Home » Air District Asks People To Refrain From Burning Wood Over The Holiday

Air District Asks People To Refrain From Burning Wood Over The Holiday


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is asking people to voluntarily refrain from burning wood over the Thanksgiving holiday this year.

District officials said wood smoke is the largest source of wintertime air pollution in the region and, like wildfire and cigarette smoke, it is unhealthy to breathe in.

“As we enter the holiday season, gathering around a fireplace may be a tradition for many, but there are serious health impacts associated with wood burning,” air district officials said in a news release Wednesday.

There is no Spare the Air Alert in effect, however, so while wood burning is still allowed, it is strongly discouraged.



WC November 22, 2023 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

Sorry, overpaid clowns, my fireplace will be going.

Badge1104 November 22, 2023 - 10:02 AM - 10:02 AM

Of course they don’t want us to burn on the holidays! The hell with them! They need to start worrying about all the pollution and s*** and garbage pollution all over the streets in the Bay Area!
But as usual, the excuse everything the crazies and liberals do but really want to nail down all the rest of us hard-working, fireplace owning traditional people celebrating our traditional holidays

Reasonable November 23, 2023 - 1:14 PM - 1:14 PM

Always the same for each holiday. At 1 PM purple air shows 0-14 around Concord.

The Wizard November 22, 2023 - 10:12 AM - 10:12 AM

Burn Baby Burn

Commonsensenor November 22, 2023 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Let’s make a deal. I’ll kill the fireplace, and every electric car owner that is not 100% off the electric grid (solar/wind) will not charge their car. Equal carbon trade off.

Also, you can file this under the “I told you so” category, but sometime in the future, don’t be surprised when you get in your electric planet polluter and get the message “Sorry, pollution/traffic too heavy, driving restricted” message from the mothership. It’s not “if” it will ever happen, only “when”.

ClayDen November 22, 2023 - 1:39 PM - 1:39 PM

It’s all about control by the nanny state and the slide into socialism where the liberal elites that are smarter than us control us. They ultimately want us in “transit villages” riding public transportation. That is, except for the government elites and their cronies.

Commonsensenor November 22, 2023 - 6:10 PM - 6:10 PM

There is still, to this day, being the elite’s “regurgitation cheerleaders”. Until we can “awake the woke”, we’ll continue to watch these people SLOWLY realizing the lies unfolding, from vax, to votes. I’d love if we could kick it in high gear. The level of idiocy today is truly mind boggling. Oh, and to add some salt, there are two genders, prove me wrong 😉

Glen223 November 22, 2023 - 1:47 PM - 1:47 PM

@common – great idea! And the first had better be the damn politicians.

But they’re not willing to live by the rules they push. They’ve never heard of leading by example…so they’re just looking for which way the wind blows to try to get in front of it.

So to he11 with them.

Abe November 22, 2023 - 10:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Identical story every holiday.

Kinda like crying wolf.

Mostly ignored.

Dawg November 22, 2023 - 12:46 PM - 12:46 PM

And identical comments.

Captain Bebops November 22, 2023 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

Obviously in my neighborhood people are using their fireplace to avoid outrageous energy bills.

Ignatz November 22, 2023 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM


Exit 12A November 22, 2023 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

Consider yourselves ignored and canceled.

Glen223 November 22, 2023 - 11:17 AM - 11:17 AM

Unelected bureaucrats (BAAQMD) us what to do.

Meanwhile, unelected bureaucrats (CPUC) continue to approve large PG&E rate increases for gas and electricity.

Meanwhile, the politicians are forcing everyone to abandon gas appliances and go to electric.

Meanwhile, the politicians are trying to eliminate ICE vehicles.

Meanwhile, the infrastructure to support an (idealistic) “green” society will no t be in place to support the increased load.

Does anyone NOT see where this is headed? Or are you just dancing around and flinging flowers, saying “the government will take care of us; they are all-knowing and all-caring?”

Geez – drain the damn swamp and all of the bottom-feeders.

Diablo November 22, 2023 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

Pay my utility bill or go kick rocks!

Martinezmike November 22, 2023 - 12:18 PM - 12:18 PM

Okay no wood. I guess I’ll just burn my trash then. And a lump of coal

DD November 22, 2023 - 12:27 PM - 12:27 PM

I hadn’t planned on burning but now I think I’ll have a nice, roaring, Spite Fire.

Happy Thanksgiving Friends!

Concord Guy November 22, 2023 - 12:52 PM - 12:52 PM

I love my fireplace and would not have purchased my home without one. Having said that, the BAAQMD has asked that we refrain from burning wood over the holiday. I will comply, as I know that on certain fall/winter days wood smoke has health impacts on certain people.

People should put away their Don’t Tread on Me flags and think about the greater good. But perhaps that is asking too much in this day and age.

An Appeal to Heaven November 22, 2023 - 1:48 PM - 1:48 PM

We fly our Don’t Tread on Me flags because we care about the greater good.

Glen223 November 22, 2023 - 2:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The “greater good?”

Seems that these unelected bureaucrats answer to nobody except themselves. And until they provide documented PROOF (and not just cherry-picked data with opinions) that fireplaces are a significant source of pollution, I’ll carry on as usual. They want to shut down fireplaces, the CPUC is allowing PG&E to raise electric and gas rates, Newscum is trying to phase out gas appliances, etc….

Their motto seems to be “let the bast***s freeze on the dark.” But it’s all for the tree-hugging “greater good.”

And I’ll continue to fly the Gadsden flag. And I’m assuming you will NOT be driving anywhere in you ICE. And if you have an EV, I’m assuming you will NOT be charging it via any polluting generation. Otherwise, you’re just another hypocrite.

Have a good day and breathe deeply.

Glen223 November 22, 2023 - 2:03 PM - 2:03 PM

‘Scuse me…

Let the bast***s freeze IN the dark.

domo November 22, 2023 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

I’ll stop using my fireplace when you make power available to everyone reliably, invest in water resources, green power generation, get rid of the high speed rail to no where, stop the high rise high density housing, and bring consequence to crime… there that ought to do it – we know that will never happen

S November 22, 2023 - 1:01 PM - 1:01 PM

the Fire starts at 1am………….

larry November 22, 2023 - 1:24 PM - 1:24 PM

Bite me

WC Resident November 22, 2023 - 4:10 PM - 4:10 PM

Snoop Dogg says No Smoke, it aint cool to smoke.

Atticus Thraxx November 22, 2023 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM

When they pry this log from my cold dead hands…🙃

Johnny November 22, 2023 - 5:48 PM - 5:48 PM

CPUC continuously turns a blind eye to double digit price gouges of PGE (pacific gas and extortion) and these a**hats make their yearly announcement. Actually, thanks for reminding me to clean out my fireplace and stock up on wood to keep my family warm since we can’t afford to keep warm in our own home otherwise.

Exit 12A November 22, 2023 - 8:31 PM - 8:31 PM

Greed, &

MAGA SAM November 22, 2023 - 7:06 PM - 7:06 PM

Awe gee wiz darn it too late. That too bad, maybe they should have told us over twitter at 2am like the health department. I’ll be burning all winter now. It’s a shame

Cautiously Informed November 22, 2023 - 8:03 PM - 8:03 PM

They have zero ability to regulate and control the real polluters, like our friendly local accident prone refinery, et al; so they make minimal effort public statements to make themselves look important.

KenInConcord November 23, 2023 - 5:51 AM - 5:51 AM

Looking at all the cars on the roads and traffic jams, people driving to visit family!!!!!

And CARB makes the statement

“wood smoke is the largest source of wintertime air pollution in the region”

Seems like they will say anything to support their agenda!!!

OverWhelmed November 23, 2023 - 9:28 AM - 9:28 AM

Put another log on the fire! Burn baby burn.

Dr. Jellyfinger November 23, 2023 - 9:40 AM - 9:40 AM

Why don’t they just cover all the bases with a simple request “Stop being so American”
Just like that big cola company that came right out & told it’s employees to be “less white”…
drop all the pretense and just say it!
If you really want us to be whimpering, submissive, subjects just admit it and demand compliance!

The Fearless Spectator November 23, 2023 - 7:51 PM - 7:51 PM

Climate change doesn’t exist during wars or holidays. Everyone knows that!
So throw another methane infused Newsom Yule Log on the fire……..

The Wizard November 24, 2023 - 12:47 PM - 12:47 PM

Got my KFC log burning, love that chicken grease smell.

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