

Says another ignorant Pot Head!

Stream of consciousness writing free of grammar, punctuation and coherent thought. Is High Times still published, or did they forget? This guy could be an editor.

No because he was murdered in Alameda County.


When asked of Willie Sutton, the bank robber in the 1930s, by the FBI why he robbed banks his answer was “Because that’s where the money is”. If liquor stores were cash only stores, they would be robbed on a regular basis like dispensarys are now.

Um, pretty sure liquor stores are robbed.

The blood is on the liberals hands. They know it, we know it, everyone knows it. Liberals just protect and shield, criminals and illegal aliens. it’s time for real Americans to stop tolerating this and fight back.


CoCo county where criminals belong on our streets until they kill someone.
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior

I don’t know, someone stole my crystal ball. Side note, anyone know where I can get a crystal ball?

Etsy has some good deals on them…

Thanks. You’d thought I’d have seen it coming, having a crystal ball in the first place. Premonition…hindsight…I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve confused the two.

Hmmmm, recalling the stories of hands removed 4 stealing.
An eye 4 an eye…..
Thinking ‘its ok, I won’t pay’ has led 2 an America that lives in fear.
No Party or Group can be blamed.
It’s the Devil’s playground now, sadly 😥💩😪

Tougher laws for criminals. No body scare to take someone else’s life and face consequences. Sad, just plain sad. This can happen to any of us!

I have yet to be the least bit impressed or satisfied with our District Attorney here in CoCoCounty. I vote No confidence. Rest in Peace, Officer Tuan Le. Thank you for your service. Please forgive us.



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