Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Oct.20, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Oct.20, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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A little bit of nostalgia, how many of these once common household items did you encounter growing up?
In my case 56 of them.


For me it was 35 items.


didn’t count, but very few did I not encounter (the make up mirror and the washing machine), and a fair number still use. That old table we called the ’57 Chevy table; my Aunt Vic had red and chrome, remining us of the car, that was the most awesome table.


@ORIGINAL G….Same here, 56. Didn’t know #43, still not sure… intercom? My crockpot is the exact same one in the photo. I’ve used it for 40+ years, pinto beans will be soaking in it all night tonight. I remember exactly how Led Zeppelin sounded on our Packard Bell console Hi-fi turned up to 9 and a half, yeah…those were the Days…………..


That’s funny. Ours was a long Magnavox.


Still have Packard Bell in it’s real wood cabinet with the spring reverb unit and a good collection of vinyl. Crank it up an it’ll wake up the neighborhood.

@ORIGINAL G…….The one we had 2×15″ bass speakers surrounded by 8 or 9 about 8″ speakers. The resin grape clusters would dance across the top of the console when you got above 7 or 8. Zep #1 would make the dogs howl in the neighborhood with the PB throttled up to MAX.

My Grandfather had an awesome Packard Bell rig. That was my first introduction to really good sound. My Dad purchased a Dynaco tube Amp, AR4X’s ($49 each, big dollars in 1964) and whatever the top of the line Garrard turntable was at the time. I used to ride my bike to Pacific Stereo while saving my allowance to put toward stereo gear. It was a long wait.

I only got 51…. you must be really old!


@DR. JELLYFINGER….Oh, you bunch of youngins.


Well, let’s put it this way the recliner is my friend
and cat needs warm place to sleep.

@Original G
Some younger folks will look at some of these and won’t have a clue, as I’m sure a lot have never seen travel alarm clocks and grape clusters. (My mom had a hanging lamp made out of those clusters). Anyway, thanks for the memories. I’m familiar with almost all of these…..we never had a phonebook shelf, and I don’t know what kind of shaker that is with cows on it and holes on top but guessing it has to do with cheese.


@CYN….I used to make those resin grapes in 6th grade. It came in handy in highschool, I’d make custom gear shift knobs for my buddies. The cow shaker “mooed” when you turned it over, not food related.


All this time I thought those green and blue grapes were glass. And I would have loved one of your custom knobs, as I also drove a stick in high school.


That was a cow in a can.


that was a toy that when you would flip it, it would moo.


The cow shaker was a toy. It moo’d when you turned it upside down.

, Nytemuvr, Original G, Jeff (the other one)
Thanks for the cow clarification (and video)…….I had never seen it before.


Yeah, we were easily entertained back then. I’m sure a “country boy” didn’t care much for one of those….just guessing….well, maybe.


The cow shaker would make a “moo” sound when you turned it upside down.

My goodness, these were fairly common just a few years back….wait a second….fifty years already?⏳

I have either owned or encountered 36 of them, and some of them I still have and use.


remember all
had some; still do…
often use the percolator, and it always goes camping…


@S….BTW….I counted my real Channel Locks and Crescent wrenches, most of them anyway. I have about a third of them were the real deal, about a third Craftsman and the last third were various “Made in the USA” tools.

Neato !

All of them except that iron and washing machine. I still have some of them and use them to this day.


Almost all – still have some of them 🙂


Enjoyed that. Still have and use the Tupper salt & pepper shaker.


.. and I inherited and still use some of them!!


@EXIT 12A..…My favorite “silverware” my Dad sent home from Korea when he was there In 1950. It’s been in everyday use since then.

That’s awesome.
Now they’re “vintage”.

I had the strange feeling that someone had been in my parents house taking pictures. I have some of those things, inherited from the folks.

RumDog is Champion!

First, Last, and Always!



Cowellian’s first.
Happy Friday!


always a fan of the Sloth….
My grandson’s fav stuffed is a 3 toed…
After all…. How can you not like a Sloth?


Sunday, 10/22, it’s the 2nd Annual Festa Italia in Downtown Pittsburg from 11-7:00pm
Join us right outside the California Theatre 351 Railroad Ave.
The Street festival is FREE. Enjoy Italian food, arts, crafts, icecream & Sweets, live entertainment with ITALICA-The Michael TRUCCO band-The Espositones & Famiglia- The Fratello Marionettes- stilt walkers and MORE!
On the Theatre stage it’s PASQUALE ESPOSITO and The Anthony NINO Lane Band!
Get your tickets for the theatre show at the link below.

When watching YouTube, do you skip watch commercials or have ad blockers installed ? YouTube is banning the use of ad blockers and there are discussion boards talking about how YouTube is forcing people to not use them and wanting people to sign up for their paid subscription. I wouldn’t mind watching YouTube commercials if they appeared no more than two (one begging, one end) on a 5 minute video. But, YouTube has commercials playing every couple of minutes regardless of video length. They also need to get rid of the ad banners at the bottom of the screen.

Some websites that block ad blockers can be overridden by viewing the website in private browsing.


Depends on what I am watching and the length of the ad. Many a video I have just stopped watching because of ads, not caring that much about the video. If I prefer the particular content provider earns a few ducats, I will let the ad play (don’t watch though). I don’t have a problem with these sites using ads, they are on an earning basis, I just won’t provide that revenue in most cases, and will do without watching/reading.


How do expect Google to make money if everyone blocked their ads? They’re barely making ends meet as is.
Kidding aside, I use the Brave browser which has ad blocker built in and other privacy features. So far still working.
Bonus tip of the day…..Bypass paywalls. Works great with Brave and other Chrome based browsers. Google it for more information (oh, the irony!!)

I like the way they show a scantily clad woman in the preview picture and after you’ve watched the entire video looking for the money shot….. there isn’t any! It serves you right ya perverts.


Down to three channels I check weekly.
Used to surf youtube daily but no more.
Will pause video look at other sites then come back after ads time out and hit reload.
If video has ads embedded immediately close window.
Would imagine am not alone and others have reduced visits because of ads.


Considering that incredible amount depth and breadth on YouTube, I don’t get raw being asked to suffer through a few ads to get to it. I guess I don’t feel entitled to other people’s content. 🤷

@PESFG….Some of us with short attention spans like all those short commercials and short content of the videos…. especially late night/early morning….if you catch my drift. BTW….Steve Miller turned 80 years old last week. Saw him a few weeks ago, he sounds and looks pretty good, he still has a good voice and still kicks ass on guitar. My first R&R concert, in one of the old quonset huts at the Antioch Fairgrounds, he played along with Elvin Bishop, Big Brother and another band. The ticket was probably $2 or $3, not anymore, geez!


Love Steve Miller, especially Rock’n me. Brings back wonderful memories from the mid eighties.


Not really appreciating all the newly required demographics. Seems a bit askew to reallity.

I watch Youtube a lot. Often music videos, but also news, and movies. There is an indoor walking exercise, Leslie Sansome she has video of walking anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, I often do the 20 to 30 minutes, there’s add in the beginning, but then after that just one or two. Sometimes you can skip the adds after a few seconds. Most of the time there might be 2 adds before any program starts, usually the second one you can skip after a few seconds, some movies do have more adds, but for the most part I don’t find the add anymore annoying than the ones you get on TV.


Halloween is right around the corner. What is your most and least favorite scary movie, or the scariest ? I don’t have a favorite so suggestions are welcome. My least favorite is The Blair Witch Project. The moving of the camera to make it seem believable made it unbearable to watch. Big disappointment.

I agree about The Blair Witch Project, I couldn’t watch more than five minutes before turning it off. Some of my favorites are more of a psychological thriller than scary. Rosemary’s Baby, (1968) The Amityville Horror, (1979) Jaws, (1975) and The Birds, (1963).
For scary movies, The House Of Wax, (1953), and Night Of The Living Dead, (1968) were pretty good.


I saw Rosemary’s baby, Jaws and the Birds, I liked The Birds the best. I’m not into what is thought of really scarry halloween movies. Years ago there were a TV movie called the Summer of Fear. It starred Linda Blair. Someone showed up at her families home claiming to be a long lost cousin, she said she had lost her family. Blair family took her in, and all kinds of bad things started to happen, she seduced Linda’s boyfriend, turned her friends against her, much more. She was a witch and not related to them at all. I thought it was pretty good and fairly believeable, until it was revealed she was a witch, you just thought she was an evil person that liked to make others miserable, and liked to think she could charm everyone.


Carpenter’s Halloween is probably my favorite (not sure the Universal monsters are really scary, if so, the Creature from the Black Lagoon would be a tight second). Least favorite, so many it is difficult to say. Never saw blair witch, so can’t say that. I was not a fan of the Scream franchise (liked Scary Movie franchise, though), so I will say that.


@Jeff (the other one)
Yes, the original Halloween from 1978…….so good.


“Creature from the Black Lagoon” yep! Excellent!.

Most…..The Exorcist!


Forget the scary movies… just watch the News!


Most: The original “Phantom Of The Opera” c. 1960’s. Saw it at Concord Drive In. Couldn’t sleep with my bed under a window for years.
Least: Anything ScFi, tedious and boring


the orig movie of phantom was; 1925
it’s excellent, worth ur time
watch on a rainy night in the dark…

I have a copy of the Lon Chaney version. Really frightening. The later remakes with Herbert Lom and Claude Raines were spooky, but not frightening like the original.

🎃 I couldn’t watch it now. I was young and fearless in the ‘60s.. Today, I’m a 🐓. Life is scary enough! Bram Stokers “Dracula” is well done, also, and worth the time. 👹

Book report: Under Pressure, Frank Herbert, 1955. This is a Sci Fi story but not in space. Title only party refers to the pressure a subtug has to deal with under the sea. Of the 4 man crew one is a enemy sleeper bent on sabotage. This one will have more meaning for anyone who had had submarine duty but is still a decent read for others.

Nice review, Dorothy!
When I read that book it was called “The Dragon in the Sea”, but maybe they just used that title in England.

It’s not easy typing on this tiny keyboard!

Walk Of Life
Dire Straits



I skip the ads if the button shows up, but they have started interrupting the video to run quick ads. They are usually short and mostlyi tolerable. Some are worse than others. Some of he Rolling Stows most popular videos are riddled with ads. It’s not entirely Google’s fault. The artist’s get a cut and I’m’ sure some of them have agents working to their advantage. In some respects it’s very sad. It was a great source of free entertainment.


@RUNDOG….Jerry Garcia Band/Grateful Dead usually don’t have ads, just sayin’.

Where are they now? I know Garcia died, but I haven’t heard from them in years.

I had a very frustrating afternoon. When I was furloughed during Covid, I received unemployment in form of a debit card from Bank of America. I had some frudelent charges on it, but BofA refunded me the amount and issued me a new card. So this afternoon I wanted to go and take the money out from BofA and deposit into my credit union. I left my house around 3:30, and was going to the BofA by SunValley mall, I go on highway for for a short while and then take Pacheco exit. Well there was an accident (bad one)right by the exit it took me quite awhile to just go a short distance. Then as I was driving towards the bank by Sears, someone come from Contra Costa Blvd and drove right through the stop sign, looking neither left nor right. When I got to the bank it was closed, that branch closes at 4 p.m. When leaving the parking lot I almost got hit by a truck that were not paying attention. I then decided to go to the branch on Willow Pass, they are open to 5, as I’m driving on Willow Pass and getting close to the bank, traffic is very slow there are 3 police cars lights flashing, right by that intersection. So I decide to drive around Toto Santo Plaza and get to the bank that way. At the end of the Plaza right by Mt. Diablo there are 2 police cars on the corner, light flashing, and one police car on Mt. Diablo close to the bank, not moving. Well, I did make it too the bank in time and got my money and got it safely deposited in my bank.





I bet when you got home it was time to kick back and relax with a glass of wine, … 🙂
Once we were looking for shop on a main street and ended up driving past the place 3 times before finding it. The driveway to get to the place was not marked well. But mission accomplished and was worth it.


Roz, Yes a glass of wine and some smooth jazz. Some days are just like that.


and the moral of the story is….
Sometimes it’s better to just stay home…..
Hope today is better for you………………………………………….


The real moral of the story is to do all your errands between 9 am and noon.
1. Doing avoids the morning commute and is before lunch traffic.
2. Retail stores and banks are open.
3. Employees are still “fresh”.


Excellent “common sense” advise!

S and Exit 12. I wanted to get the money out of BandA, since on my first Debit card there were $700.00 of fraudelent charges. I’m not a morning person, my manager’s at work know that, and I’m often scheduled to the closing shift, which means it is almost 10 p.m. when I get home, I then fix a snack and pour a glass of wine. Get one my computer or read, often don’t get to sleep until 1 or 2 in the morning, sometimes later, depending how tired I am.


I’m an early morning person; too early some say..
I still thought banks stayed opened til 6 on Friday…………………..

BofA Sun Valley branch closes at 4 p.m. on Fridays (not sure the rest of the week), the Willow Pass branch open to 5 p.m. I bank with Provident Credit Union on Bancroft WC, there were open to 6 on Friday.


@S….I’m an “early morning person” too, I rarely don’t go to bed until after dawn.

@CYN….10-3?…..I think you’re right.

Anyone remember “banker’s hour’s”?…10am to 4pm, closed Saturday and Sunday….period, all banks.

I remember 10 to 3.

Can we all take a moment to collectively acknowledge the inevitable looming apocalypse now that the CNWS portion of Willow Pass has been resurfaced?

Pick One:
A) Candy Corn
B) Indian Corn



D) Corn nuts. In the 1980s they included a packet of corn nut seeds. I planted them and people were amazed at the giant cornstalks… until the wind blew them over.


A) candy corn. by far. I wish I could stop, but we have already gone through half a dozen bags.


That’s why I chose B……..no eating, just a nice decoration.

“A”, just out of habit.
I’ve nothing against “B”, being partial ‘B’ myself….

What is “Indian Corn?

All corn is Indian Corn, because corn is native to the Americas, and they were the first people to eat corn.

like the candy corn, but has a darker/brownish look. taste much the same to me.

Does anybody know what’s going on with the white/grey horse that’s been seen around concord and pleasant hill? A guy has been riding it all over through parking lots and sidewalks.


I just opened my water bill and electricity bill at the same time.
I was SHOCKED!!!!


The Adventures Of Hanne….. Chapter 1

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Anxiously awaiting the next one.


Hopefully I won’t have another day like that for quite a while. Someone commented they hoped today would be better. It was, my first customer had bought a red blouse at Fairfield Macy’s, but she needed one size bigger, and they computer said we had 2. I went over to the area where that brand was, no red blouse in size 8. I offered to order it for her, but she needed it for tonight. I suggested she checked the lower level, sometimes clothes migrate to other areas. After she left I decided to check out the area called “Last Act”, everything is reduced 60 percent or more, this blouse was not Last Act, never the less I found it there, and rushed downstairs hoping to find my customer, I didn’t see her, asked my manager if someone had inquired about a red blouse, no was the answer. Then I saw Janice, who does a lot of go backs and asked her if someone had inquired about a red blouse, she said yes, and led me to the customer, who was so happy she hugged me, and promised me she would go on Macy’s website and give me a 10 for my customer service. Made my whole day. Hope Dr. J liked this chapter as well. 😊


I did! You know I will be expecting more….right?


Dr. J My life is rather boring these days. In the mid eighties to late nineties it was much more exciting. Party week ends at the Scandinavian Club’s Clear Lake cabin, hikes with the Club, trips to Yosemite and the Gold Country, and perhaps the most exciting a huge Halloween party at the Swedich American Hall on Market and Castro about 300 people for 4 years I was Master of Ceremonies. Then of course there were the sixties, but that is a whole other story.


Well, if he didn’t, I did. Now that’s what I call customer service. Nice.


I try to do that for all customers. If any of you come to shop with me I promise I will do the same for you, no matter political disagreements. First of all I know how it is when you have you heart set on one particular outfit you want to wear, so I can identify. My experience in working retail is almost 95 percent of customers are nice and appreciate what you do. Then there is a small percent that can be difficult, but can be reasoned with, and then perhaps 2 percent or less, that no matter what you do they are not happy, always find soemething to complain about. Later in the day a new hire had a customer that had $20.00 coupon off $50.00 however it did not work on the sweater she was buying. She was very upset, I try to explain that coupons don’t work on everything and if the computer does not take it there is nothing we can do. She left upset. I asked the new hire if the customer had a Macy’s card, she said yes. I then scanned a different coupon and that one (25%) worked and it took $21.00 off the sweater. I saw the customer walk towards the shoe department, located on the same floor, so I went over and found her and told her if she paid with her Macy’s card she would save $21.00 she thanked me, but did not follow me to have the sweater rung up. I don’t think she came back for it, when I left 30 minutes later the sweater was still by the counter. You can;t please everyone.


There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re helpful to everyone. And if you ever switch to mornings, I’ll let you prove it to me, as I’m always in and out of Macy’s before noon. 🙂


When service such as what you did is rendered, I ask to speak with a manager !
Too often customers gripe and complain to management,
too seldom are managers informed when they have a valuable employee they have.
Whenever you get service over and above, take time to be the exception and make sure person is brought to managements attention.

Does any know what that weird chemical smell, sort of a creosote smell is near the Silverwood Elementary neighborhood is? Been around for the past 2 days.

@PAM…..One of your neighbors is on a meth binge with their windows open, check to see who’s lights are on all night and their outdoor security lights are like Klieg lights. Don’t forget the car traffic to and from the house all night. They’ll burn out in a couple of days.


Could be someone tarring their roof.

Cyn and Original G. Sometimes I do sometimes work morning, especially week ends, often Sundays. Right now the way staffing is done sales associates are in all different areas. I might be in handbags one day, downstairs in women’s the next or in the mens bldg. Would love to meet anyone from Claycord, most managers will know where I’m scheduled. Any customer that want to compliment a sales associate and write a review can go on Macy’s website comment there. When we get a perfect 10, we get acknowledged by the store manager.


FYI Despite some mistaken info being published elsewhere, Duck Season began on October 21st… not Oct. 23rd…. for those of us who live within earshot that’s what all the shooting is about.
No, it is not Biden’s army of 87,000 armed IRS Agents come to kick folks off the farms
(at least not yet).


Just enough rain to clean the air some, settle the dust and turn roads into hydroplane adventures.
How much tread left on those tires ?
Good day to stay home an maybe start setting up little greenhouse for winter planting.


I should maybe save this for next week but I’m a bit angry now. My great grandson’s school is asking their grade school kids to sell sweets from a booklet. Looking into it was cookies, candies, and other sweets and not one item for less than $20! You are suppose to go to a website to order. Excuse me but even for him, or anyone else’s kid will I pay that much to a website for a school fundraiser!!!


It is expensive and unreasonable but I bet you’ll do it anyway. You seem like you’d make a cool grandma.

Because these expensive sweets can only be bought from one website I see nothing in the offering that says how much of each purchase will go to the school. Website might charge for shipping or an internet fee. I’m also sure the school board accepted this way of having kids sell stuff to people to keep them from going door to door like they used to.

If the school offered a pricey “fair” in their yard, as they used to, I would buy stuff & junk there because I would know they got the money.


generally speaking a very small portion from the private fund venues goes back to the school and such. I agree with “D”…..


Dorothy, the whole idea of a fundraiser is to raise funds. Your great grandson is worth it!


I agree with you. It’s especially difficult for people with 2 or 3 kids in the school. Twenty bucks per child for stuff you don’t even want is too much, but you are obligated to buy something. Sometimes the classes have competitions on who can sell the most – putting more pressure on families. Uh, whatever happened to all that CA Lottery money the schools were supposed to get?


Any word on the Pleasant Hill pilot that tried to crash a jet?

Mark Thompson that use to be a talk show host on KGO until it shot down. He is now on Utube from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. his news person and Mark talked about it for a few minutes. Very disturbing. Would like to find out more.

Skimmers at gas stations.


Maybe 30 seconds

Baseball is the best. ⚾️🇺🇸

Why has there been nothing on claycord today about the horrible traffic conditions that have been present all day.. I believe due to traffic accident on highway 4 This used to be the best place for up to the minute news.

What a sh$t show! Took me an hour to get home. What I witnessed, people driving the wrong way down the road, intersections blocked for 5 light changes with no one moving, fights breaking out, horns honking constantly and I actually saw someone drive up on the side walk to try to pass through! Not one cop is sight! It would’ve been nice to have some police at some of these main intersections directing traffic at least. It was a crazy drive home with what I saw.

It was on Claycord Facebook. Lots of comments. Not sure why it wasn’t on here.



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