Home » The Water Cooler – One Celebrity Death That Shocked You, And One That Didn’t

The Water Cooler – One Celebrity Death That Shocked You, And One That Didn’t


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!

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QUESTION: What is one celebrity death that shocked you, and what is one that didn’t?


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Kobe Bryant was out of nowhere
Chester Bennington didn’t shock me

Sad but true about Chester.

robin williams


Shocked: Dale Earnhardt, NASCAR driver
Not Shocked: Anna Nicole Smith, model


Except Anna’s son dying was shocking. It was a whole big mess.


I was a big Earnhardt fan, that was a tough, I thought old Iron Head was indestructible.


Shocked by John Lennon’s death. Totally unexpected.

Not shocked by Elvis Presley’s death. He really looked very unhealthy towards the end


Robin Williams’ death shocked me. Never saw it coming. Probably the greatest standup comic ever.
I’m constantly surprised by Keith Richards’ non-death. He should have kicked it decades ago.


I agree. I have thought the same thing about Keith.


@ The Professor

Keith Richards …. just goes to show what clean livin’ can do for you! 😄


Yes, John Ritter, and the 27 club of my generation Jimmie Hendrix, Jim Morrison, not so shocked by Janis Joplin. Of course John Lennon, and those who died in a plane crash Ricky Nelson and Steve Ray Vaugn (was just discovering him when he died) and most of all John F. Kennedy Jr. of course his dad as well, but he was a politician more than a celebrity. The one that shocked me the least Amy Winehouse, seems she was a disaster waiting to happen, same with Michael Jackson. I’m not counting anyone that died older (70 and up).


@HANNE JEPPESEN….I had a friend back in the early 80s that refueled planes at Buchanan Field. He refueled Ricky Nelson’s DC-3 one time when he was in town to do a show somewhere in the Bay Area. Ricky Nelson tunes are on my stereo in my daily driver as is Stevie Ray Vaughan.

The first job I had in Denmark as a 16 year old was in a store that sold radio’s TV’s ect. and the old fashion record. The owner thought by brining me on he would attrack young people that wanted to buy records. He was right, soon I was dating someone from that town (it was about 10-12 miles from my parents house, I had to take the train to get to work) and soon knew a lot of people. This was back when people could request to hear a record, and when I wasen’t busy I could play record, I remember playing Ricky Nelson “Hello Mary Lou” and Travelling man”, even though at that times I was more into Jazz, still am, but now like all kinds of music.


The Professor,

Ha, Ha everyone is surprised by Keith Richards, he has looked old forever. In Denmark we have a saying “weeds is hard to kill”, please this is tongue in cheek, I actually like Keith.


Keith Richards would have surprised a friend because he’s her cousin-in-law. 😎

Robin Williams no question.

Revealed so much about the insidious nature of depression, and its potential. People were forced to ask deep questions of themselves and loved ones that day.


If I can only name one, then I would say it was Elvis. I knew he had a drug problem and was getting fat, but I didn’t think he would die so young, he was 42.
The one that didn’t surprise me was the death of Glen Campbell. He was candid about his battle with Alzheimer’s, and knew his days were numbered.


Shocked: John Ritter

Not : Mathew Perry

Michael Jackson , shocked

Elvis Presley, kind of saw it coming

Shock – JFK…. Non-shock – Jimi Hendrix


Any celebrity that over doses, I have no sympathy for them


Shocked: Jimmy Clark and Graham Hill
Not shocked: Janis Joplin


Shocked…Stevie Ray, Bowie and Petty
Not shocked…Amy Winehouse and ‘Ol Dirty Bastid
Shocked he’s still alive…Keith Richards. Has done his body weight in heroin. Twice. A human cockroach.

At the risk of sounding callous, I am never shocked by celebrity deaths, comically surprised sometimes tho as the Death of crocodile hunter Steve Irwin

Shocked: Luke Perry (played Dylan McKay) had a massive stroke at 52.
Not shocked: John Belushi

They all shock me especially the ones that were big when I was young and I had never thought of them as being old.

“Back in the day” Dick Cavett used to do a talk show, he had many musicians on. I used to watch these shows and it was cool to see some of those people mentioned on this thread. Jimi Hendrix was on his show (link below) as was The Doors and Janis Joplin (obviously stoned). Back then you rarely saw those musicians on talk shows….


Dick Cavett had a great show, very different, he had many interesting guests. You can find some cuts on Youtube. I think there is one with Gore Vidal and William Buckly, if I remember correctly, or Norman Mailer. Perhaps all three I don’t remember if it was the same show or a separate one. In any case there are several episodes available, all interesting.


Maybe not shocked, but saddened, at the death of George Carlin, another great comedian. I still remember his bit about a house being just a place to store your stuff, then going on a trip to Hawaii and having to pack a suitcase with a smaller version of your house. A truly gifted individual.



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