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Angry American November 14, 2023 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

Adios Turd’o! Great job WCPD!

Original G November 14, 2023 - 4:20 PM - 4:20 PM

Nothin’ to see here, . . . . . . just another CONVICTED FELON in possession of a firearm doin’ his thing.
The normal thing these days in California.
An in soft on crime CoCo county how much time extra time on top of time for robberies will DA ask for for a Felon with a gun or will go away as part of the plea bargain?
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior

Badge1104 November 15, 2023 - 6:37 AM - 6:37 AM

I was wondering why he came all the way from Fairfield to plunder in Walnut Creek. Possibly because he knew our DA s soft on prosecuting criminals – especially those of color.

Exit 12A November 14, 2023 - 4:42 PM - 4:42 PM

Hale should be beaten senseless, hog-tied, dragged thru dog poop, then set on fire.

domo November 14, 2023 - 6:27 PM - 6:27 PM

Good job LE! … now DA Becton prosecute to the full extent… send the message!

Martinezmike November 14, 2023 - 7:15 PM - 7:15 PM

Malcolm Hale can rot in jail

Ricardoh November 14, 2023 - 8:59 PM - 8:59 PM

Looking good catching that guy.

TroyDHezz November 14, 2023 - 9:49 PM - 9:49 PM

y’all washington is the same. Soerray but here’s a slap in ye wrist. Go out and do it again and again.

TB November 17, 2023 - 12:38 PM - 12:38 PM

Great job! Send a message.

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