Home » Holiday Safety Tips From The Concord Police Department

Holiday Safety Tips From The Concord Police Department


As we gear up for holiday shopping, please remember to prioritize safety.

Here are 10 tips from the Concord Police Department to keep in mind during this shopping season:

  1. Park Smartly: Choose well-lit areas and park in busy lots. Don’t forget to lock your car, and never leave any valuables inside.
  2. Be Aware: Be alert to your surroundings. Keep your phone and belongings secure, and avoid distractions while walking.
  3. Shop in Pairs: It’s always safer to shop with a buddy. Look out for each other and ensure everyone gets back to their vehicles safely.
  4. Online Caution: Use trusted websites like Rockwell online store for online shopping, and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. Check for secure payment options.
  5. Package Protection: If you’re expecting deliveries, schedule them when you’ll be home or use a secure location. Avoid leaving packages on your doorstep.
  6. Be Cautious with Cash: Use credit or debit cards when possible. If you must use cash, keep it secure and avoid displaying large amounts in public.
  7. Keep an Eye on Kids: If you’re shopping with kids, establish a meeting point in case you get separated. Teach them to find a store employee or security guard if needed.
  8. Tell a Friend: Before heading out for a shopping excursion, inform a trusted friend or family member of your plans, including your expected return time.
  9. Check Your Surroundings: Before entering your vehicle, check around and inside. If something feels off, return to the store and ask for assistance.
  10. Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Report any suspicious activity to store security or law enforcement.


Dawg November 28, 2023 - 2:19 PM - 2:19 PM

If liberal prosecutors, would prosecute, and if liberal judges would hand down the maximum sentence, the police, who do a terrific job by the way, would not have to give out safety tips. One of the best safety tips I can think of is to carry an equalizer, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a gun. Pepper spray is good, but something like a can of aerosol brake cleaner, or wasp and hornet spray into the eyes can work wonders.

American Citizen November 28, 2023 - 6:34 PM - 6:34 PM

Or the Mozambique Drill.

Exit 12A November 28, 2023 - 2:33 PM - 2:33 PM

11. Fight crime. Shoot back.
12. Double-tap, always.
13. Keep firing until the threat is immobile.
14. Offer criminals a free trip in a “forever box”.
15. It’s not profiling if it’s at least 90 percent always true. It’s STATISTICAL.
Stay safe and Merry Christmas!

American Citizen November 28, 2023 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM

Hell yes!!!!

Original G November 28, 2023 - 2:35 PM - 2:35 PM

If you need to put valuables from passenger compartment in your trunk do so prior to your destination parking spot. Waiting until after you park allows criminals to see what they will gain by breaking into your vehicle.
Bringing items home, if you can’t unload in a closed attached garage consider covering with blanket so criminal can’t tell what you bought. Especially true if living in a high density setting. Criminals see you bringing home high dollar electronics, they add you to their list of places to rob while you are out.
After unboxing of items cut up box to make it harder for criminals to tell what is in your residence. Leaving the empty box next to recycling bin is an invitation to thieves.
If you have keyless ignition ALWAYS lock vehicle when getting gas.
Rather embarrassing watching a criminal, who hopped into drivers seat, driving off in your vehicle while you are standing there holding a gas nozzle.
Since CA believes criminals belong on our streets instead of incarcerated we need to up our game, by making it not easy for criminals.

Oh Brother November 28, 2023 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

Tip number one for the DA to make us all a little safer….wait for it…..We lock up violent criminals who prey on the people she works for. IDK

WC---Creeker November 28, 2023 - 3:39 PM - 3:39 PM

Don’t go outside after dark. Don’t wear any jewelry, watches or fancy clothes if you go out of the house. Go to drive thru restaurants with your doors locked instead of parking and going to a restaurant. Shop online and send items to a secure locker. Only pickup items from the locker in the early morning hours and bring them home directly into you garage, close the door before you unload. Take all of your trash to remote garbage drop offs so criminals can’t go through your trash and decide to rob you. Put bars on all of your windows and doors and keep all blinds/curtains closed at all times. The criminals are controlling how we live but let’s not address crime / criminals just make the soon to be victims live a life in fear. GROSS!

The Wizard November 28, 2023 - 3:55 PM - 3:55 PM

Order on line, don’t shop in Concord.

domo November 28, 2023 - 7:10 PM - 7:10 PM

My safety tip for Concord – don’t shop at Sun Valley (sorry mayor)

Atticus Thraxx November 28, 2023 - 7:54 PM - 7:54 PM

Santa Thraxx’s 10 Tips for a Safe Christmas Season.
1. Thoughtful gifts are nice, but nobody gets mad at cash in their stocking. Except people with lots of money.
2. Don’t even try and figure out Hanukkah, it’s a mess.
3. Once the gravy gets cold, all manner of politics are open game. The skeevier, the better. No excuse for cold gravy, host needs to learn that.
4. If grandpa keeps trying to grab your wife’s butt, just laugh it off. It’s a compliment. And he’ll be dead in a year anyway.
5. If you’re a guest, stay out of bathroom cabinets. You may learn things you wished you hadn’t.
6. Sorry Uncle Bob, one for the road does not mean an entire bottle of 21 year old single malt.
7. Mistletoe in a doorway is for amateurs, lockable hallway closets are where the action is. Stretch first though. 😎
8. Watching your little one’s see the presents under the tree and start to open them is as life affirming as a thing can be. And makes that Bloody Mary taste even better.
9. The owners pets who get on your nerves are probably more cherished than you are as a guest. As it should be.
10. It doesn’t matter if they’re top of the line, expensive, require import dutys, and extremely hard to get, a washer and dryer set is not an appropriate Christmas gift for your wife. Trust me on that.

DJoy November 29, 2023 - 4:57 AM - 4:57 AM

These are some solid tips for sure bahaha

CJRN November 29, 2023 - 11:06 AM - 11:06 AM

Hanukkah isn’t a mess. Steeped in tradition. Besides what other holiday do you know of where the celebration food includes jelly donuts??

DJoy November 29, 2023 - 5:06 AM - 5:06 AM

Or.. just hide in a corner of your dark room where no one will hopefully find you. It will be a very relaxing and cheap christmas, oh, and for presents you can give them canned goods from your pantry or toilet paper, something everyone needs, happy holidays.

CJRN November 29, 2023 - 8:32 AM - 8:32 AM

It’s sad that we even need this list! What the heck has happened to our society? (no answer to that needed, it was a rhetorical question).
Gone are the days when you could go shopping and enjoy the holiday decorations.

TBT November 29, 2023 - 2:31 PM - 2:31 PM

11. Vote for a different DA next time around.

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