Home » The Water Cooler – What’s One Thing You Love About Your Job, And One Thing You Dislike?

The Water Cooler – What’s One Thing You Love About Your Job, And One Thing You Dislike?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: What’s one thing you love about your job, and one thing you dislike?


Talk about it.

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WFH = Working from Home. Best invention ever!

Dislike = The company’s ‘woke’ agenda. 20% of the workforce does all of the work!!


Used to have a job, . . . . was great, drive in pass, parked three steps from my own shop, worked with software / electrical engineers on ‘in house’ upgrade projects. Upgrading obsolete large motor drives, input/output control upgrades and contributed to process control troubleshooting.
Had interns from Los Medanos JC electrical program during their summer breaks.
Smart kids who are all went on to work in electrical field making good money.
Enjoyed going to work every day. Could work 5 am to 1pm and OT was at my discretion.
Stopped being fun after 45 years when they announced plant closure and end of all projects.
When fun stops, . . . . . . there’s no sense going in any more.


I actually liked my longest job. There for over 30 years. But the only thing that bothered me, and it didn’t last all that long, was one of the attorneys had an office across the hall. When on the phone or talking to another man he was exceptionally profane in his language use. The only time he tamed it down was when talking to women in person. I didn’t count since I wasn’t “professional” and he never actually spoke to me personally.


I don’t work any more.
Retired life is TOTALLY AWESOME!
Your day will come but be prepared for it.


Like= Having a job
Dislike= Having to Have a job

I have to agree, our company has so much deadwood, friends and family, I wonder how we make a profit!

Like: a good Sturgeon run
Dislike: a poor Sturgeon run


@S…. Charter boat captain? I’d be a customer, been a sturgeon fisherman for 40 years but have no access to a boat now.


echoing nytemuvr, Charter captain?


No Sillies
Chief Fish Squeezer

Like: great paid
Dislike: consultants

Like – the job actually and the co-workers
Dislike – the mgrs that practice the holier than thou cxxp and play games rather than doing the actual job – prefer to meddle in the play stuff than really get their hands dirty & do their job


I like when they give us new crayons and they’re not broken.
I don’t like lockdowns or the chilli-Mac or when they make me fight people for cigarettes. 🙃

Like- The other people
Dislike- The other people

Like: only need to go for another 30 months.
Dislike: Need to go for another 30 months. Unfortunately, my wife simply refuses to win lotto.


I dislike giving half my salary to newsom and the other half to biden!


In the old career: Liked the people who worked hard. Disliked the lame managers who micro-managed.

In the new career: like being able to say NO, I don’t want that job. I’ll pass.
Dislike the lack of copious amounts of available OT.

I like helping customers finding the right items. Most customers are very pleasant, and sometimes you come across customers that you have something in common with, places we lived, or travlled. Can’t have a long conversation, but still enough to keep your day interested. Also some customers are overly nice and appreciative and let you know it makes your day.

Mostly what I dislike is the retail schedule, although at this stage in my life it is for the most part not a big thing, wouldn’t have worked when I was dating or a single mom. Dislike cleaning the dressing rooms, especially when clothes is left on the floor.


One thing I dislike my job : company just hired a DEI (department exclusion and inequity)manager.
One thing I like my job : just retired and outta the sh-tshow.
Next step outta this state from the greasehead dictator that’s destroyed it.


You must have been fun around the water-cooler…..

Like : Our receptionist.
Dislike : All the other “flatty Patties” who work there.



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