Home » Longtime Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover To Retire At The End Of 2024

Longtime Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover To Retire At The End Of 2024


After 23 years representing East County on the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors, District 5 supervisor Federal Glover on Monday announced his retirement from the board.

Glover won’t seek reelection when his term ends in 2024, after six consecutive terms on the board.

Before serving on the board, Glover served as mayor and on the city council of Pittsburg.


When Glover was first elected to the board of supervisors in 2000, he was the only African American and only person of color to have been elected to and serve on the board since the county incorporated in 1850, as one of the first 27 counties when California gained statehood.

He remains the only African American to have served on the Board in the county’s 173 years.
Glover served as chairperson of the board in 2004, 2008, 2013 and 2017.
He’s also served as chairperson of various county boards, including the public protection committee, equity committee, Los Medanos Healthcare Operations Committee, sustainability committee, northern waterfront ad hoc committee, industrial safety ordinance/Community Warning System ad hoc committee.
He also served on several joint/regional committees and commissions including, but not limited to, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Contra Costa Transportation Authority, Local Agency Formation Commission, Tri-Delta Transit Authority, Delta Diablo Sanitation District, Contra Costa Health Plan Joint Conference Committee, and Medical Services Joint Conference Committee.
Glover has also been a strong supporter of the urban limit line, which aims to rein in suburban sprawl and preserve open space. He has championed transportation initiatives, securing over $1 billion for improvements to highways and public transit in the region.
According to a statement released by his office, Glover has been a passionate advocate for youth-related services. He initiated county youth conferences which give young people a chance to air their views to community leaders and get valuable information about careers and education. He also convened our area’s first youth summit and gang task force, both aimed at supporting youth and providing good role models.
In April 2015, Glover received a new heart and a new kidney and continued to serve on the board of supervisors throughout his period of illness and subsequent recovery.
Glover’s retirement from the board will come at the end of the current term in Dec. 2024. During the last year of his term, he’ll serve as chairperson of the board once again.

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Get the hell out, race-baiter.


I would have bet a day’s pay he had passed away a while back. Or was in prison, or passed away in prison Luckily it never came up. 😁


@Atticus Thraxx – Did you donate that day’s pay to Mr. Glover?


Why would anyone do something like that?


I don’t understand your question. I also probably don’t care. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Federal Violations! good riddance scumbag


Drain the swamp!


Dumb ass voters in his district reap what you sow… Runaway crime, 3rd-world schools, exploding commercial vacancy, bloated and over paid public sector, deferred maintenance everywhere, out of control vagrancy… Grover, like all career whore politicians played you dumb ass voters for 23 years. TERM LIMITS is the only solution.


Cut Glover’s District completely out of the County. The whole of Contra Costs would be better off. It would elevate the entire region. Seems like the perfect time to do that,

Sounds like the whole announcement was nothing more than a press release/statement released by his office extolling his “virtues.”

Just another politician…. Yawn….



Your poo emoji is spot on!


Glover made his retirement announcement because the filing deadline to run for his seat is in a week, so he had to make the announcement in order to give other prospective candidates time to file papers to run. So far, Antioch City Councilmember Mike Barbanica, Pittsburg Councilmember and current rotating Mayor Shanelle Scales-Preston, and Pittsburg Councilmember Jenali Killings have entered the race.
Like almost all politicians, his announcement to retire from the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors was filled with a list of what he views as his achievements and adversities he’s overcome.


Glover is also pushing the implementation of the “glydcars” – a “multi-city on-demand transit option…” it’s gonna be another flop – just like the high-speed rail… and they say it’s only gonna cost around $450 million and the first Glydcars could be operating in 3-4 years, with “social equity in mind”, according to their press release.

Check out the Easy Contra Costa County DPMT project.

When will these morons learn?


“social equity” go pound sand with that! just another way to discriminate by scumbag elected politicians


As far as dealing the the BoS I always found Mr Glover pleasant. I observed that he was ALWAYS courteous to public speakers never cutting them off, replying in a nasty tone and in general being a jerk like that twit Smurf Gioia. That being said, it is long past the time for him to leave.
And reading some of these comments makes me wonder if your parents ever taught you any manner. Or maybe the Claycord are is as redneck hillbilly as other in the area thing.


Proudly now go pound sand


I called Glover to complain about the County vaccine mandate. I told him the vaccine that he, as a county supervisor, had mandated wasn’t actually FDA approved but only emergency use authorized. He said he was only doing what Dr Farnitano told him to do and hung up on me.


Yep what would one expect? Just another POS lying scumbag politician. Wonder how enriched good old feddy got while serving his public job?


BDML – You can’t become complacent with corruption.

At the very least, remind them that you know that they corrupt and you are aware that certain rights – such as the right to not inject yourself with an experimental drug – are God-given rights.

And even with corrupt politicians, it is still possible for the public to push back. Remember when Contra Costa tried to start a church registry? It lasted less than a week, due to public outrage.


Yes I do remember that was glad to see the push back against this authoritarian crap


Didn’t know anything about this guy but it looks like he has rattled a few people’s chains. If he was like all of our local politicians he wasn’t worth his salt.


Mary Nejedly-Piepho for Supervisor!!
Come back, Mary! CoCo County needs you.


Stay far away Mary this county will be better off without you


It’s about damn time. Lets just hope that John Gioia follows his lead which is probably to much to ask.


I thought this jerk would neer go away. Retire???! He is sneaky enough so he can live off our taxes! Good Riddance!!
May Gioia will do same real soon!



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