Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.5, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.5, 2024


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Wayne La Pierre finally resigning from NRA!
Goodbye & Good Riddance.



Oliver North sounded the alarm over corruption in the NRA and La Pierre ousted him for it.
That’s when I dropped out, now maybe I will join again, we’ll see.
It should not have taken years to get Wayne La Pierre outa there.



I would love to see anybody on the right or left give me some reason why they aren’t happy to see Wayne La Pierre step down.
After Oliver North exposed the corruption within the NRA and now, La Pierre about to be tried in court for it, what is the reasoning (if any) to support him?


Do you really think getting rid of LaPierre changes anything? The entire Board and management are as dirty as he is. They all knew and they all participated. The only reason he’s out is that the NY AG went after him and the NRA for essentially scamming the members to benefit themselves. If it weren’t for her, it would be business as usual for LaPierre and his buddies. The only way to clean up the organization is to purge the entire Board and management. Let the organization get back to its roots of education and safety.


La Pierre does not stand alone, co-defendants John Frazer, general counsel, and Woody Phillips, the former chief financial officer are on the hot seat too.

“The three of them stand accused of breaching the trust of donors by using charitable money for luxury travel, private planes and five-star hotels along with entering into multi-million dollar contracts with favored vendors willing to pay”.



Hey democrats, do us all a favor and don’t open you mouths except to say, “I’m sorry, you were right about everything.”
From COVID, to epstein, to gates, to the clinton’s, bidens, EVERYTHING.


Nah, many of them still live in an alterverse they never escape from. Told them many times they were on the wrong site of history. And that in the past the Dems were protective of citzen’s rights.


Can’t we all just get along? A nation divided is exactly what the 1% wants to keep us all under control, continuing to feed the rest of us their scraps. Did you happen to notice how much big oil profited last year? And of course, us 99% will just continue to find someone to blame, rather than try and make real democratic changes, and choices for the common good!


No. You wanted us dead because we refused the mask and vaccine. You wanted hospitals to refuse to treat us and grocery stores to refuse to sell us food without a vaccine passport. The common good is out the window. You supported this division, we will never just get along.


Give them a couple more years and things will get better (if you know what I mean and I think you do). 😉


Over 1 million Americans died from COVID. Even Trump caught it. You need better sources for your news.


The Dems are always calling Trump a liar, but when he says he had COVID, suddenly they believe him…. Too funny.



You keep spouting that nonsense … yet always fail to distinguish with Covid vs from Covid.

There is a difference but to you (and other fools), you can’t see it.


California will offer free sex change operations to illegal migrants.



Greasy Gavin is asking the voters to support proposition 1, which is a 6.4 billion dollar bond measure which is said to “overhaul the mental health system”, increase access to mental health services, addiction services, etc.
I feel that the mental health services are definitely lacking and improvements need to be made. But if Newsome hadn’t squandered the state’s budget surplus and sent the state into a huge budget deficit, the state would have the money to address some of the lack of mental health services. Now the state has a deficit, and now he wants to squeeze more money out of the taxpayers. This has to stop!


I agree. Remember those “Middle Class Tax Refunds” Newson sent to taxpayers back in 2022 because California was running a budget surplus? Over $9 billion given back to taxpayers. What kind of an idiot move was that? And the kicker is that the people who deserved refunds the most, the wealthiest taxpayers who actually pay the most in taxes, didn’t get a dime. Only went to taxpayers making less than $500k. No wonder the wealthy are leaving.


He had to send the money. It is part of the state constittion.


Sending tax paying residents refunds was required by California State Law. So, those “idiots” would be California State Voters who voted for this proposition about 1978, +/- 1 year.

so, idiot biden brought out that old saw that President Trump will destroy our democracy (of course, we are a Constitutional Republic, as much as democrats do not want this). this coming from a man who has demonized half the population based on their political ideology, and has used the power of the state to go after his political enemies. I still think of former Sec of Defense Robert Gates who stated, in so many words, idiot (my addition) biden has been on the wrong side of virtually every foreign policy. the track record has not improved. And, 7 million plus new users of our tax money have, well, not even snuck, just walked across, unimpeded, what used to be called a border, but is now apparently just a mile marker. Way to defend the United States, and the Constitution. One of the most disgusting individuals in politics, and I used to think T Kennedy was bad. Semi rant over.


The problem is that there are so many people who believe China Joes never ending lies. The old saying must be true that God loves stupid people, because he creates so many of them.


Are you a legal expert with evidence to prove your point?
Or, are you only mindlessly parroting what you see and hear on TV?


Those are getting thrown out daily, You should try to keep up if you’re gonna talk smack.


Why don’t you post at least one charge that has been thrown out and the date it was thrown out? Otherwise we would think you don’t know what you claim.


I’m not a dog, I don’t post on demand. Why don’t you ask your little google machine or wait for CNN to verify it for you.
Dork Brandon is a pos fascist. His doj is worse than any communist country in history. The USA has bombed countries and executed leaders for less than what the 2024 fascist USA government is doing to its people. You own it lock stock and barrel. It’s yours.


if its not dropped in your lap its made up BS?Thats redundant btw mr scholar


Concord City Council considering new rent restrictions on individually owned single family homes and condos.

I happened to look at the proposed rent control/just cause eviction documents on item 4.A in the City Council agenda from 12/12/23. I haven’t been following this issue closely since the state implemented restrictions on corporate landlords back in 2020.

Yikes! These new city proposals do not just include big corporate landlords, but it includes single family home and condo owners like you and me. If these rules are approved, it looks like we will be liable for many thousands of dollars in relocation expenses and complicated Ellis Act requirements if we ever decide to rent our house out….even for a few months or a few years.

Personally I support thoughtful regulations to protect poor tenants from large rent increases or evictions on short notice, but these proposed regulations as currently written don’t target low income housing owned by corporate landlords…they target every home in the city!

Here is the link to the next meeting. Not too late to send a email to your city council members. They are being bombarded by Oakland-based “non-profits” eager to make Concord the next Oakland. The documents with the specifics can be found when you open up agenda item.

Full disclosure: I am not a landlord and my home is not up for rent. I just try to pay attention to what is going on in Concord. I hope our council members stand up to the bullies from Oakland and approve a policy that helps poor renters without turning the city into a slum.



Mike, thanks for your concern and all the details.
State Farm and others are dropping California home owner’s insurance policies — not only due to the wildfires but because special interest groups are creating growing piles of red tape. In light of the home insurance problem, shouldn’t Concord wait until the dust settles before deciding whether or not to place this additional regulatory burden on home owners? Maybe look at it again in 2025?
Pages 5 and 6 of the 12/12/23 Council Meeting Minutes lists the names of lots of “advocates” who are pushing this. — http://tinyurl.com/347j9tk3

Anew, I heard State Farm was just recently granted a 20% rate increase. Actually a good thing. They are a good actor in the insurance field and I was concerned they have been losing too much money to stay in our state. I think Ricardo Lara the state insurance commissioner, is feeling the heat. Finally.

Most of the professional renter advocates seem to be from Oakland. A lot of lawyers eager to sue Concord landlords. Mediation would be better.

I really do feel badly for poor people who are displaced by high rents, but we have yo be really careful about how we try to solve that problem. Lot’s of unintended consequences.


Mike, I agree with you regarding lawyers and advocate groups. The have played a big part in the rising insurance costs, and the lack of affordable housing. A writeup by Bankrate provides a good overview: http://tinyurl.com/58a96p2u
Concord City Council meets Tues, Jan 10, 630pm. Here’s the agenda: https://www.cityofconcord.org/771/Public-Meetings

Not a fan of rent control. The answer to high rents is to build more housing. But the NIMBYs don’t want that. “I’ve got mine. @%#* you!” is their credo.


Do you want high-density housing in your backyard?

Well i’m not a lawyer either, but i’m not a Trump boot licker either. I watched Trump egging on a mob , which injured 140 cops. i saw pictures of the boxes full of top secret documents stored on the stage at Trumps estate.

My first clue was the Paradise fire when he blamed California for poor forest management by not “raking the forest floors.” When it was pointed out the 57% of the forests in California are owned by the federal government , he changed the subject.


You stated “I watched Trump egging on a mob, which injured 140 cops.” The crowd size estimates of the January 6, 2021 “Save America,” rally, also known by other names, at the Elipse on the National Mall varies, but based on those estimates we know anywhere from about 1.0% – 10.0% of the crowd at the Elipse was involved with the inexcusable violent and destructive activities at the Capitol. So, how were you able to pick out the individuals in the crowd at the Elipse who became “the mob” at the Capitol?
You stated “I saw pictures of the boxes full of top secret documents stored on the stage at Trump’s estate.” How exactly were you able to see inside “the boxes full of top secret documents”?


If you read the news you will notice that Trump isn’t arguing he is innocent. Trump is arguing he is immune from charges.


What news are you reading?
Innocent until proven guilty. If they can’t even prove they have a case then an innocent man doesn’t need to argue his innocence. That’s why all these cases are being thrown in the wood chipper.
What will Dork Brandon argue when on trial for treason? The pendulum is swinging back so fast your head is spinning, just like the “news” you read. Watch out for the boomerang 🪃 🪃🪃🪃🪃🪃


Here you go DOH…. video evidence of Trump inciting a riot & urging insurrection.



That is selective editing. Trump said peacefully once. He said fight 13 times. “If you don’t fight and fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Do your own count when you re-watch the whole speech. Also remember Trump did nothing for hours after the violence started. He was giddy with excitement.


There’s no “selective editing” Those are the tweets in original format. You are lying, it’s a sign of the PANIC you feel about the possibility you’ve been used. Stop lying and accept you’ve been manipulated by a highly sophisticated propaganda system designed to control you. We are allowed to protest. CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR OF THE PRESS; OR THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE, AND TO PETITION
This is the first amendment of the constitution of our REPUBLIC.
We have grievances.


DOH, speaking of “selective editing” you are selecting the only meaning of the word “fight” that fits your narrative and ignoring any possibility that Trump was speaking figuratively and NOT suggesting violence (peacefully and patriotically).
I suggest you consider # 3 and stop being so obtuse.

fight /
intransitive verb
1. To attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons.
2. To engage in a boxing match.
3. To engage in a quarrel; argue.
“They are always fighting about money.”

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language


Dementia Hitler and Dork Brandon. Two of the best nicknames for the idiot president I’ve ever heard.


The subtext is the only way to save democracy is to end it!
And anyone who doesn’t agree with that is a white supremacist!
The Biden team sure knows how to unite the people!
Poor Joe, they have his forehead so full of Botox he can’t even look angry during his drug-fueled rant.


The United States of America is a Republic …. not a Democracy!….”and to the Republic for which it stands.” !!!


Democratic Republic. Not the same as either a full Democracy or a full Republic.


“A republic, if you can keep it”


A “Constitutional Republic” to be exact.


It’s confusing because a democracy, and a republic, have elected representatives. A republic has a written constitution that protects the people of certain rights that cannot be taken away. A democracy is not restrained in this way, and can impose its will on the minority.
To keep it simple, a republic is a form of government that is ruled by a constitution, and a democracy is a form of government that is ruled by the will of the majority. The United States is a constitutional republic. We have a constitution which established a federal, democratic form of republic.


Recent sentences handed to non-
violent January 6th trespassers:
Dominic Pezzola – 10 Years
Zachary Rehl – 15 Years
Joe Biggs – 17 Years
For perspective: Mohamed Shei was sentenced to 180 days in prison. He r•ped two girls aged 4
and 9.
Dementia Hitler brags in his J6 doomer speech that his DOJ has targeted 1,200 J6ers, convicted 900, and sentenced them to 840 years in prison. He wants his political opponents afraid this can happen to them too. What a sick man.


Trump fans : Q Do you agree with Trump that as President he is immune from prosecution?
Q Do you agree with Trump that the Vice President can choose which electors to count when selecting the President?

Do you see where this is going? If we follow Trumps logic, Biden could imprison Trump today and Kamala could pick the next President.

Trump is an enemy of democracy .


By this logic, how could dork brandon imprison Trump? You sound lost. We all want kamala picking the next president don’t we? 🤣🤣


It’s not my logic ,pal, it’s Trumps logic. You could look it up.

Do you agree with Trump that the Chairman of the Joint Chief of staff should have been executed?

One other thing : Trump had 44 senate approved appointees , such as cabinet officers. Of the 44 , 40 have refused to endorse him. Why is that ?


I think many people should be punished by death. Especially the Epstein list and anyone with knowledge of what was going on. How do you feel about the Epstein operation and it participants?


You do know Trump is on that list?


Is he really? I did not know that. I’m hearing this for the first time right now. Except for when every single mockingbird channel tried to say the same thing in unison lying through their teeth in the exact same fashion as they always do. In fact the talking points don’t cut it anymore even for the normies. Good luck trying to convince anyone Trump was part of that sick cult.


Yes, unless you want to further criminalize politics, all Presidents should be “immune from prosecution” for virtually all actions taken while in office. Do you realize that every modern President, from Herbert Hoover thru Donald Trump, and Joe Biden after he leaves office, could all have been charged with crimes for actions they took while President of the United States. Doing so only further damages the country and we shouldn’t have a system where each President is pardoned by their successor. So, which of the last 15 Presidents, and President Biden after he leaves office, do you believe should have been charged with crimes after leaving office? Or is it just former President Trump?
That’s not how the Electoral College works, no matter how many times you call it “Trump’s logic.” The President and Vice President aren’t “selected,” they’re “elected.” Former Vice President Mike Pence wasn’t asked to “choose which Electors to count,” he was asked to send certain slates of Electors back to certain State Legislatures for those elected State Legislators to reconsider and determine which slate of Electors they wanted to send to Congress to be counted.
President Trump had every legal right to contest the election. I believe he should have contested the election, if that’s what he believed was the correct course of action for him to take, but I also believe he should’ve conceded the election, mentioning all of his beliefs and concerns about the election process in 2020, and at that point he should’ve announced his candidacy to again seek the presidency in 2024, if he desired to do so, and left office.
Again, it doesn’t matter how many times you say it and call it “Trump’s logic,” President Biden doesn’t have the authority to directly “imprision Trump” and Vice President Kamala Harris doesn’t have the authority to “pick the next President.” If no candidate for President and Vice President receives the necessary 270 Electoral College Votes to win the election, it then becomes a “contested election,” where the Congress then elects the President and Vice President. Each State Delegation in the House of Representatives would have 1 vote to cast in electing the President and each sitting Senator would have 1 vote to elect the Vice President, that’s how our electoral system works!
Considering each and every President, Vice President, and each member of Congress takes an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution” and then virtually each and every one of them works to change and/or usurp that very Constitution they took an oath to, so, wouldn’t all of these individuals who take such action be an “enemy of democracy,” or more appropriately, be an enemy of the Republic?


Good post.


Thanks for this post!


Really, Black Knight? So if Biden gets pissed off at a White House maid for not dusting the bookshelves properly, picks up the fireplace poker and whacks her over the head with it, killing her instantly, he is immune from prosecution because he was President when he did it? Is that what you’re saying?

Not even Trump’s lawyers went that far when arguing for presidential immunity before the court. They argued that the only way a president can be prosecuted criminally for an act committed in office is if he is impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate first. Only then can he be criminally prosecuted. But the appellate judges weren’t buying that argument. One asked what if he ordered Seal Team 6 to kill a political rival, then resigned before he could be impeached. Does he get away with murder? Another hypothetical posed was what if he sold our top military secrets to a rival country for personal gain, then resigned before he could be impeached. Does he get away with it? Under Trump’s legal logic, yes, he does get away with it.

As for Trump asking VP Pence to reject electoral votes from certain states, Pence correctly told Trump he had no authority to do that. If you believe that Pence had the authority to pick and choose which state’s votes he would count and which he would send back to a friendly state legislature so they could replace Biden electors with Trump electors, then you must believe Kamala Harris will have the same authority to choose which votes to accept or reject.. I don’t think the VP has the authority to do that. Do you?

I agree that Trump had every right to contest the election in court, which he did, over and over. And he lost almost every court challenge. He also has a right to bellyache in public about how he feels the election was stolen from him. He does not, however, have the right to use illegal means to overturn the election results so he can stay in power. Special Counsel Jack Smith has charged him with doing exactly that. We will all be able to see the evidence and judge for ourselves when the trial takes place.


Did you not read my post correctly? I never said a president should be “immune from prosecution for all actions taken while president.” I said “virtually all actions.”
Nice of you to goto the extreme of murder, though. You know good and well that President Biden wouldn’t be charged for killing the maid because his actions would likely be covered-up, but if there was no cover-up his defense would be self-defense, or cognitive medical issues which caused him to act out. There’s also the possibility of a pardon by himself and/or his successor.
You’ve already made your decision that President Trump is guilty and “does not, however, have the right to use illegal means to overturn the election results so he can stay in power.” If that was truly the case, then Special Counsel Jack Smith wouldn’t have needed to use questionable readings and interpretations of statutes in order to come up with charges against former President Trump, as he did.


What does “virtually all actions” mean to you? Where do you draw the line? Which criminal acts should the president be allowed to perform without fear of prosecution?
Actually I agree with you that if we let politicians weaponize the Justice Department to go after every former President of the other political party it would be bad for our country. But it would be also be bad for our country if we let major crimes – such as attempting to steal an election – go unpunished.


I also should’ve added in my last post that the legal advice given to President Trump by his lawyers regarding Vice President Pence being able to reject Electors and send them back to the State Legislatures to reconsider, was also based on questionable readings and interpretations of the Electoral Count Act, which were never adjudicated. The Electoral Count Act was a vague and poorly written law, and given the fact that Congress made changes to the Electoral Count Act after the 2021 inauguration of President Joe Biden, strongly suggests it was even money or better that the Courts would’ve gone along with President Trump’s lawyers interpretation of the law. The 2020 election was won and lost in the pre-election Courts, not the post-election Courts. There’s a reason why I don’t vote for lawyers, with the exceptions of District Attorney, Attorney General, Judges, and Vice President!!!


So they have illegally prosecuted Americans for taking pictures, and called it “trespassing”. Guess what dummies, you can’t even be trespassed from public property, let alone prosecuted and incarcerated. This is better than winning the lottery. The federal government has violated the constitution and will get crushed.


“you can’t even be trespassed from public property”

Well Maga Sam why don’t you go down to the PD and try to walk into the closed area and see what happens?


I don’t need to, I know the law. You can’t be trespassed from public buildings period. It’s a violation of the constitution.
Interesting how you won’t answer my question about the Epstein operation and its participants. Weird


That’s a good one, you want us to believe you’ve read the thousands of pages that make up the “Constitution” and that you “know the law.” It’s a good thing the “Constitution” and “the law” isn’t based on your personal interpretations.
That’s another good one MAGA SAM, you expect FRANK to respond to or “answer your question” and you find it “interseting” and “weird” that he hasn’t done so. After all, you’re the guy who posts “your opinion” or “what you believe” in such a way as to make it appear as though it’s fact and not your “opinions” or “what you believe,” and then you refuse to post the FACTS that you got from the conspiracy theory websites that you visit, which led to your postings in the first place, when others ask you for the FACTS. Yet, you now expect others to answer you questions, when you refuse to answer questions yourself, and you won’t even meet an easier and lesser standard of posting the links that led to your postings in the first place.
Why would you change the subject on FRANK? In a conversation about President Trump, you changed the subject to Jeffery Epstein, could you not come up with a response to FRANK about President Trump, because that’s the way you made it appear?


It’s pretty obvious I do whatever I want. You should know that by now.


While the majority of people who are “trespassed from public property,” shouldn’t be “trespassed,” because they were engaged in one or more constitutionally protected activities, such as “public photography.” The number of people who are “trespassed” from public property and/or arrested, charged, prosecuted, and incarcerated for “trespassing,” because they were engaged in constitutionally protected activity is staggering and troubling. Trespassing on public property should be treated as a secondary charge, however, you are correct, public property can have restricted areas and/or restructed times, which should be clearly marked and posted, and may lead to an immediate trespassing arrest and being “trespassed” from the property in the future, if violated.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of our peace officers, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and judges, either don’t know the law or don’t care to know the law and/or they don’t know our rights or they don’t care to know our rights. Our “justice system” is severely broken, the lack of knowledge and the actions taken by a majority of those individuals working in our “justice system,” when there’s no crime and individuals were engaged in constitutionally protected activities, is truly disgusting and corrupt!!!


Good post.


I’ll list all of Joe Biden’s accomplishments here so we know why people will vote for him.


That’s complete list 👍


The PANIC from democrats realizing everyone against Trump is a pedophile or covering for pedophiles is intense. This is only the beginning.


If you don’t think you are being lied to and don’t believe they are purposely causing division in our country you have to be not paying attention or caring. This is the first add from sleepy creepy and right out of the gate it is attempting to divide us between radicals and those who vote for me (fascism not democracy) https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1742998026359320711 .Kind of something like saying to the black community “If you are still deciding between me and Trump then you ain’t black” “worst President in history”


Actually, it’s a lot about how China Joe, the democrats, and the corrupt system and media they’ve created is manipulated and used to deflect attention away from themselves, by manufacturing a ‘bad guy’.
‘Look at the bad man, everybody!!!(and never mind the border problem, inflation, gas prices, crime, the corrupt Biden family, Afghanistan, chaos in the Middle East, ……..)
Anyone with half a brain that thinks logically and intellectually(rather than with just their emotions) can see what’s really and truly going on now here in the country.


To say the President is Inciting an Insurrection is like saying that the Captain of a Ship is leading a Munity.
It just doesn’t make sense.
It’s time to enforce the Communist Control Act of 1954. Enough screwing around already.


Today is January 6th. Third anniversary of the DC event. I have yet to hear anyone regret that it happened.


pelosi’s event


“Your AR-15’s won’t hold up against tanks and jets.” also “Our government was almost overthrown with flagpoles and bear spray.”


You mentioned the lack of regret of “DC event.” I had no idea that you so regretted Congress counting the Electoral College Votes, which officially elected former Vice President Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States and Senator Kamala Harris the 49th Vice President of the United States.


Ya right. It’s just as valid as all the past accusations that never went anywhere and vanished like a F in wind – all made up by the corrupt and desperate democrat controlled corrupted media.
Rock on.


You mean stalled and redacted by Bill Barr.


Good reading for everyone.

Federalist #10.


“A REPUBLIC, if you can keep it” Is the quote
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.
”A republic is different from a democracy.”
Some democrat congressman just yesterday tried to quote Benjamin Franklin as saying “a democracy, if you can keep it.”
Lol you people are being controlled and confused on purpose. They think you are too stupid to question it.
A democracy is mob rule. We are a republic without any question.


Many states, such as California, which have a referendum system or proposition system, are closer to a democracy than the United States is. Many New England towns are closer to a democracy than the states are with the way their annual town meetings are conducted.


Calif will now offer Medi-Cal payments to illegal immigrants to cover sex change treatments. This is at a time when this State is $68 billion in the red and increasing. Just another magnet for illegal border crossings. This is just nuts. Gov Newsom is out of control and should be drug tested.


Oh nooo!! that sounds scary

Maga Sam. i admit it took us awhile to figure out you are a Biden/Harris plant , designed to make Trump fans look like loons.

It’s working


Lol good. So you won’t acknowledge the Epstein operation. The border is secure. Sex changes for kids isn’t genocide, the economy is better than ever and COVID is real. Thank you. The PANIC is real. My tinfoil hat protects me from the mind virus you suffer. I’m not in PANIC, I know what’s coming. Enjoy the next year of PANIC. It’s gonna get way worse for you and I’ll be right here reminding you clowns what you are. NCSWIC


We’re done with this dictator. We’re done with the lies, we’re done with the illegals, There’s laws on the books to shut down all of this. It’s time for the insurrection act, the communist control act and the border control. ICE needs to start the deportations and the military lock this country down until the tyrants stand trial and every illegal voter is deported. Enough is enough.


What Republicans believe according to Washington Post/ University of Maryland poll (Dec 14-18, 2023)
Solid evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election YES-62%, NO-33%
FBI operatives organized the January 6 attack YES-33%, NO-30%

Booth have been debunked.



Anyway DOH…. you are correct, it’s all been debunked (by the people that did it of course).


Democrats believe cutting off reproductive parts of children isn’t genocide.
Democrats denied Epstein ran a pedophile island that all their leaders and favorite actors visited.
Democrats believe the border is secure
Democrats believe the economy is better than ever
Democrats believe the COVID narrative
Democrats believe taxpayers should pay for illegals
The list goes on and on


“This Washington Post-University of Maryland poll was conducted online and by phone
Dec. 14-18, 2023, among a random national sample of 1,024 adults”

Is this the poll you are referring to DOH?



Where is the question about party affiliation? How’d you figure that out?


2024: The year of Donald Trump’s trials. Prediction: He will be convicted on all counts in those cases going to trial this year.


The problem with youngsters thee days is too much fantasy and not enough reality


“Wokeness doesn’t exist above a certain IQ level.”
—Scott Adams
Disillusion of fantasy and realization of reality often change as result of life experiences.
Cost of groceries, utilities and fuel should hasten the view that DEM governance is detrimental to the household budget.
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the
comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
Keep this in mind when encountering DEM messaging
on leftist media wing of the party.
Their goal is to gain and maintain long term control of both
executive and legislative branches of federal government to advance their agenda.


Pelosi says states can override the constitution. She’s lying.


While amnesty for illegals is a DEM wet dream it is not essential to them getting and retaining control.
DEM plan an unlimited number of illegals while not able to vote in presidential elections does effect how many seats in U.S. House of Representatives a state gets, a state’s count of Electoral College votes and political districts.
IF illegals were not counted in U.S. Census, DEMs would likely build the WALL in a heart beat.
For them it is about retaining control of congress and presidency for decades, allowing the mega rich one percent control and an unlimited flow of tax dollars to them via government contracts. Would ensure favorable tax code changes for them too.


Smart thinking OG, so you claim the most undocumented immigrants are going to blue states? Well maybe you need to think this through once more.


Jwb – you’re a hoot …suggesting that anyone who’s NOT a liberal should think.

Try it yourself, buttercup. I don’t hear demanding the word salad princess try to 🧐 . But that’s only because she’s a “D.”

The fact is that those who claim states/cities are “sanctuaries” are turning away illegal immigrants.

More hypocrisy by the left. Until you recognize and accept your own faults, you’re just another fart in the wind.


So jwb says that OG claims that “most illegal (undocumented, being the word for the easily offended) are going to blue states.”

Exactly where did he claim that in his post of 5:49 pm, January 7? Or anywhere else on this blog?

Guess everyone is gonna have to put words in YOUR mouth. Of course, it’ll make more sense than your own pronouncements.


You guys are cracking me up. Can’t you comprehend a basic argument?
Let’s see, here is what OG wrote: “DEM plan an unlimited number of illegals while not able to vote in presidential elections does effect how many seats in U.S. House of Representatives a state gets, a state’s count of Electoral College votes and political districts.”
So you think the big DEM plan is to INCREASE the number of U.S. House of Representative seats and Electoral College votes in Red States? That really smart thinking and explains a lot about Glenn and Professor.
BTW these migrants are actually not illegal or do you disagree with TX Governor Abbott?
This lawsuit is baseless and deserves to be sanctioned. It’s clear that Mayor Adams knows nothing about the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, or about the constitutional right to travel that has been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court. Every migrant bused or flown to New York City did so voluntarily, after having been authorized by the Biden Administration to remain in the United States. As such, they have constitutional authority to travel across the country that Mayor Adams is interfering with. If the Mayor persists in this lawsuit, he may be held legally accountable for his violations.”


He who? Governor Abbott? Of course he said that these migrants “having been authorized by the Biden Administration to remain in the United States.” which means they are authorized by the US government to remain in the US. The whole stupid lawsuit by the Mayor of NYC is that it against the law to transport illegals. But Abbott’s response is that they are not illegal and have constitutional right to travel.


Did you really not understand that ORIGINAL G was talking about the foreign-born non-resident alien and illegal alien populations affecting the reappointment of House and Electoral College seats after each decennial census?
However, the number of seats in Congress and the Electoral College should be increased. The Senate should be increased from the 100 seats currently, to 168 seats, consisting of 150 voting seats and 18 non-voting seats. The House of Representatives should be increased from the 441 seats currently, consisting of 435 voting seats and 6 non-voting seats, to 1,013 seats (based off of the 2020 census numbers), consisting of 997 voting seats and 16 non-voting seats. The Electoral College should be increase from the 538 seats currently, to 1,152 seats, with 577 votes needed to win the presidency and vice presidency. We used to increase the size of the House of Representatives and Electoral College after every decennial census, but the last time we added permanent voting seats was after the 1910 census in 1913, and the House size was capped at 435 voting seats in 1930. The larger districts grow in population the more they become ungovernable and the less accountable our elected Representatives become.


Wow Black Knight, really you had to type all this and do not understand what OG did say? Read it again.
“DEM plan an unlimited number of illegals while not able to vote in presidential elections does effect how many seats in U.S. House of Representatives a state gets, a state’s count of Electoral College votes and political districts.”
So let’s keep it simple. If due to migration the population increases more in NY state than in TX, the number of congressional districts and electoral votes will increase in NY and relative decrease in TX because as you say the total number has been kept constant for decades.
If conversely, due to migration the population increases more in TX than in NY the number of congressional districts and electoral votes will increase in TX and decrease in NY.
So, if you can follow so far, the plan OG suggests only would work in DEM favor if the migrants increase the populations in blue states compared to red states, because it would not be much of a plan for the Democrats to increase the number of congressional districts and electoral college votes in red states, particularly without adding actual potential voters “unlimited number of illegals while not able to vote in presidential elections”.


“Blue States” can have “red districts” and “red states” can have “blue districts.” Since most of the “migration” of foreign-born non-resident aliens and illegal aliens has been reported by the mainstream media to be “migrating” to urban and suburban areas of the country, which tend to be “blue” or “purple” cities, counties, districts, and areas, and suggests a gain of “blue districts” and/or “purple districts.” There’s no guarantee of a “red state” adding more “red districts,” but may be more likely to add “blue districts” or “purple districts” based on news reports of where these individuals are “migrating,” especially as long as the Courts continue to get involved in the drawing of congressional districts. It was a Supreme Court decision which “amended” the Constitution and now reqires state legislative and congressional districts be drawn for “communities of interest.” Just as there’s no guarantee a “blue state” remains “blue” and a “red state” remains “red” in the Electoral College. Your response is an oversimplification of the way reappointment works and your suggestion that everything remains relative because the number of seats in the House of Representatives and Electoral College has remained capped for decades is incorrect. We’ve been told for how many election cycles now that the State of Georgia will flip from “red” to “blue” and it did, and that the State of Texas will flip from “red” to “blue” which we’re still waiting on. Things change based on increases in the overall population and the voting population, and many of the foreign-born non-resident aliens and illegal aliens will not gain citizenship and the right to vote which will eggect district boundaries and some will gain citizenship and the right to vote which will effect who fets elected. We’ve seen urban and suburban areas become more “blue” and exurbs and rural areas become more “red” and nothing suggests that will change anytime in the near future.

Reading comprehension much?
“… you claim the most undocumented immigrants are going to blue states?”

OG never even alluded to which states the illegals are going to. Now you’re just making up things. Like your links.


Aghhh, trying to teach facts to jwb is like teaching a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

He/she/it can’t defend ANY of the actions of this administration…or anyone IN the administration. It’s all about (whine, whine) “orange man bad.”

Redirection and hypocrisy are the hallmarks of the democrats.

Just sit back and watch.

“History teaches that war begins when governments
believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
—Ronald Reagan
Or belief of enfeebled leadership . . . . .
“During the 30 minute diatribe, Biden claimed that he and First Lady Jill Biden attended the funerals of police officers who were killed during the so-called “insurrection” against the government.
“Over 140 police officers injured. Jill and I attended the funerals of police officers who died as a result of the events that day. Because of Donald Trump’s lies. They died because these lies brought a mob to Washington,” Biden claimed.
But the notoriously dishonest career politician left out one very pertinent detail, the fact that the actual number of cops who lost their lives on the fateful day was zero.”
“The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,”
–Pelosi http://tinyurl.com/y86jh6td
Time frames ? ?



Lloyd Austin has suggested U.S. reaction to attacks should be “proportionate”. By his definition if someone punches you in the face, you hit them back, and then stand there like a dummy waiting to get hit again.
The US needs a wartime Secretary of Defense, and this AWOL guy ain’t it.


Speaking in a black church today, Biden claimed he started the civil rights movement.


He also claims to have seen Haley’s Comet three times.

The Epstein drips are fun but wait for the flood.


Will it be better than a stained blue dress and
the zipper challenged one ? ? ? ?

Open borders, gift that keeps on festering and costing AMERICAN lives.
“…blood-alcohol test, his level was 0.249, which is three times the legal limit.”
‘…Four-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Colorado Mother and Her Teenage Son’…
“…four prior convictions in Boulder County, Colorado, for drunk driving from 2007 to 2019”
“…deported from the U.S. in June 2009, June 2012, November 2014, and January 2015 before ultimately illegally re-entering, likely via the southern border.”
” “Sanctuary policies not only lack any public benefit but also contribute to an increase in crime against citizens. By giving sanctuary to illegal aliens, these policies inadvertently enable them to commit crimes without consequences. The safety of citizens must be our utmost concern,” retired ICE Denver Field Office Director and current board member with National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE) John Fabbricatore told the DCNF.
“The failures of Colorado’s sanctuary policies allowed a convicted criminal to stay in our local communities on probation, intentionally avoiding notifying ICE. If sanctuary policies were abolished, these unnecessary deaths could have been prevented. We must end sanctuary policy and secure the border now!” Fabbricatore, who is also running for Congress, said.”
‘…NYC migrant, 24, stabbed to death in line for food after fight over woman at Randalls Island tent city – as gang violence sweeps camp that’s full of armed rivals”…


So let’s see:
Why did you leave this part out from your posting?
“Menjivar-Alas has had four prior convictions in Boulder County, Colorado, for drunk driving from 2007 to 2019, Taer reports.”
His last DUI in Colorado was 2019. Which means he re-entered prior to 2019. So who’s open border gift would that be?


@JWB your hypocrisy knows no bounds! President Trump made securing the border his priority from day one, while the Democrats and their propaganda machine in the mainstream media fought to keep the borders open.


I’m sure that’s what you believe. Too bad for those pesky facts. But then why would you let facts interfere with your beliefs.


Thanks Whenwilltheylearn. AI certainly beats the many examples of RS “real stupidity” or not?


Lloyd Austin and Biden’s Pentagon Vanishing Act. https://amac.us/newsline/society/bidens-pentagon-vanishing-act/

“Diversity is our strength as a nation”

Joe Biden


Biden & Harris not getting along?



I frankly cannot understand why ANYONE with half a brain cell would support the word salad princess. She has FAILED at every assignment given, abc is nothing more (ie, NOTHING MORE) than a check-the-box member of this administration.

Failures or outright liars – just like every other member of Biden’s party.

And all the democrats can do/say is, “ but but but Trump did xxxxxxxx.” In other words, the current administration is a total failure.

‘Grim photos show huge line of migrants lined up outside processing center in freezing weather, as man from Mauritania says he’s gone 25 days without a bed and says border should be CLOSED because US can no longer cope’
‘Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America That I Learned at Columbia University – Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama’


There you go again, trying to read your own interpretation into someone else’s comments.
There was no blame placed by OG; he was simply pointing out that sanctuary policies actually hurt and kill.

“Why did you leave this part out from your posting?” Because it doesn’t matter. But you immediately see it as OG calling out “your guy” and then you have a conniption fit. But I’ll give you some slack since you wrote your post at 4:00 in the morning and you were probably half asleep.
The fact of the matter is that illegal immigration has been going on forever, that the costs of allowing it are significantly greater than the benefits to society, that every President before Trump only gave it lip service, and that “your guy” has turned a brushfire into a conflagration. And continues to throw gasoline at the flames as the country burns around him. Nero had nothing on Joe.
Building the wall and deporting illegals will save US taxpayers $, jobs, public services, and lives.

This was actually a response to JWB’s 1/9/24 4:10am response to Original G.

Professor, … When my Dad and I went fishing he told me a story.
How before I was born, he and my Grandpa John would
stop by the cannery and pick up 10 gallons of fish oil before they went fishing off Pittsburg.

Now I understand……



‘What are you hiding from Bill?
Clinton is spotted soaking up the sun with Gavin Newsom
at exclusive $800-a-night Mexican resort amid scandal over new Epstein files’
‘Under-fire Bill Clinton escaped the furor over the latest revelations in newly-released court documents related to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein with a get-away trip to a luxury resort in Mexico’
dailymail http://tinyurl.com/2xkuyj49


Clinton ought to pop down to Las Hadas in Manzanillo (check out the Bo Derek look alikes!) and there is (or was) a place called “Sexy Bar” on the highway about a mile or so before you get to Las Brisas. Have a ball Bill.


Georgia DA has improper relationship with prosecutor in Trump case.

“Fulton DA Fani Willis allegedly hired her romantic partner to prosecute Trump.
He also allegedly paid for lavish vacations he took with Willis with Fulton County funds his law firm received, which are over $650K”



This is a big deal, if it is true. But right now it’s just an accusation from a defendant.
If it’s verified then Fani should resign (but probably won’t).

You can bet Fani is plenty mad at her boyfriend for shooting their golden goose. He created a nice paper trail disclosing his White House visits via billable hours totaling less than 1/100th of the $600K he has been paid since she hired him. She obviously hired him for something other than his smarts.
Greed combined with stupid equals short career.


“Greed combined with stupid equals short career.”

Or a long career in the Senate.


Biden is secretly using taxpayer dollars to destroy the border.


Thar she blows!
The Jersey Whale (aka Chris Christie) ended his Presidential campaign today & nobody gave a rip.


Who? Oh that fat guy who lounged on the beach while having anyone else arrested for breaking COVID HOAX orders. Who would have thought

Former Governor Chris Christie was out of office by 2020, I believe the beach was closed due to a state government shutdown.

They couldn’t run Cheney or Kinzinger and have them TDS all over everything, so they opted for Christie. Don’t shed a tear for him. He’ll have 4+ years as a highly paid commentator on CNN.

BTW, nice open mike gaff by Christie about Haley. The man is a tool.


Former Governor Chris Christie believes then businessman Donald Trump stole the Republican nomination from him during the 2015/16 Republican caucus/primary cycle.

“Appeals Court Asks if President Trump Has “Absolute Immunity” When Ordering Assassination of American Citizen – Short Answer: YES”



Free apartments for illegals!


Thinking about something else obviously……..



White House Senior Living



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